W in Non-Prerequisite Course

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Punished Angeleno

Dental Student
7+ Year Member
Feb 18, 2017
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So, I am enrolled in a lower division business management course at a community college and I decided I don't want to take it anymore and would rather focus on the other three classes I'm taking (histology, physiology, and physics). However, I completely forgot about the withdrawal deadline so I can't withdraw without a W on my transcript. Would this one W look as I wait on interview invites?

Thank you.

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In my opinion, I do not think they will care about you dropping a non-preq course. You might be asked why you dropped it during an interview but I do not think it will have an impact
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I had a W in an upper level history class. So far, I have 3 interviews. I think you're fine.
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I had multiple W's including prerequisite courses and had no issues. As long as you have a legitimate reason for withdrawing, they don't care.
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