TouroCOM Waitlist

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Feb 17, 2010
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I just got on the "medium" waitlist for Touro-NY. Anyone else in my position? Does anyone know of the relative chances of getting off such a list? How do they rank high/medium/low waitlisters?

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Do you mind sharing your app stats gpa/ sci gpa, mcat, EC? How interview went? These can be deciding factors.
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Do you mind sharing your app stats gpa/ sci gpa, mcat, EC? How interview went? These can be deciding factors.


Undergraduate GPA: 3.4
Undergraduate Sci. GPA: 3.0
Graduate GPA (all sciences): 3.8

MCAT: 25

50+ hours of shadowing experience
100+ hours of hospital volunteering

I know my recommendations are amazing, but guess that's not enough. The interviews went ok. I wasn't 100% happy with my performance but I was confident that it went well when I left.

I'm just trying to gauge what my next step will be. The waitlist letter says that I'm eligible for early admission next year. I'm confident I would get in but I'd of course rather save a year. So, if anyone has any insight it would greatly help me in planning what to do next.

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I think something that MAY give you a step up to the high waitlist, or at least the higher part of the medium waitlist is to write a letter of intent.
Hmmm interesting.... I never heard that the medium wait list will be offered admissions.... Only heard about the high waitlist getting spots for next yr. That def new to know. Maybe you are waitlisted due to the fact that your sci GPA just made the cut off? Should def called them and ask how you can improve your apps.
Hey I just saw this thread & thought it was exactly what i was about to post. I got wait listed today as well however, i was placed on high.. any idea when we find out about getting a spot in the class?

I felt like my interview went pretty well. I have a 3.7 sci Gpa and 3.74 normal. I doubly majored (biology/psyc), double minored (Chem/holistic health) & got a 25 on my mcats as well..

-Sigh- this was a downer.. I hope we get in soon :(

Good Luck!
Hey I just saw this thread & thought it was exactly what i was about to post. I got wait listed today as well however, i was placed on high.. any idea when we find out about getting a spot in the class?

I felt like my interview went pretty well. I have a 3.7 sci Gpa and 3.74 normal. I doubly majored (biology/psyc), double minored (Chem/holistic health) & got a 25 on my mcats as well..

-Sigh- this was a downer.. I hope we get in soon :(

Good Luck!

In the same position got waitlisted last week, have the same stats too. Obed said after they get done interviewing, they will then look at the waitlist. I asked him about this specifically, so nothing until may:(

Kinda of sucks cause I had a pretty good interview felt really good about chances of getting in.
hello fellow waiters. I was "high" waitlisted in early November and sent a letter of intent that same day.

To the best of my recollection Obed said that he would send an email late April early May to determine who was still interested. One they get that in they rank everyone on the high wait list. When and only when the entire high wait list is admitted or has decided to go somewhere else or go to law school etc. will they then rank the medium wait list.

From what I gathered there was not a lot if any movement from medium to high or vice versa in the mean time. I suppose if you retook the MCAT and got like a 40 or cured cancer in the next few weeks, some adjustments could be made. Obed did say that if you wanted to send in new CVs or supporting materials that it may effect your ranking within your wait list.

I love having friends in the same boat.... best of fortune to all of you :luck:
Hey I just saw this thread & thought it was exactly what i was about to post. I got wait listed today as well however, i was placed on high.. any idea when we find out about getting a spot in the class?

I felt like my interview went pretty well. I have a 3.7 sci Gpa and 3.74 normal. I doubly majored (biology/psyc), double minored (Chem/holistic health) & got a 25 on my mcats as well..

-Sigh- this was a downer.. I hope we get in soon :(

Good Luck!

