The Most Negative Forum

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10+ Year Member
Jun 29, 2010
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I do not understand why there is absolutely no help on this forum. Contrary to most of the complainers out there, there are still people interested in anesthesia.

The majority of the BS on here is the boohooing about CRNAs stealing babies and taking control of the world...and my favorite comments are the ones about how people shouldn't go into anesthesia or be a physician at all. If some of the trolls on here would ever have to get a real job on top of a roof hammering nails everyday, then I think the bitching and complaining would end. It must be terrible to be in the top 1% and getting to do something amazing for a living.

I've already known that most of the people who consistantly post on SDN were a bunch of AOA douchers with board scores that are probably fabricated...but I thought the anesthesia forum would be different.

Hopefully I luck up and match where most of you are not.

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I agree. I used to enjoy visiting here daily. Nowit is just depressing to see some poeple freak out here every day. On one hand, they hate CRNAs take over the field, on the other hand, they encourage everyone to do fellowship and ask medical students not to join the field, which is essentailly giving up the practice to CRNAs.

I think we need more good bright people to join us and become general anesthesiologists. This is the only way to defend our speciality.
I agree. I used to enjoy visiting here daily. Nowit is just depressing to see some poeple freak out here every day. On one hand, they hate CRNAs take over the field, on the other hand, they encourage everyone to do fellowship and ask medical students not to join the field, which is essentailly giving up the practice to CRNAs.

I think we need more good bright people to join us and become general anesthesiologists. This is the only way to defend our speciality.

Some of the worst offenders here have 5000+ posts on SDN. There are worse addictions in this world than the internet, but recognize that many of these people probably don't have much going on besides work and the net.
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My advice is to never take advice from SDN. Majority of the posters love painting this end of the world picture in regards to anesthesiology. What gets me is some of the so called attendings that post here. I can guarantee you that most of them have never worked in a career outside of medicine prior to residency/medical school. Everybody on SDN thinks I'll just go become an i-banker, lawyer, etc.. I know plenty of people who work in law and business. Mind you most of them I consider successful, but if I was to post their salary on this forum they would be considered massive failures unable to save for retirement or afford basic necessities.
And everybody always fails to mention the insane hours that ibanking guys work (they also have an avg career span of around 3 years)

I hardly ever post on this website for most of the reasons posted above.

All I can say is that the grads from my class this past June had great job offers and after talking to my attendings at work and private practitioner friends back at home I'm not worried about starving or paying off my loans.
I've been part of this forum since I graduated med school in 2004. I actually wrote one of the original FAQs for this board. It's gone through phases. There were some golden years just after I joined when there was LOTS of great discussion about cases, techniques, and the business of anesthesia. This gave way to what I can only describe as a mutual-masturbation phase with lots of self-satisfied posters writing, responding to themselves, and then getting patted on the back by other like-minded posters. There were plenty of idiotic threads about guns, 'monsta' trucks (no offense Jet!), and booze (not that I had a problem with it, but it did get to be excessive). Some of the major contributors from that time period disappeared. Finally the forum devolved into this black hole of negativity focused on the mid-level threat. I would say the appearance of EtherMD-cum-"Blade" marked the beginning of the end. I value his contributions, but I think this is a fairly obvious observation. I spend most of my time in the pain forums now, as I practice full-time pain medicine.
I agree. I used to enjoy visiting here daily. Nowit is just depressing to see some poeple freak out here every day. On one hand, they hate CRNAs take over the field, on the other hand, they encourage everyone to do fellowship and ask medical students not to join the field, which is essentailly giving up the practice to CRNAs.

I think we need more good bright people to join us and become general anesthesiologists. This is the only way to defend our speciality.

The forum is useful for information. You are smart enough to look at the information and decide for youself if it is valuable or helpful. Just ignore the threads you don't like and post/start ones you do.

The decision to enter into Anesthesiology or do a Fellowship is a personal one. Do the best you can to get the facts and make an informed, intelligent decision.

