Uop Results

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as far as i know the UCSF has increased their fee to around $50,200 per year from $48,000 for the first year and the same $50,200 in second year from $46,000 as per the recent statistics.

So get ready to pay more.

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I disagree with your analysis, if the tuition increases more than what they told us, it is fishy.

The reason is that IDP program is really " private schooling " inside the UCSF. The state doesn't fund this program for " foreigners" , and this fact results in ridiculously higher tuition for IDP than that for their regular program, nevertheless, IDP and DDS are treated the same.

So while IDP at UCSF wouldn't get a penny from the state, why would this program have to take the loss if California can't raise money and has to make another major cut into education? It just doesn't make common sense
the tution fee for 2004 and 2005 is $ 50,800, a lot higher than the regular DDS. it really concerns me that even when we pay higher than the regular DDS, we recieve no extra facilities.

the tution fee for the ids at uop i think is 55,000 per year. the other thing that concerns me is that they do not have enough dental chairs in the Buchannan clinic to accomodate 24 idp students. i was told by a 2nd year IDP that they have 16 dental chairs and they rotate and attend clinic 31/2 days a week and the rest of the week they do "independent studies" where the student is allowed to do anything like research or can jus take the day off. i dont know if this fact really matters in the long run, but if i am paying that kind of money, is it wrong to expect better labs and clinics and to work on patients all 5 days of the week?

again this info is not meant to offend anyone. im trying to decide between uop and ucsf and im soooo confused.
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No clinics for all weekdays?
The whole aim should always be-as I understand-to retrain oneself as regards clinicals here.

And dimple u mentioned 24-are there 24 seats at uop or 16?
There is lock the amount of fees can be increased by any school year over year (this is some kind of law). So it is not quite true that UCSF can increase fees whatever the level it can. I think this is at 5% per anum. This is kind of implicit if you look into any one's fees web page.

As organic mentioned IDP is not sponsered by the state, thats why they say very clearly it is very rare to get any aid.

When you compare the fees each website given different structure like one clearly says howmuch is for books/apperatus living expenses etc... While the other only mentions tution fees..

And another thing I would like to mention is that each college has to provide so many number hours on the chair side, so it might not be correct to say that UCSF program has enough number seats.

If it is so easy to enhance UOP might have increased the number of seats by this time...

Also talk to people who had taken any research, not with doctors who are practicing.
Thanks! rajkang

thanks for with very detailed information. I do accept there is some concern

But it sounds more of a panic. California whole deficit is around $30B. UC system is only very small part of it. Its a whole state budget. And they have a bill to raise $15B from bonds. UC system very broad, and the programs which could be affected is more of a community kind of programs.

Probably it should be a good idea to call UCSF and one can ask them very straight. What could one expect for the next two years. They always would give you a better idea howmuch it would be for this year and next year with a 5% margin.

I think it would be too wide to worry about the whole UC system.

Probably Henna! can shed some light here.

She should have come to know by this time what is her second year fees goes up, if so what percentage.
Dimple, I just found this in the pre dental forum. It may help you, I don't know how true this might be.

Originally posted by ewsmith1
As a 4th year student ready to graduate now, I will give you some advice.

If you can help it....

Do not go to a school where you have to do a bunch of lab work for your patients; this will slow you down tremendously.

Do not go to a school that makes you pay for the treatment to get the credit toward graduation.

You need to ask students at the schools some basic questions...
Do their dentures come back polished?
Do they have to do coping try-ins?
Do they have to make their own wax patterns?
Do they have to pour and trim their own dies?

You see, the schools have the students do the lab work as it lowers their overall lab costs. You will be paying thousands to go to school and working for them for free.....

Go to a school where the labs do the lab work and the student learns to treat patients. Of course unless you plan on working until 4 am every morning doing your own lab work in private practice.....and you might say, sure why not? I will save money that way correct? No, you will lose money and not be able to maintain a practice that can stay in business and treat patients.

Trust me....find a school that tries to mimick for their students how life in private practice will actually be...

http://forums.studentdoctor.net/sho...e=20&highlight=cuts in state aid&pagenumber=1

As a practicing dentist, I can tell you something, all these procedures might slow you down and certanly you won't do them again in private practice, but practicing is what makes the master!!! If you're interested in a future in phrosto you want to practice this as much as possible.
I haven't read all the posts in here, but I just wanted to say..........Go to the school you want to be in, don't let the numbers dictate it.
As for the chairs, there are more than 16 chairs and they are also going to stop the AEGD program which will make more chairs available for the future ID batches.
Originally posted by rajkang

and Mr. organic I wish what u r saying is true but UC and CSU system is facing state fund cuts of billions and they have to bring that money from some where or they'll have to lay off Professors. Sadly they have already reduced pay of the students working on campus( most of them are international students).
I do hope they don't increase tuition fees for UCSF and UCLA but I am giving u this information so u can factor this into ur decision of selecting dental school.

