**The Republic of Texas XXX: You have been matched to Chuck Norris-HSC**

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10+ Year Member
Oct 20, 2010
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Post your thoughts, comments, rants and raves for the 2010-2011 Texas match season! Class of 2015, here we come!

Pre-Match in 2 weeks, Match in 3 months!

And the XXX in the title does not mean anything bad. This is a repeat thread and starts over every year. It has been going strong for 30 years (that is totally untrue)


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certainly. good for you that the republic of texas has so many quality offerings. don't mess with texas indeed.
I am so glad I found this! I need a place to do some serious ranting... :) Match is in two weeks! I know you guys have already said that, but I am just too excited!

I also just did something crazy today... I emailed Texas Tech and asked to interview for the MD/MBA program! I already did the MD interview in September, so I have the MBA interview via phone this week! So excited! And, if I have already been admitted to the MD program, and I get admitted to the MBA program by the end of the week... They can technically tell me that I was totally admitted anytime! They started telling in state dual degree applicants they were accepted in October! So this may just be my "best week ever"!!!!!!!! Or it could really suck... Depends on how the phone interview goes... Not too sure about how good a phone interview will be.
I am so glad I found this! I need a place to do some serious ranting... :) Match is in two weeks! I know you guys have already said that, but I am just too excited!

I also just did something crazy today... I emailed Texas Tech and asked to interview for the MD/MBA program! I already did the MD interview in September, so I have the MBA interview via phone this week! So excited! And, if I have already been admitted to the MD program, and I get admitted to the MBA program by the end of the week... They can technically tell me that I was totally admitted anytime! They started telling in state dual degree applicants they were accepted in October! So this may just be my "best week ever"!!!!!!!! Or it could really suck... Depends on how the phone interview goes... Not too sure about how good a phone interview will be.

Awesome noshie! Keep us updated!

EDIT: Also, if you would like to keep this thread going until Nov 15 when it should really get rolling, feel free to rank the schools you have interviewed at...this might start some interesting discussion!
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Good luck everybody :luck:

Man, I remember pre-match day last year. Sucked! Kind of like someone kicked me in the stomach. So, don't despair if you don't pre-match- you may still match to your first choice! Although the wait until February is excruciating...
Good luck everybody :luck:

Man, I remember pre-match day last year. Sucked! Kind of like someone kicked me in the stomach. So, don't despair if you don't pre-match- you may still match to your first choice! Although the wait until February is excruciating...

Thank you for the encouragement! I hope pre-match has something in store for me, but if not I will hold out hope for Feb 1!
Good luck everybody :luck:

Man, I remember pre-match day last year. Sucked! Kind of like someone kicked me in the stomach. So, don't despair if you don't pre-match- you may still match to your first choice! Although the wait until February is excruciating...

hahah...i read this as "licked me in the stomach"

i was all, "that's not so bad."

wow. i should sleep.

gooo TX!
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I try to tell myself that not getting prematched is no big deal... But I have been counting the seconds until November 15th, so I know I am probably setting myself up for a big letdown... And people keep asking me everywhere I go when I will find out, so I always just say that it comes out in mid November... If I don't get prematched, it's going to be months of people bringing it up and asking me more questions... Like rubbing salt in my wounds… Trying to stay positive though! :D

Interview/Match preference:

Tech Lubbock 1
Tech El Paso 2


I think my ranking is pretty self explanatory... Lubbock is #1 because I want to do the dual program, and its only 5 hours away from the DFW area, which is where my family is. El Paso has a great Spanish learning program, and I think the culture of El Paso will allow me to learn and use Spanish on a daily basis. This will only benefit me. TCOM is the tough one... I want to rank it higher, my husband and father would be happy if I did, its only 10 minutes from my house right now... But I know it is going to be filled with drama during my time there, so I don't want to have that added pressure when I should be studying and focusing on my future.
Yeah I've been counting down the days as well...its probably not the best thing for me though. Like waiting all my life to see the Rangers go to the World Series and seeing them choke. I've been thinking that I want to go on a SDN diet and just not think about Nov 15th for a while, but let's be real, that's not gonna happen. :D
Can anyone explain the match system to a clueless midwesterner?
The epic November 15th is sooo cloooooose. I really can't believe it's almost here. Seems like yesterday I was writing the 20984085th draft of my Personal Statement. :laugh:

Best of luck to us all!!!!!!!! :luck::luck::thumbup::luck::luck:
Can anyone explain the match system to a clueless midwesterner?

I wrote this on another thread a few months ago. And I didn't feel like re-explaining it because I am feeling particularly lazy today...