The field isn't coming to an end and your services will be needed for the foreseeable future. However, the negatives as well as the positives should be discussed. The field isn't just about 40 hour work weeks, lots of cash and minimal work.
I've been part of this forum since I graduated med school in 2004. I actually wrote one of the original FAQs for this board. It's gone through phases. There were some golden years just after I joined when there was LOTS of great discussion about cases, techniques, and the business of anesthesia. This gave way to what I can only describe as a mutual-masturbation phase with lots of self-satisfied posters writing, responding to themselves, and then getting patted on the back by other like-minded posters. There were plenty of idiotic threads about guns, 'monsta' trucks (no offense Jet!), and booze (not that I had a problem with it, but it did get to be excessive). Some of the major contributors from that time period disappeared. Finally the forum devolved into this black hole of negativity focused on the mid-level threat. I would say the appearance of EtherMD-cum-"Blade" marked the beginning of the end. I value his contributions, but I think this is a fairly obvious observation. I spend most of my time in the pain forums now, as I practice full-time pain medicine.

Sure. THe AANA is slowly ripping the heart out of this field and I am the cause? I can't wait for the CRNA Pain Certified Fellows to show up in your area. That is next on the agenda.
Sure. THe AANA is slowly ripping the heart out of this field and I am the cause? I can't wait for the CRNA Pain Certified Fellows to show up in your area. That is next on the agenda.

Blade, you're being an alarmist. There's no way a murse will EVER be allowed to practice pain management........................until they take their 10 hour weekend pain fellowship certification workshop and pay $99 to the AANA. :rolleyes:
Blade, you're being an alarmist. There's no way a murse will EVER be allowed to practice pain management........................until they take their 10 hour weekend pain fellowship certification workshop and pay $99 to the AANA. :rolleyes:

Yes, You have the right attitude. This is the internet and there are many personalities and opinions. Why get all worked up over a thread you don't agree with? Just ignore and read another one. The only reason to get all upset is because you know the truth is being posted and you don't like what you read.

I have NOT posted many "doom and gloom" threads on the main forum over the past 6 months. I stick to the midlevel forum and private forum. But, the recent "studies" (2 of them) over the past 90 days simply was too much to just ignore. Again, I started just ONE thread but in the future, I will restrict my non clinical posts to the other locations. I recommend you simply don't click on them.
Sure. THe AANA is slowly ripping the heart out of this field and I am the cause? I can't wait for the CRNA Pain Certified Fellows to show up in your area. That is next on the agenda.

No, of course you're not the cause. You're just the messenger, but a loud messenger you are. Unfortunately, I'm very doubtful that your message is being heard in the upper echelons of academic anesthesiology, where potentially it could do the most good. After all, one great way to eliminate the CRNA threat is to train fewer CRNAs (and perhaps substitute AAs).

I'm well aware of the AANA agenda regarding anesthesiology and pain. I can't wait until they try to take over critical care, oh wait, there's no money in THAT field. There won't be any in anesthesia or pain either if they succeed. Where will they go then?
No, of course you're not the cause. You're just the messenger, but a loud messenger you are. Unfortunately, I'm very doubtful that your message is being heard in the upper echelons of academic anesthesiology, where potentially it could do the most good. After all, one great way to eliminate the CRNA threat is to train fewer CRNAs (and perhaps substitute AAs).

I'm well aware of the AANA agenda regarding anesthesiology and pain. I can't wait until they try to take over critical care, oh wait, there's no money in THAT field. There won't be any in anesthesia or pain either if they succeed. Where will they go then?

I disagree. I believe many in Academia are visting SDN. Regardless, if I can reach just ONE Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson who will consider a few of my ideas then I consider my posts well worth it. But, you have reminded me that at this point in my career I need not persist on this topic. Anesthesiology has been very good to me and I hope the next few years of Pain/Gas are good to you.
No, of course you're not the cause. You're just the messenger, but a loud messenger you are. Unfortunately, I'm very doubtful that your message is being heard in the upper echelons of academic anesthesiology, where potentially it could do the most good. After all, one great way to eliminate the CRNA threat is to train fewer CRNAs (and perhaps substitute AAs).

I'm well aware of the AANA agenda regarding anesthesiology and pain. I can't wait until they try to take over critical care, oh wait, there's no money in THAT field. There won't be any in anesthesia or pain either if they succeed. Where will they go then?