I don't get it, why did you guys get waitlisted, your GPA's are amazing and MCAT is not that bad...Did you apply really late or something?

because I know that there have been people admitted with much worse GPA's
Dr. Lenihan (the pre-clinical dean who sort of has his hands, to some extent, in most of the administrative cookie jars, so to speak) said that he is looking to raise the MCAT scores, especially the Organic+Inorganic. This was either late last semester or early this semester while shooting the breeze with the first years. He doesnt have a direct influence over the admissions process, but he is influential and interested in this stuff so his opinions matter. He seemed to imply that MCAT standards would go up stiffly and that people with low MCATS would, effectively, have their verbal score ignored. His argument here was that even though verbal scores show intelligence, you dont want people with near-the-cutoff scores and have a high verbal mask a deep deficit on one of the science-based thirds.

Now again, this is all if he had his way. He isn't obed, his job is to handle the pre-clinical stuff, so how much this applies im unsure. But he seemed to have implied that they want mcats up. I know that the GPAs in my class vary widely and we have a lot of people with stellar undergrad GPAs and some with low GPAs, but very few people with low MCATs. obviously i haven't polled anywhere near everyone in the class, im just speaking from my experiences. It looks like MCAT scores are a more serious determinant every year and may be the issue holding back your, otherwise, amazing application stats.

still... good luck!!!! Dont give up hope, people have been giving pretty good advice on this so far. I personally dont know much about waitlist systematics.
Not to add tothe general level o confusion and stress that we are all feeling right about now, but does anyone have any recollection of Obed saying around how my people were placed High and how many were placed medium. Hopefully it won't matter too much, but I'd much rather it be 15 than 115.
Based on last year thread there about 100 people on the waitlist. I assume it will be the same this year since they interview until mid may.

Does anyone know how many people are currently on the high waitlist?

Not to add tothe general level o confusion and stress that we are all feeling right about now, but does anyone have any recollection of Obed saying around how my people were placed High and how many were placed medium. Hopefully it won't matter too much, but I'd much rather it be 15 than 115.
Based on last year thread there about 100 people on the waitlist. I assume it will be the same this year since they interview until mid may.

Does anyone know how many people are currently on the high waitlist?

Only Obed would know that.

I don't know how they can justify putting someone on waitlist in november, but I guess they can do whatever they want its their med school.

But DocEspana may be correct just a matter of MCAT score. But I think if we had the MCAT scores we would be all applying to MD not DO schools.
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I know the waitlist isn't organized such that theres a certain number of people filled in the High waitlist before they start filling the medium. They'll place you in the either waitlist based on what they feel your strength as is candidate is. I believe they only rank the waitlists after the interview season is done, so you'll get that number later.

To continue what DocEspana was saying, its not that Lenihan wants to raise MCAT scores per se. He said that because higher verbal scores actually corresponded to lower board scores. Bio and physical sciences scores did not correlate to higher or lower scores significantly, so those score might be weighted higher.

And to answer the OP, last year i don't believe there were any acceptances off the medium waitlist. I don't have the exact numbers, but I think only about 20-30 people were offered acceptances off the high waitlist last year.
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Only Obed would know that.

I don't know how they can justify putting someone on waitlist in november, but I guess they can do whatever they want its their med school.

But DocEspana may be correct just a matter of MCAT score. But I think if we had the MCAT scores we would be all applying to MD not DO schools.

haha except me. I had the MCAT score with plenty to spare and share with others but not the GPA. I cant to physics to save my life and apparently that kills both your regular GPA and your sciGPA when you bomb phys I and II :laugh:. Its okay, i'm now part of a long tradition of DOs in my family. Breaking that trend never meant that much to me anyway.
I know the waitlist isn't organized such that theres a certain number of people filled in the High waitlist before they start filling the medium. They'll place you in the either waitlist based on what they feel your strength as is candidate is. I believe they only rank the waitlists after the interview season is done, so you'll get that number later.

To continue what DocEspana was saying, its not that Lenihan wants to raise MCAT scores per se. He said that because higher verbal scores actually corresponded to lower board scores. Bio and physical sciences scores did not correlate to higher or lower scores significantly, so those score might be weighted higher.

And to answer the OP, last year i don't believe there were any acceptances off the medium waitlist. I don't have the exact numbers, but I think only about 20-30 people were offered acceptances off the high waitlist last year.

Thanks for the input.