" The match is a way to torture all of us applicants... :laugh: Basically, Texas used to do interviews in the Fall and then everyone had to rate the schools they interviewed at... Like if I had interviewed at Tech Lubbock and A&M, I could rate Tech as my top choice (1) and A&M as my second choice (2). Then on Feb 1st the schools would turn in their rating for me. Let's say that Tech puts me on the waitlist, but A&M accepts me. That means that I would "match" with A&M and would be accepted. It's like we "accept" each other. Haha. It's like this:

My picks
Tech= #1 choice
A&M= #2 choice

Schools picks
Tech= waitlisted
A&M= accepted

So A&M chooses me and Tech doesn't extend an offer at this time. I match with A&M and will go there unless Tech decided to pull me off of the waitlist between February and June...

A few years ago they changed this because a lot of the Texas schools were probably losing students to other good out of state schools by waiting so long to accept people, so they decided to start doing a rolling admissions thing, kind of like how all of the other schools do it. After November 15th they can call anyone they interviewed and tell them that they are accepted. But to make it even more complicated, Texas decided to keep the match... So if you don't get accepted between Nov 15th and Dec 31st, then you end up having to wait until Feb 1st to find out if you matched up with any of the schools you interviewed at... Make sense? Yeah, not really... "
So if you interview at any of the 8 schools in Texas that participate in the match, you are a victim! From Nov 15th-Dec 31 the participating schools can offer what is called a pre-match (essentially an acceptance offer). Then, on Jan 15 you submit (via internet) your ranking of schools that you've interviewed at, and on Feb 1 the match is released. This is when you basically find out what school you will be going to. If you get a pre-match offer from a school and you rank them number 1, then you could technically know where you are going as early as Nov 15 because you are guaranteed to match there. Or if you prefer a school that you did NOT get a pre-match from, you can rank them number 1 and hope that you match with them over the school(s) you pre-matched to.

It's a weird sorority style numbers game. You can read more about it if you follow the link below.

I wrote this on another thread a few months ago. And I didn't feel like re-explaining it because I am feeling particularly lazy today...

" The match is a way to torture all of us applicants... :laugh: Basically, Texas used to do interviews in the Fall and then everyone had to rate the schools they interviewed at... Like if I had interviewed at Tech Lubbock and A&M, I could rate Tech as my top choice (1) and A&M as my second choice (2). Then on Feb 1st the schools would turn in their rating for me. Let’s say that Tech puts me on the waitlist, but A&M accepts me. That means that I would "match" with A&M and would be accepted. It’s like we "accept" each other. Haha. It's like this:

My picks
Tech= #1 choice
A&M= #2 choice

Schools picks
Tech= waitlisted
A&M= accepted

So A&M chooses me and Tech doesn't extend an offer at this time. I match with A&M and will go there unless Tech decided to pull me off of the waitlist between February and June...

A few years ago they changed this because a lot of the Texas schools were probably losing students to other good out of state schools by waiting so long to accept people, so they decided to start doing a rolling admissions thing, kind of like how all of the other schools do it. After November 15th they can call anyone they interviewed and tell them that they are accepted. But to make it even more complicated, Texas decided to keep the match... So if you don't get accepted between Nov 15th and Dec 31st, then you end up having to wait until Feb 1st to find out if you matched up with any of the schools you interviewed at... Make sense? Yeah, not really... "

I'd like to add (and I'll use Noshie's example of schools):

Schools that participate heavily in pre-match usually give out a large # of acceptances on November 15th, and then may go through a couple smaller rounds in Late November/December.

You must submit your own ranking of the schools you interviewed at by January 15th. Say you pre-matched at A&M. You can rank Tech (or any school you interviewed at but didn't pre-match to) higher than A&M, with the security of knowing that you cannot lose that pre-match if you don't match higher. (to reiterate, this is just an example)

If you match at a school, you may attend a school higher on your list if you are accepted off the waitlist, but you are no longer considered at schools that were lower on your list. For example, if noshie was 'accepted' by A&M, she would no longer be considered at her #3 school, so let's hope she doesn't change her mind!

Hope that made sense. FWIW I think the TMDSAS match is similar to the residency match (minus pre-match) so at least TX applicants have some experience with the system.
Ok maybe someone can answer my questions in all of this. Let's say hypothetically a student interviewed at all 8 Texas schools and only got one pre-match. If this is the top choice, obviously it would be ranked first. But if its a middle to lower choice, where should they rank it? And if you match to a school ranked higher than your pre-match, can you decline the match offer and take the pre-match (I guess one would do so if they changed their mind or something)? Or is a pre-match offer withdrawn once a student has matched to a different school?