I don't know. I think we're seeing a tipping point. Even in academia.

Like I've mentioned before, several academic interviewers were slamming CRNA encroachment into the field. The CHAIRMAN of a very large adacemic program in the midwest mentioned this issue as well, with massive disdain, and indicated his involvement at helping start a new AA program (forgot which state, but it wasn't his...).

So, I think they're getting it. Also, the more med students come in for interviews and and say, "we'll never be in the same room as a CRNA, will we??"...... they're getting it, albeit slowly.
Yes, You have the right attitude. This is the internet and there are many personalities and opinions. Why get all worked up over a thread you don't agree with? Just ignore and read another one. The only reason to get all upset is because you know the truth is being posted and you don't like what you read.

I have NOT posted many "doom and gloom" threads on the main forum over the past 6 months. I stick to the midlevel forum and private forum. But, the recent "studies" (2 of them) over the past 90 days simply was too much to just ignore. Again, I started just ONE thread but in the future, I will restrict my non clinical posts to the other locations. I recommend you simply don't click on them.

Blade, I think I misused my internet sarcasm. I'm in total agreement with you, it won't be long before CRNA's have fellowships in pain etc. Just look what the murses in IA were trying to do with their pain clinic before they were shut down. They are chomping at the bit to have as many "independent practice rights" as possible without paying their dues and completing the necessary training (med school and residency). What's next, cardio and regional workshops? Only time will tell if something isn't done to stop them. CRNA's are a very real and malignant threat to the field.

I think there would be an outrage if the public knew just how unsafe many CRNA's can be. "Hi I'm Nancy, I'm from the anesthesia department and I'll be taking care of you today." I hear this line all the time, and the patient doesn't have a clue that their life is in the hands of a murse with short, abbreviated anesthesia training.
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But, you have reminded me that at this point in my career I need not persist on this topic. Anesthesiology has been very good to me and I hope the next few years of Pain/Gas are good to you.

Please don't stop the fight Blade, those of us just entering the field need seasoned veterans to help us save the profession from the hostile murse takeover. I know many people don't like to hear the so called doom and gloom, but this is a reality and if we don't fight back, this will become a murse dominated field. It only takes a couple years to churn out murse anesthetist vs. eight+ to train an anesthesiologist and residency seats remain stagnant while CRNA mills keep popping up overnight.
Some of the worst offenders here have 5000+ posts on SDN. There are worse addictions in this world than the internet, but recognize that many of these people probably don't have much going on besides work and the net.

Did you read your daily Marx today?
Just keeping an eye on you commie.
What is your relation with anesthesia?
I do not understand why there is absolutely no help on this forum. Contrary to most of the complainers out there, there are still people interested in anesthesia.

The majority of the BS on here is the boohooing about CRNAs stealing babies and taking control of the world...and my favorite comments are the ones about how people shouldn't go into anesthesia or be a physician at all. If some of the trolls on here would ever have to get a real job on top of a roof hammering nails everyday, then I think the bitching and complaining would end. It must be terrible to be in the top 1% and getting to do something amazing for a living.

I've already known that most of the people who consistantly post on SDN were a bunch of AOA douchers with board scores that are probably fabricated...but I thought the anesthesia forum would be different.

Hopefully I luck up and match where most of you are not.

Top 1% of what dude?
Try your math again.
This forum is not negative!
This forum is REALISTIC.
And if some medical student does not like the high dose of reality reflected here then they should go find an optimistic forum that fits their imaginary world.
All the things that Blade had addressed on this forum are pure reality and the future of the specialty is very questionable at this point.
Blade might be eccentric a little but he is right in most his predictions and views.
Anyone who tells you that the transformation of this specialty into a nursing domain is not reality would be either lying to you or just an idiot.
250k household income is right around 99th percentile.
As long as we're being negative, why show the link to your med school ap in your little mini profile on the left. Reeks of douchebaggery to me.
Where did I go to school, grades, mcat score, medical school, residency, fellowship, etc? NOYFB.
BTW our frequent interesting clinical discussions/arguments are why I post here. That and trying to keep people from taking military scholarships through HPSP.
It's not too hard to figure out a posts content from the title.
Did you read your daily Marx today?
Just keeping an eye on you commie.
What is your relation with anesthesia?