Now that I think of it Obed something like this about the MCAT when I interviewed. He said something close to, "we care about physical and biological, verbal is not biggest priority"

I was always under the impressions verbal was more important for boards, in terms of reading comprehension. The science you just memorize for the most part.
Thanks for the input.

Now that I think of it Obed something like this about the MCAT when I interviewed. He said something close to, "we care about physical and biological, verbal is not biggest priority"

I was always under the impressions verbal was more important for boards, in terms of reading comprehension. The science you just memorize for the most part.

i've heard things (stated in another post, so i wont repeat) from Dr Lenihan about his personal research into this. It vaguely mirrors what I've seen, which says that the MCATs are a strong indicator only if they are high. Which seems like common sense until you look at more marginal scores and see a success rate that looks like a random scatter plot between complete success and abject failure that doesnt show any real pattern in the 20's range of mcat scores.

The science part may be memorization and the verbal is comprehension... but memorization, not comprehension, is what gets you through anatomy. And that strong background in basic science does help with physio and biochemistry which get real hard real fast.

Now i dont know why the verbal part would be counter-intuitive to success unless it was the highest value and covering for a lack in another area. but thats for admin to worry about. I dont know what they are thinking, i simply know that they are making people sweat it out on this board. And making people sweat it out gets a :thumbdown:.
Im just confused as to what I should do now & hope someone can give me some advice. Im a NJ resident and applied to 7 DO schools, interviewed at 4 and was accepted to WVSOM and waitlisted at Touro, LECOM, and UMDNJ.. now i loved WVSOM but the tuition is realllllyyy high and the estimated cost is like 80,000 a year for OOS, also I would almost NEVER be able to see my family; things I never thought about when i was applying:( . I am still waiting to hear from the 3 other schools (pcom, nycom,nsucom)

So basically my $2000 deposit is due next friday.. I dont know if I should
a) pay it & wait for the other schools
b) decline wvsom & wait for other schools to accept me:xf:
c)Take my MCATS again.. attempt to do better and reapply for next year to closer schools only

Now I am very greatful for an acceptance, but after visiting the school (which was amazing by the way) I dont know if its for me..

Thanks for everyone's anticipated Help :) :luck:
i've heard things (stated in another post, so i wont repeat) from Dr Lenihan about his personal research into this. It vaguely mirrors what I've seen, which says that the MCATs are a strong indicator only if they are high. Which seems like common sense until you look at more marginal scores and see a success rate that looks like a random scatter plot between complete success and abject failure that doesnt show any real pattern in the 20's range of mcat scores.

The science part may be memorization and the verbal is comprehension... but memorization, not comprehension, is what gets you through anatomy. And that strong background in basic science does help with physio and biochemistry which get real hard real fast.

Now i dont know why the verbal part would be counter-intuitive to success unless it was the highest value and covering for a lack in another area. but thats for admin to worry about. I dont know what they are thinking, i simply know that they are making people sweat it out on this board. And making people sweat it out gets a :thumbdown:.

Very well said. Waiting Since November has been a real pain, and looks to only get worse. I wish I could just write them a letter and promise to do well.... and they would magically just let me in. However, since I don't see that happening I guess I will have to WAIT even longer.

Now, here is something that we haven't stirred up yet... If classes start two to three weeks earlier this year (somewhere around July 19th for first years, even though that is a Jewish Holiday???? ) Wouldnt it seem like they would be really antsy to have their class singed sealed and delivered a whole lot sooner? Maybe? Hopefully? yes??? :eek:
Very well said. Waiting Since November has been a real pain, and looks to only get worse. I wish I could just write them a letter and promise to do well.... and they would magically just let me in. However, since I don't see that happening I guess I will have to WAIT even longer.