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
6. F
7. G
8. H

Just some food for thought. I'm at work and am really bored.
According to TMDSAS: Oops, they changed the date this year for submitting your rankings. http://utsystem.edu/tmdsas/medical/acceptance_Match_info.html#MatchProcess

  1. The deadline for applicants to submit their match preference rank list online is January 10, 2011 by11:59 PM (CST).
  2. Applicants must rank all schools where they interviewed. All schools must be ranked regardless of whether or not a pre-match offer was received.
    • Applicants holding a pre-match offer who have interviewed at school(s) that did not extend
      an offer may rank one or more of those schools higher than the pre-match offer school without risk of losing the pre-match offer.
    • An applicant holding a pre-match offer who matches to a higher ranked school will automatically be withdrawn from the pre-match offer school. They will also be withdrawn from all other lower ranked schools. The applicant will remain open to be selected by schools ranked higher than the school matched to.
  3. Following the match, the standard rolling admissions will continue through the beginning of orientation at each medical school.
This sums it up. I should be studying, but I had 6 tests last week and I don't particularly feel like it :)
According to TMDSAS: Oops, they changed the date this year for submitting your rankings. http://utsystem.edu/tmdsas/medical/acceptance_Match_info.html#MatchProcess

  1. The deadline for applicants to submit their match preference rank list online is January 10, 2011 by11:59 PM (CST).
  2. Applicants must rank all schools where they interviewed. All schools must be ranked regardless of whether or not a pre-match offer was received.
    • Applicants holding a pre-match offer who have interviewed at school(s) that did not extend
      an offer may rank one or more of those schools higher than the pre-match offer school without risk of losing the pre-match offer.
    • An applicant holding a pre-match offer who matches to a higher ranked school will automatically be withdrawn from the pre-match offer school. They will also be withdrawn from all other lower ranked schools. The applicant will remain open to be selected by schools ranked higher than the school matched to.
  3. Following the match, the standard rolling admissions will continue through the beginning of orientation at each medical school.
This sums it up. I should be studying, but I had 6 tests last week and I don't particularly feel like it :)

AHA! :idea: This does answer my question. I guess the real lesson here is just to simply rank how you really see the schools. There's no strategy involved and it will all work out (hopefully)! :)
AHA! :idea: This does answer my question. I guess the real lesson here is just to simply rank how you really see the schools. There's no strategy involved and it will all work out (hopefully)! :)

If you match at a school, you may attend a school higher on your list if you are accepted off the waitlist, but you are no longer considered at schools that were lower on your list. For example, if noshie was 'accepted' by A&M, she would no longer be considered at her #3 school, so let's hope she doesn't change her mind!

Thank you for this! I never thought about this part of the process! Hmm... Good thing I only have 3 interviews in Texas, for now my rank has been very easy to come up with. :) Mo' interviews, Mo' problems... Hehe.
Ah, thanks for the explanation! Forgive me for another stupid question: if you match at a TX school and also get in to a non-match school (like OOS), can you attend the non-match school, or is it binding like in a residency match?
Ah, thanks for the explanation! Forgive me for another stupid question: if you match at a TX school and also get in to a non-match school (like OOS), can you attend the non-match school, or is it binding like in a residency match?

Nope, not binding! (As far as I know, anyways.)
Ah, thanks for the explanation! Forgive me for another stupid question: if you match at a TX school and also get in to a non-match school (like OOS), can you attend the non-match school, or is it binding like in a residency match?

The TX match is binding only when it pertains to TX schools that participate. So after the TX match on Feb 1 your only options are the TX school you matched to plus any OOS (or BCM, since they are the only IS that does not participate). :D
Good luck everybody :luck:

Man, I remember pre-match day last year. Sucked! Kind of like someone kicked me in the stomach. So, don't despair if you don't pre-match- you may still match to your first choice! Although the wait until February is excruciating...


I had a mini mental breakdown basically every time I saw someone on SDN get a pre-match in 2008. I never got one and here I am, happy as a clam (what in the heck is the meaning behind that saying??) at Tech following a very exciting February 1, 2009 midnight celebration.

My then-boyfriend (now-husband) was so tired of telling me to stop freaking out I think HE was more excited for Feb. 1 than I was! So, do your S/O, friends, family and classmates a favor and don't freak out if you don't pre-match (easier said than done. I know). :luck: You all deserve it. Hang in there!!

I had a mini mental breakdown basically every time I saw someone on SDN get a pre-match in 2008. I never got one and here I am, happy as a clam (what in the heck is the meaning behind that saying??) at Tech following a very exciting February 1, 2009 midnight celebration.

My then-boyfriend (now-husband) was so tired of telling me to stop freaking out I think HE was more excited for Feb. 1 than I was! So, do your S/O, friends, family and classmates a favor and don't freak out if you don't pre-match (easier said than done. I know). :luck: You all deserve it. Hang in there!!

Yeah at this point I'm thinking my S/O will be happy for that day to come as well! On the other hand, she is applying for grad school and I know how it feels to be the S/O. This next half year will just be a good one to have finished when it's over!
Anyone else having trouble ranking the two Tech schools?

El Paso or Lubbock first, any ideas?
12 days, 1 hour, and 45 minutes until pre-match..