He has never read the real Marx, he just uses the comics ;)
To the whiney med studs: this forum likes guns, freedom, and anesthesia. We are the most free speech forum on sdn, and have a great mix of folks. We hate midlevel encroachment and our specialty is the front line of defense. If you don't like our topics, post more of your own, see where it goes.

Powermd: what's with your lame post? Golden age bla bla. Pain medicine needs defending too...and for the record, blade is one of the main reasons fellowship apps are up and I know for a fact that quite a few academic centers know him by screenname and attribute this to him. We are slowly waking up to the threat to us and medicine in bout you join us? Come visit us more often.
To all those 3+ posts members and all turned off by the 'negativity of the forum' - tell us which internet forum is full of energy, optimism and all rosy positive? ( except the teenagers chit-chats)))

There is none nowadays. The atmosphere here and elsewhere is the reflection of the general public confidence in the future - and there is no cheering optimism around.
So do not expect gleeful enthusiasm which might be viewed closer to idiocy among mature professionals if the reality is not so certain anymore.

And with all due respect, I would personally prefer to see tons of discussions about the booze, 'monsta' trucks, guns and bikes - those mirror a much better picture out there than the change we see now.
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pgg, I love your update of location ;)

However, I suspect you do not actually like it that way.
I agree with the original poster that the doom and gloom becomes tiring and whiny at times. Not because it's an invalid concern, but because it's alarmist, repetitive, and not very constructive. Even this thread about how repetitive it is has drifted toward yet another thread about the midlevel threat saying exactly the same thing.

That being said, there actually is a lot of help on the forum. Like many have pointed out, don't read the threads you're not interested in. The titles aren't really misleading. Start interesting threads and the forum will improve accordingly. And sometimes you'll have to wade through some snarky responses before getting help. But it generally comes.

I just wish everyone followed the advice about not reading the threads you don't like, even the WAMC threads. Too many people taking the time to type out a snippy response about what a waste of time someone's question was. Just chill.
To the whiney med studs: this forum likes guns, freedom, and anesthesia. We are the most free speech forum on sdn, and have a great mix of folks. We hate midlevel encroachment and our specialty is the front line of defense. If you don't like our topics, post more of your own, see where it goes.

Powermd: what's with your lame post? Golden age bla bla. Pain medicine needs defending too...and for the record, blade is one of the main reasons fellowship apps are up and I know for a fact that quite a few academic centers know him by screenname and attribute this to him. We are slowly waking up to the threat to us and medicine in bout you join us? Come visit us more often.

1. Newer members might be interested in the fact that this forum, at one point, was among the best and most active on SDN in terms of clinical content and participation from multiple generations of doctors.

2. I agree that perhaps the negativity here mirrors the very justifiable negativity everywhere due to our unsustainable political and economic state.

3. I really didn't intend to criticize Blade. As I stated earlier, he is just a very loud messenger. I agree that it's an important message. I hope what cfdavid said is true, that academic chairs are starting to get the message.

4. Pain medicine DOES need defending. A guy named Christian Gonzalez (recently trained pain doc) is teaching a course in Las Vegas that was being marketed to CRNAs. They would only receive a certificate of "attendance", but no "certification" in the material being taught. Seeing this was complete BS some of the Pain Medicine forum members took matters into their own hands and contacted some of the most influential people in our field, who squashed this guy. CRNAs will now NOT be participating in the course. All of this happened in the past two days!

5. For the record, I miss Jet talking about his 'monsta' truck. He should post some photos to remind us how a guy who can squat 8 plates rolls.
5. For the record, I miss Jet talking about his 'monsta' truck. He should post some photos to remind us how a real man rolls.
How I roll.:thumbup: Lets not forget the positives.:D
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As long as we're being negative, why show the link to your med school ap in your little mini profile on the left. Reeks of douchebaggery to me.
Where did I go to school, grades, mcat score, medical school, residency, fellowship, etc? NOYFB.
BTW our frequent interesting clinical discussions/arguments are why I post here. That and trying to keep people from taking military scholarships through HPSP.
It's not too hard to figure out a posts content from the title.