Now, here is something that we haven't stirred up yet... If classes start two to three weeks earlier this year (somewhere around July 19th for first years, even though that is a Jewish Holiday???? ) Wouldnt it seem like they would be really antsy to have their class singed sealed and delivered a whole lot sooner? Maybe? Hopefully? yes??? :eek:

haha its two weeks earlier than last year and prob 3 weeks earlier than most schools. aaaaand yes, i would assume they want to lcok down the class early. But the opposite end of the spectrum is that the class isnt finalized until literally a day or two before that very first day of school. My other friend was packed for SGU when he got the call that he was moved into the accepted pool. (and he is now doing amazingly at the school. Really good call by the admin). With that said, i think they have to start taking people off the wait lists and onto any open spots immediately upon may starting up. Just because they have very little time to lock everyone down and collect that tuition money and get financial aid coming.
wow, Im getting even more nervous. Interviewed on 03/17 and my stats were very similar to you guys....
Just got an email from Obed-

I was placed on the "high" waitlist.

Does anyone have an approximate idea of how much this section of the list tends to move? I really like the school and would attend if possible.
Just got an email from Obed-

I was placed on the "high" waitlist.

Does anyone have an approximate idea of how much this section of the list tends to move? I really like the school and would attend if possible.

Again, that would be something for Obed, I have heard as many as "most" and as few as 10-15 people. It probably all depends. The guy who gave me my tour was actually on the medium wait list so there does seem to be hope!! :luck:
If you read last year's thread not everyone from the high waitlist made it off. Looks like this year will be the same.
Im just confused as to what I should do now & hope someone can give me some advice. Im a NJ resident and applied to 7 DO schools, interviewed at 4 and was accepted to WVSOM and waitlisted at Touro, LECOM, and UMDNJ.. now i loved WVSOM but the tuition is realllllyyy high and the estimated cost is like 80,000 a year for OOS, also I would almost NEVER be able to see my family; things I never thought about when i was applying:( . I am still waiting to hear from the 3 other schools (pcom, nycom,nsucom)

So basically my $2000 deposit is due next friday.. I dont know if I should
a) pay it & wait for the other schools
b) decline wvsom & wait for other schools to accept me:xf:
c)Take my MCATS again.. attempt to do better and reapply for next year to closer schools only

Now I am very greatful for an acceptance, but after visiting the school (which was amazing by the way) I dont know if its for me..

Thanks for everyone's anticipated Help :) :luck:

choice A!!! You don't know if you'll get accepted anywhere else. And the $2000 is partially refundable if u go anywhere else an even if it's not, it's nothing compared to the thousands ull be paying on med school anyway.

Take the risk of losing $2000 but not the risk of losing ur shot to get into med school this year
I have not filled out a supplementary application because I was hoping to get into an allopathic school. But since that is not turning out too well and I do not want to wait another year, I decided to apply to DO. But after hearing that people with decent stats are
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I have not filled out a supplementary application because I was hoping to get into an allopathic school. But since that is not turning out too well and I do not want to wait another year, I decided to apply to DO. But after hearing that people with decent stats are getting wait listed, I do know if I want to pay the $200 fee just to get on a wait list. What do you think I should do here?

BTW, my cGPA is 3.5 and BCPM GPA is 3.4 and 31P MCAT score.

I'd assume most D.O schools are wrapping up interviews in the next couple weeks (at most), so filling out the secondary at this point would probably just be a waste of your money. I'd wait.

Good luck!
Although, the email from Obed did say that I will get an interview when my application is complete. But i don't know if I will just be interviewing for a spot on the wait list or the class.
Although, the email from Obed did say that I will get an interview when my application is complete. But i don't know if I will just be interviewing for a spot on the wait list or the class.

Only one way to find out, submit the secondary and go interview. Good luck!
Although, the email from Obed did say that I will get an interview when my application is complete. But i don't know if I will just be interviewing for a spot on the wait list or the class.

I would definitely email or call Obed before you submit. You are guaranteed an interview when you receive a secondary, but I would imagine that they have a cutoff date for interviews, and it is in the near future. He's really nice and straight forward so i'm sure he'll be able to help!
Thanks for the input everyone!

I am going fill out an application anyway just to give it a shot. Lets see what happens!

Good luck to all!
Thanks for the input everyone!

I am going fill out an application anyway just to give it a shot. Lets see what happens!