Just throwing that out there..

Come on people! Lets keep Chuck Norris alive! :)
Yeah I've been counting down the days as well...its probably not the best thing for me though. Like waiting all my life to see the Rangers go to the World Series and seeing them choke. I've been thinking that I want to go on a SDN diet and just not think about Nov 15th for a while, but let's be real, that's not gonna happen. :D

lol and they choked hard. Wasn't even a good series. Giants just stomped on them. Texas got messed up lol.
First off, why must the pain of the world series come to haunt me even on SDN?!

More importantly, does anyone know how heavily the different schools participate in pre-match. I remember that at UT Houston they told us they "didn't participate heavily," whatever that means... Also, do most schools actually send them out on the 15th, or do they wait longer?

My post interview rankings are:
UT Southwestern (Incredible clinical program here)
UT Houston (Texas MC is awesome)
TTech Lubbock
TTech EP
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First off, why must the pain of the world series come to haunt me even on SDN?!

More importantly, does anyone know how heavily the different schools participate in pre-match. I remember that at UT Houston they told us they "didn't participate heavily," whatever that means... Also, do most schools actually send them out on the 15th, or do they wait longer?

My post interview rankings are:
UT Southwestern (Incredible clinical program here)
UT Houston (Texas MC is awesome)
TTech Lubbock
TTech SA

Most schools will send their first set of acceptances on Nov 15 if they follow trends of the past several years. For most schools this is also the biggest batch of acceptances for pre-match.

(on another note, I did not realize Tech had a med school in SA ;) )
More importantly, does anyone know how heavily the different schools participate in pre-match. I remember that at UT Houston they told us they "didn't participate heavily," whatever that means... Also, do most schools actually send them out on the 15th, or do they wait longer?

From what I have seen in the past, they do it right around the 15th and then have about two more bursts of acceptances between Nov 15th and Dec 31st. Then it's off to the match... The participation of each school is kind of hard to say. It all depends on how badly the want their applicants really. If they have a lot of good applicants, I would think they will do a lot of prematches... If not then they may do less prematches and wait for the match in February... Who knows...
I think they should change the match system to automatically accept anyone who posts on the Chuck Norris thread to their first choice! :laugh:
But here's my list as of right now (I have gone to the website and changed it like 3 times already!)

1. UT-Houston
2. UT-SA
4. TT-Lubbock
5. TT-El Paso
Thanks noshie! And aggie08, touche. After that painful drive to El Paso you would think I would remember it isn't San Antonio...
I feel like an idiot...but I can't figure out how to put in my match preferences. Is it possible that the schools haven't updated the website??

When I log into my TMDSAS account I see no link for "enter match preference" as of yet...
I feel like an idiot...but I can't figure out how to put in my match preferences. Is it possible that the schools haven't updated the website??

When I log into my TMDSAS account I see no link for "enter match preference" as of yet...

It hasn't been updated then. When it's updated you'll see a bright red box for entering the preferences right when you login.
longhorn, whats our countdown at? lol

I expect this thread to be kept alive until Nov 15 by your countdowns!
Is it November 15th yet?!?!?!

No kidding! I checked my work schedule this morning to see where I would be on the morning of the 15th...I'll be in a freaking meeting! God bless, the 15th is gonna be a long day!
No kidding! I checked my work schedule this morning to see where I would be on the morning of the 15th...I'll be in a freaking meeting! God bless, the 15th is gonna be a long day!

Are they going to send them out right at 8am?? That will be amazing! I will be at work at 6am that day... I have meetings until 7am usually, so 8am will be soon after. I can't wait! Eeeekkk!
Are they going to send them out right at 8am?? That will be amazing! I will be at work at 6am that day... I have meetings until 7am usually, so 8am will be soon after. I can't wait! Eeeekkk!

I'm not sure if it's right at 8, but I'm gonna try to just breathe and not hold my breath!
Are they going to send them out right at 8am?? That will be amazing! I will be at work at 6am that day... I have meetings until 7am usually, so 8am will be soon after. I can't wait! Eeeekkk!

It's different for all the schools each year. I think it's really random.

However, the past 2 or 3 years people have been able to see their TCOM status change to accepted before acceptances actually went out. So you TCOM-hopefuls out there might wanna check over the weekend. ;) (who knows if it's "accidentally happen" again this year or not, but worth checking)
That s what the mcat did to me. Scores came out a couple days e!arly so I wasn't prepared lol
That s what the mcat did to me. Scores came out a couple days e!arly so I wasn't prepared lol

OMG mine too!!! I was bored in class and was like "i will just check to see if my MCAT scores happen to be up" totally not expecting them to be since it was at least 2 days early. then THERE THEY WERE!!! i think i gasped SO loud I covered my mouth and everybody stared at me. I could barely make it through the last 10 minutes of class. it was so weird.