IF it WERE not true, I would definitely do everything I can to figure out why IDP has to take the loss. I will call the legislators , who work on the budgets for UC regents and ask them to explain to me how the budget is distributed

but thank you very much for your alert. I guess unreasonabe things like this do happen!:mad:
hey meggs
thanks for digging up that old thread. i have made up my mind im going to uop. i called Barbara Richardson today and told her about my decision.

see you at uop, classmate.

thanks so much everyone for your supportive posts. i hope i have made the right decision. anyways theres no turning back now.:D
Originally posted by Dimple
hey meggs
thanks for digging up that old thread. i have made up my mind im going to uop.......
......i hope i have made the right decision....

You're welcome Dimple. I digged that old thread, because I remember when I read it the fist time, I was very surprised, I just didn't think things like that happend in US public school.

Still, UCSF is VERY reputable school, and I think they wouldn't let their reputation go down the drain. Obviously they're trying to avoid that, by taking measures as Henna pointed out.

And IDP students give them more money than AEGD students do, so it does makes sense that they try to accomodate them. So I don't think the people going to UCSF should worry much about that.
hi everybody,
do you know anybody who has received rejection letter from UOP after the interview process?
Because i never heard anyone receiving a rejection letter from them so far. does it mean that they want everybody to be in the waitlisting pool except those who got accepted. i mean currently, 16 students got the acceptance letter and other 64 are in the waiting list and by march 40 more students are joining this list.

can anybody tell me whether this is correct or not?

if this is right, then i don't know know where my position will be in the waiting list with 85 in part 1.
:confused: :confused: :confused:
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I've heard that uop has told candidates interviewing in march that they have selected the entire class for 2004, but if they want to interview they can but they will be put on the alternate list.

i dont think the national board scores count a whole lot. i talked to a few present ids students at uop, a few had scores ranging between 85-91. they also tell us at the orientation that they look in the toefl, work experience, post graduation work and the practical test scores. so its not completely based on the NBDE scores.
I highly doubt there are going to be 40 people added in the waitlist this March.Since the info was shared in advance that the seats are full,some have dropped the idea of attending in March,as I understand from Ms King-But the final acknowledgements are yet
to be listed.

Just like anyother school UOP refuses to divulge any details as far as the statistics are concerned-also in the poll-not one so far has voted that they prefer another school to UOP-obviously it is a long shot-both for those in the waiting list and for those who would probably be added this March.

And like Dimple says-NBDE isnt THE deciding factor-but yes it does have a bearing-from what we understood from earlier posts
every part of the interview,testing and the academic stats will have a role to shape up the final decision.

Truly,Its a long shot.

Originally posted by Dimple
yeah meggs
i started doing that today, the total difference between the two school is about $17,000. i think thats a lot of money.

hi all
im sorry, i did the numbers agian and came up with the accurate figure, there is a difference of $13,000 not $17,000 like i mentioned earlier.

sorry again
Originally posted by organic
Hi Megg

I have to kindly disagree with you and the quoted posting.

Did you actually read my post? Do you have any idea of what the phrase "practice is what makes the master" means? Well, in case you don't, it means all those things you stated in your 3 paragraph post.

Kindly let us know your choice is it still UCSF or UOP. I remember you got in both of them. Did you pay $1000 at UOP.

Originally posted by meggs
Did you actually read my post? Do you have any idea of what the phrase "practice is what makes the master" means? Well, in case you don't, it means all those things you stated in your 3 paragraph post.

Yes I read your posting,
but my misinterpretation of your words gave me the impression that your " practice makes perfect " meant the reverse.

My apology
Originally posted by charaka

Kindly let us know your choice is it still UCSF or UOP. I remember you got in both of them. Did you pay $1000 at UOP.


can I pm you? thank you
sure! my PM was disabled till now but I just enabled.

thanks for your time

Take a look at the link, it's from 2000, so it's quite old. but it mentions some interesting facts.

"..... When the self-supporting fee has been fully implemented, no State General Funds will be provided to the program. When the self-supporting program fee has been fully implemented, the campus may not collect the University Registration fee. Program deficits will be covered by the Campus; however, state funds cannot be used to cover any deficit, except during the start-up years under the approved phase-in plan."

" USC uses their own English proficiency test because the security of the TOEFL during these tests internationally, are suspect."

Options To Consider:
Year 1 - start with 8 IDP-3 students year 1 = 8
Year 2 - continue 8 - 2nd year IDP-4 and start 8 IDP-3 = 16
Year 3 - continue 8 - year 2 IDP-4 and start 16 IDP-3 = 24
Year 4 - Continue 16 - year 2 IDP-4/start 16 IDP-3 = 32
Year 5 and beyond - 16 IDP-4/16 IDP-3 = 32
Assume Tuition at $44,000 @ per year =
Year 1 - $352,000
Year 2 - $704,000
year 3 - $1,056,000
year 4 - $1,408,000

Consideration of increasing beyond 16 IDP students per class would mean reducing traditional student class size proportionately."
I've also heard from one of our faculty that California dental schools are in bigger financial trouble than what they portray on beautifully laminated prospectus! Their postgrad residency programs are suffering and they just can't afford to hire support staff or dental assistants. If this was true, then this may explain the "sudden" surge in the interest and the increase of IDP programs throughout California. Hopefully this doesn't reflect their academic quality! Just my 2 cents!