Just FYI there are many, many CRNAs earning that level of income. Maybe you should head to CRNA school? Anesthesiologists in Canada and the U.S. earn more than that.

:laugh: you guys are a little high strung. I just gave 2win a reference since he obviously thought 99th percentile was much higher than it was. Try not to blow a blood vessel.
I just wish everyone followed the advice about not reading the threads you don't like, even the WAMC threads. Too many people taking the time to type out a snippy response about what a waste of time someone's question was. Just chill.

As someone who occasionally responds to these threads, I feel it is sometimes useful to remind new posters that there is a very good search function that really does work.

If they say, "I've done a search, but can't find the answer..." I generally tolerate pretty much any question under the sun.
1. Newer members might be interested in the fact that this forum, at one point, was among the best and most active on SDN in terms of clinical content and participation from multiple generations of doctors.

2. I agree that perhaps the negativity here mirrors the very justifiable negativity everywhere due to our unsustainable political and economic state.

3. I really didn't intend to criticize Blade. As I stated earlier, he is just a very loud messenger. I agree that it's an important message. I hope what cfdavid said is true, that academic chairs are starting to get the message.

4. Pain medicine DOES need defending. A guy named Christian Gonzalez (recently trained pain doc) is teaching a course in Las Vegas that was being marketed to CRNAs. They would only receive a certificate of "attendance", but no "certification" in the material being taught. Seeing this was complete BS some of the Pain Medicine forum members took matters into their own hands and contacted some of the most influential people in our field, who squashed this guy. CRNAs will now NOT be participating in the course. All of this happened in the past two days!

5. For the record, I miss Jet talking about his 'monsta' truck. He should post some photos to remind us how a guy who can squat 8 plates rolls.

Excellent job in stopping that SOB from profitting by selling out. Any SOB out there who tries to do that should be stripped of his board certification or become ineligible x 10 years.
I would love to post pictures as well but, I am the mosted wanted man on Even with all my pistols, shotguns, rifles, etc. the militants want me buried.


There is still gold under the rainbow.
If you could figure out where that beach photo was taken, you should work for the CIA. I try to keep it vague myself, so I can keep it real!:thumbup:
Wait, oh nooo, that's an immature endangered tide gull only found in ...

Southern California
If some of the trolls on here would ever have to get a real job on top of a roof hammering nails everyday, then I think the bitching and complaining would end. It must be terrible to be in the top 1% and getting to do something amazing for a living.

I've already known that most of the people who consistantly post on SDN were a bunch of AOA douchers with board scores that are probably fabricated...but I thought the anesthesia forum would be different.

Hopefully I luck up and match where most of you are not.

I only wish someone had warned me of the pitfalls of the profession I chose to go into before it was too late. Now I am approaching 40 and applying to med school for fall 2011. Anesthesiology is one of the specialties I am interested in going into; I want to know all the negatives before launching into another mistake. I find it interesting that you view only manual labor as a "real job". Watching the profession you love and have worked so hard to obtain in danger from those whom do not possess the skills and knowledge you have spent the majority of your life and several hundred thousand dollars to obtain is scary business. I doubt many on SDN would not consider what they do as a "real job". Good luck on getting into med school, you may want to tell the admissions board all of your "real job" experiences.
Got sick of optometry? Just stick to that instead of med school. Have a pharmacist in my med school class, don't understand that either.
I need to clarify the title of the thread "Don't Go into Anesthesiology" as there seems to be some misunderstanding:

1. Are you in the top 1/3 of your class?

2. Are you in top 25% of USMLE Board Scores?

3. Do you have outstanding letters of recommendations?

If so, this thread is addressed at you. If not, this thread has nothing to do you with you.

In fact, Anesthesiology is fantastic match compared to Family Practice, Pediatrics and General Internal Medicine. But, not so much compared to Neurosurgery, Orthopedics, Optho, ENT, Derm, Interventional Rads, etc.