Good luck to all!
:luck::luck::luck: Hope ya hear back soon!
Hi All,

I have paid my deposit at TUCOM-CA but I just got my acceptance to CCOM (my first choice since my wife has to stay in the Chicagoland area for the next year and me going anywhere other that CCOM would make us live apart). I am going to withdraw my acceptance as soon as I get the official letter from CCOM. I hope this means that there will be some movement for the waitlist. Good luck to all of those still waiting!
Anyone hear any news on when the last interviews may be? Im starting to get a little antsy!
I want to know that too...anybody waiting for the coming interview at TUCOM ny???
I want to know that too...anybody waiting for the coming interview at TUCOM ny???

hey guys,

i just had an interview with the school this month. they are also saying that about 75% of the class is filled. according to the email that issa sow sent me they are still having interviews on April 14th, 19th, 21st, 28th, 2010.

so after the 28th you should be looking to get off the waitlist!!
Hey guys I've been placed on the high wait list recently and I was wondering who I should send my letter of intent to? Is it the dean?
Also I was wondering if there is anything else I could do to better my chances of getting off the wait list. I really want to go to Touro!
Thanks everyone
Hey guys I've been placed on the high wait list recently and I was wondering who I should send my letter of intent to? Is it the dean?
Also I was wondering if there is anything else I could do to better my chances of getting off the wait list. I really want to go to Touro!
Thanks everyone

Obed said that if you wanted to send in an updated CV or I suppose new test scores, grades, etc then they would take that into consideration when they do the ranking of the High wait list. I really hope we can be classmates starting in July!
hey guys,

i just had an interview with the school this month. they are also saying that about 75% of the class is filled. according to the email that issa sow sent me they are still having interviews on April 14th, 19th, 21st, 28th, 2010.

so after the 28th you should be looking to get off the waitlist!!

oh thats good to know thank you for the information!
so a few more weeks waiting to go....
I have a 25 on the MCAT, and I am on the high waitlist at Tourocom NY. What are my chances of getting accepted?
I am scared to see so many people with mcat 30+ on the high waitlist at touro harlem and I dont think I will have a chance. Does anyone know if someone got accepted with 25 mcat?
No one know that info other than Obed. Will have more of an idea when Obed emails people with their rank on the list in May.

when in may will we find out ? when is the last interview date?
I am scared to see so many people with mcat 30+ on the high waitlist at touro harlem and I dont think I will have a chance. Does anyone know if someone got accepted with 25 mcat?

People have been accepted this cycle with lower than 30 MCATs. Let's try to have faith that like any good DO school they take a much more holistic approach to admissions than ranking us all by score! This is really stressful for all involved, but the results have been very good in the past.
It could just be faulty memory on my part, but I thought Obed said something to the extent that they always get through the entire high waitlist. If their incoming class is 120-150 and only 75% is full, that means they have 24-37 spots open [this is probably a much smaller #].

Of course I haven't the slightest idea how big the high waitlist is but any thoughts on it?

<<< Also high waitlisted 3 hrs ago.
It could just be faulty memory on my part, but I thought Obed said something to the extent that they always get through the entire high waitlist. If their incoming class is 120-150 and only 75% is full, that means they have 24-37 spots open [this is probably a much smaller #].

Of course I haven't the slightest idea how big the high waitlist is but any thoughts on it?

<<< Also high waitlisted 3 hrs ago.

He told us the same thing, but supposedly not all got in last year. People drop all the time so the 75% thing is probably only an estimate. Reading the thread from last year, the class "filled" in early June, but they admitted people until the day before school started.
It could just be faulty memory on my part, but I thought Obed said something to the extent that they always get through the entire high waitlist. If their incoming class is 120-150 and only 75% is full, that means they have 24-37 spots open [this is probably a much smaller #].

Of course I haven't the slightest idea how big the high waitlist is but any thoughts on it?

<<< Also high waitlisted 3 hrs ago.

So you heard Obed saying that all the people from the high waitlist get in or offered a spot??? Was this for last year's class? Next week is May will we hear about waitlist movement next week?