Hey people,

How was the March interview at UOP?????
Hello Everyone,

The march interview was pretty much as expected,thanks to sdn Im sure everyone knew what to expect as in this thread it was clearly written as to what would happen.
And it was much the same-there were no surprises at all.

There were 10 in all-9 Indians and 1 pakistani.
4 guys and the rest girls,I guess only 3 not from the bay area.

Before I say anything further,let me mention the city,to all those who happen to live in SF and those who will get to live in SF in the near future,Guys,you are so very fortunate.
From The moment I landed at SFO I was totally awestruck by the beauty of the city.It was just mindblowing-In my state in Andhra we have a very large movie studio called Rammoji film city which happens to be the largest of its kind in Asia.And the SF seems just straight out of the movie sets in RFC,probably much better.
Man! What a beauiful city.I come from Ny-the buildings and the sophistication is not new to me,I like Ny definetely but I literally fell in love with SF.Ny is totally fast paced and everyone is running here and there,thats beautiful too,but in SF downtown,its slow paced and thats what I liked more about it.And the downtown,how did they construct such high rises on a hilly area?that was something.And the cable cars and the electric buses Just WOW!

Anyways,the first day we had practicals,then orientation in which 2 IDS students talked about the program and gave us a tour of the college,It was nice of them to have done so as they were having exams from then on.There was a special mention from the Professor as well that we were lucky to have these two students come over and give a tour-so if they happen to be reading this,a very big Thank you!Then we had a small talk from the Director and some interaction with him and also a talk from the Finance Director.

The next day we had the interview scheduled-(I was expecting the exam first).Since there were 10,all were to attend the interviews on the 17th.We had to be there just 10 minutes before the schedule and so we didnt really meet everyone that day.

Each had 2 interviews as expected and I think everyone pretty much did extremely well there.The IDS students told everyone to make sure we ask questions at the end of the interview and I guess everyone did.

The next day was the practicals and there also everyone pretty much did good,I didnt get to see anyone else's prep( I guess not many got to) as we were told at the beginning that this is an exam and so please dont look into another's work.

There were guys like me who stayed down till 4,others left early as they must have had good practice and did well.But we didnt get to meet everyone at the end.

We were told that the result would be known by the 3rd week of April.

The staff at UOP needs a special mention.They make you feel so good,you feel that you are already a part of tthe program,they really treat you with respect.That was really good.

What else!I guess we will know the result by the 3rd week of april,

So long,
I wish you all the luck ek_dds
Thanks Sam,

I desperately need all the luck I can get!

hi all. just found out abt this site from a friend. quick question - does anyone have an idea abt the chances for a 2nd time applicant at uop? :confused:
neelgv said:
Hi everyone,
I wanted to share the good news.I got into UOP... just found today...if anyone else has gotten please continue in this thread.Hope everyone gets into the college they want the way i did and all the best for everyone else who is going for interviews.i am very relieved of all the tensions now.:) :) :D
All the best.
can u please tell me do uop take any clinical test at the time of interview
coz i had this impression that there is no such test
i scored 86 in part 1
toefl 263
2 yrsclinical experience in usa
wat are my chances ??
please advice
Yes, there is a clinical test on the interview in UoP.
In case someone cares the new IDS 07 class in UOP is composed of the following:
10 females/ 6 males
1 Middle Eastern, 2 Asian, 2 Africans, 3 Hispanics and 8 Indians, for a total of 16 spots. They received more than 400 applications last year and interviewed almost 80 candidates. I have no idea how many got admited to get to the final 16 and I've no idea of anyone's scores.

Justs some constructive info, good luck everyone. :luck:
hi mr neel
good to read about the help u provided to all. i have also applied to uop. but out of touch of clinical skills from time i came here.if u happen to read this mail please tell is it easy to pass technical exam with the stuff they provide and how much does the whole procedure cost. do we require some instruments or they provide all to rent on the spot if someone is coming from far.i am really worried how to prepare for the interview and technical exam.
neelgv said:
Hi everyone,
I wanted to share the good news.I got into UOP... just found today...if anyone else has gotten please continue in this thread.Hope everyone gets into the college they want the way i did and all the best for everyone else who is going for interviews.i am very relieved of all the tensions now.:) :) :D
All the best.
i want to know about the clinical exam. are they specific for fixed prothodontics and operative dentistry. kindly reply

neelgv said:
Hi everyone,
I wanted to share the good news.I got into UOP... just found today...if anyone else has gotten please continue in this thread.Hope everyone gets into the college they want the way i did and all the best for everyone else who is going for interviews.i am very relieved of all the tensions now.:) :) :D
All the best.


I wanted to ask you if you have any additional experience or did u take any other classes. Was is the first time u applied for UOP?

Thanks and good luck.
hi monika
I am not sure if u have applied to uop this year.I have an interview this oct and I was wondering if you also have an interview the same time then we could definately talk.