That said, do what you love as it will be your career.
I need to clarify the title of the thread "Don't Go into Anesthesiology" as there seems to be some misunderstanding:

1. Are you in the top 1/3 of your class?

2. Are you in top 25% of USMLE Board Scores?

3. Do you have outstanding letters of recommendations?

If so, this thread is addressed at you. If not, this thread has nothing to do you with you.

In fact, Anesthesiology is fantastic match compared to Family Practice, Pediatrics and General Internal Medicine. But, not so much compared to Neurosurgery, Orthopedics, Optho, ENT, Derm, Interventional Rads, etc.

That said, do what you love as it will be your career.

I think the last part is key. I approached it from the standpoint of, "I'm going to be spending a significant portion of the next 30+ years of my life with this decision, I'd rather do something I enjoy rather than staring at eyeballs or prescribing topical steroids for a few extra (hundred thousand, even) bucks."

To quote the classic movie Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, "Just because you're hung like a moose doesn't mean you gotta do porn." Though there are probably worse careers...
I do not understand why there is absolutely no help on this forum. Contrary to most of the complainers out there, there are still people interested in anesthesia.

The majority of the BS on here is the boohooing about CRNAs stealing babies and taking control of the world...and my favorite comments are the ones about how people shouldn't go into anesthesia or be a physician at all. If some of the trolls on here would ever have to get a real job on top of a roof hammering nails everyday, then I think the bitching and complaining would end. It must be terrible to be in the top 1% and getting to do something amazing for a living.

I've already known that most of the people who consistantly post on SDN were a bunch of AOA douchers with board scores that are probably fabricated...but I thought the anesthesia forum would be different.

Hopefully I luck up and match where most of you are not.
I must agree with you.

All I want is a real anesthesiology forum, speaking only of anesthesiology (not salary and academic BS).

my 2 cents.
Not ALL Mercedes Benz cars are crazy expensive. If you buy a used one or a C class Benz then it really is affordable. 20-30,000 for example.

Now, if you roll up in a BMW M5 or new 7 series BMW its another issue!

How I roll.:thumbup: Lets not forget the positives.:D
I must agree with you.

All I want is a real anesthesiology forum, speaking only of anesthesiology (not salary and academic BS).

my 2 cents.

That sounds boring. It's like showing up for work today and saying, "Alright, people, we're only talking about work today. I don't want to hear about anything else!!"

The great part about internet forums is you can totally choose which threads you want to view. If you want to have an anesthesiology forum that only talks about clinical anesthesia, then don't view the other threads. It's really that easy. Of course there is frequent thread hijacking, but it's very easy to just click that little x and close the window. No one is forcing you to read all the other threads.
That sounds boring. It's like showing up for work today and saying, "Alright, people, we're only talking about work today. I don't want to hear about anything else!!"

The great part about internet forums is you can totally choose which threads you want to view. If you want to have an anesthesiology forum that only talks about clinical anesthesia, then don't view the other threads. It's really that easy. Of course there is frequent thread hijacking, but it's very easy to just click that little x and close the window. No one is forcing you to read all the other threads.
Here is written:
Anesthesiology Forum

1. place to express yourself: a medium in which the public may debate an issue or express opinions, e.g. a magazine or newspaper

2. meeting for discussion: a meeting to discuss matters of general interest

3. Internet discussion group: an Internet discussion group for participants with common interests

In this instance our common interests happen to encompass far more than anesthesiology. It's too bad your interest lies in only one field. If you'd prefer, maybe we can rename this the Anesthesiology Salon. Or Forum for Anesthesiologists. Either way, I feel sorry for your future patients. You obviously take things too literally and will be a terrible doctor.

Seriously, though, you might learn something about others and yourself by engaging in discussions that involve more than just anesthesiology. The breadth of topics and opinions on this board has traditionally been a strength. On any given day, view the number of users reading the Anesthesiology Forum versus just about any other forum. Clearly many other people enjoy the topics discussed. Either way, this forum and it's current "personality" has existed for longer than you have. I wouldn't expect any changes. Participate at your own discretion.
The newbies are still whining because they are not spoon-fed the info?

Nothing new under the sun :yawn: