Navy Waitlist for ODS

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Mar 4, 2014
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Hey everyone,

Im currently an M1 and am on the waitlist for Navy ODS for this summer. There's only a few people in front of me but I was curious to know if they typically pull off the waitlist for this. I applied for ODS the day after it opened and it was already filled up for the summer (didn't realize that I needed to apply).

Im trying to figure out my summer plans and when I asked the HPSP email address they responded saying "I have a good chance of making it off the waitlist." While that statement was encouraging, I wanted to know if anyone else was waitlisted for this but got off in time to go.


PS: For those reading this who are going to be M1's in the future, make sure you apply in the fall as soon as the application opens for ODS the following summer. I was 1 day late and got waitlisted. My HPSP recruiter told me I didn't need to apply but that I would be assigned it and to look out for orders. Glad my Navy friend told me otherwise.

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I'm also an MS1 on the waitlist. It's stressing me out. What number are to on the waitlist? And will you let me know when you hear more news?
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Hey guys I'm M1 now and I am attending ODS this month. I was wondering to anyone who already went through it if they drug test you while at ODS? Plz I dont want anyone trying judge me, all I want is some help. Thank you in advance.
Popcorn, please.

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Hey guys I'm M1 now and I am attending ODS this month. I was wondering to anyone who already went through it if they drug test you while at ODS? Plz I dont want anyone trying judge me, all I want is some help. Thank you in advance.

As an active duty officer you are subject to the military's system of drug tests. Yes, you will get drug tested at ODS and multiple times throughout your time in the military. Using any type of illicit drugs as a military member is not a wise career move.
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Hey guys I'm M1 now and I am attending ODS this month. I was wondering to anyone who already went through it if they drug test you while at ODS? Plz I dont want anyone trying judge me, all I want is some help. Thank you in advance.
Excellent choice of avatar, considering.
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Hey guys I'm M1 now and I am attending ODS this month. I was wondering to anyone who already went through it if they drug test you while at ODS? Plz I dont want anyone trying judge me, all I want is some help. Thank you in advance.

If you don't want people to judge you, you probably shouldn't acknowledge activities that are not compatible with service. Whether people tell you they are judging you or not, of course they are. Don't go to ODS until you can provide a clean sample.
Hey guys I'm M1 now and I am attending ODS this month. I was wondering to anyone who already went through it if they drug test you while at ODS? Plz I dont want anyone trying judge me, all I want is some help. Thank you in advance.
Naw, dude. They never check. Keep doing what you do. Everything will be fine.
Some people just want to watch the world burn :rofl:
There's just a part of me who hears about a guy who is joining the Navy AND going to medical school, and he's concerned about a drug test that makes me realize how common head-in-@ss disease is. But maybe I'm misinterpreting his reason for asking.
Okay guys chill out!!!! I dont snort freaking cocaine. The only reason I ask is because I took some adderall for finals week and I know they test for it, that's all.
Excellent choice of avatar, considering
No need to be an a$$
There's just a part of me who hears about a guy who is joining the Navy AND going to medical school, and he's concerned about a drug test that makes me realize how common head-in-@ss disease is. But maybe I'm misinterpreting his reason for asking.
You definitely are and seems like you are familiar with this disease.
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Okay guys chill out!!!! I dont snort freaking cocaine. The only reason I ask is because I took some adderall for finals week and I know they test for it, that's all.

No need to be an dingus

You definitely are and seems like you are familiar with this disease.

Do you have a prescription for Adderall? because if not, there's not much difference. And I am familiar with the disease. Symptoms include joining the military, going into medicine, and taking prescription medications without a prescription.

If you HAVE a prescription, then it is a moot point. Even if you test positive, you're in the clear. My assumption is that you do not, because that would have been something to mention in your original post ("Hey guys, if I have a prescription for a medication and I turn up positive on a drug test, is that a problem?")

If you do NOT have a prescription, this is the kind of thing that falls under UCMJ and losing your medical license, and you should seriously reconsider doing what you're doing.
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They don't test medical students for amphetamines. We get a special exemption for abuse around finals. Just write "finals" in the Rx disclosure box and you'll be fine.
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Do you have a prescription for Adderall? because if not, there's not much difference. And I am familiar with the disease. Symptoms include joining the military, going into medicine, and taking prescription medications without a prescription.

If you HAVE a prescription, then it is a moot point. Even if you test positive, you're in the clear. My assumption is that you do not, because that would have been something to mention in your original post ("Hey guys, if I have a prescription for a medication and I turn up positive on a drug test, is that a problem?")

If you do NOT have a prescription, this is the kind of thing that falls under UCMJ and losing your medical license, and you should seriously reconsider doing what you're doing.

Wow! First and foremost "HighPriest" get off your high horse. Stop talking to me like I committed some form of treason. I am not any less of a patriot than you, sir. News flash, its 2016, your current commander in chief used to smoke pot for Pete's sake. Moreover, your entire argument is absurd b/c you made an ungracious remark and I retaliated. So please don't act like you can say that and keep on going. Instead of condemning me as a criminal, why don't you say anything helpful to uplift a fellow member of your military. We're on the same side buddy. What if I let the stress of my finals consume me and inhibit my judgement to where I made a mistake? THE ABSOLUTE FUNNY THING IS THAT I DO HAVE A PRESCRIPTION, BUT I GOT LAZY AND NEVER INFORMED ANYONE ABOUT IT B/C I WAS ON THE WAITLIST FOR ODS. I JUST GOT AN EMAIL STATING I HAVE A SPOT. I PANICKED AND SO I WAS TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHO TO EMAIL AND I THOUGHT"HMM IF THEY DONT TEST FOR IT THAN NO NEED TO STRESS." SO I ASKED A SIMPLE FREAKING QUESTION ON A HIGHLY POPULATED FORUM. SO PLEASE DO NOT JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS. Honestly, just stop talking to me. Move on. I just asked a simple question. Good day!
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Wow! First and foremost "HighPriest" get off your high horse. Stop talking to me like I committed some form of treason. I am not any less of a patriot than you, sir. News flash, its 2016, your current commander in chief used to smoke pot for Pete's sake. Moreover, your entire argument is absurd b/c you made an ungracious remark and I retaliated. So please don't act like you can say that and keep on going. Instead of condemning me as a criminal, why don't you say anything helpful to uplift a fellow member of your military. We're on the same side buddy. What if I let the stress of my finals consume me and inhibit my judgement to where I made a mistake? THE ABSOLUTE FUNNY THING IS THAT I DO HAVE A PRESCRIPTION, BUT I GOT LAZY AND NEVER INFORMED ANYONE ABOUT IT B/C I WAS ON THE WAITLIST FOR ODS. I JUST GOT AN EMAIL STATING I HAVE A SPOT. I PANICKED AND SO I WAS TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHO TO EMAIL AND I THOUGHT"HMM IF THEY DONT TEST FOR IT THAN NO NEED TO STRESS." SO I ASKED A SIMPLE FREAKING QUESTION ON A HIGHLY POPULATED FORUM. SO PLEASE DO NOT JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS. Honestly, just stop talking to me. Move on. I just asked a simple question. Good day!

Didn't question your patriotism. Maybe you're having trouble concentrating, and didn't notice that. Hulk Hogan was a real American, but he did too many anabolic steroids to get into the Navy. Still a real American.

Here's the facts of the matter: regardless of what POTUS did or did not do, you are not he, and you will be held to a different standard. Using your example here: if you smoke pot in the Navy and you're caught, it is actionable by UCMJ. That isn't my opinion, jackass, that's UCMJ. And even with all of your experience in the military, I am here to tell you that a JAG officer doesn't care what Obama did when he was a kid. Furthermore, every license for which you ever apply, and every credentialing packet you ever fill out is going to ask you if you're using drugs. Again, that's a fact, not an opinion. They don't ask that question for fun, they ask it because if they find out your using drugs - illicit or non-prescribed, they're going to yank your license faster than you can say "but it's 2016!"So, the idea that Obama used to smoke pot, Bush did coke, or Teddy Roosevelt snorted black tar heroin off a transvestite hooker's can is not relevant.

All you've stated, thus far, is that you're so lazy that you committed fraud by failing to inform the federal government that you carry a diagnosis that might potentially make you unqualified for the program, but that it's cool because Obama did pot and you're a patriot. Also, you want to know if you're going to get caught.

The answer is they are going to test you. If you're caught with Adderrall in your system without having disclosed it, they're going to flag you. If you don't produce the prescription, they're going to review your file to determine whether or not they should boot you. If you do produce the prescription, they're going to review your record to determine if they should boot you. They probably won't prosecute you at this point. Your best bet is to get out ahead of this, contact your Naval POC, and let him know that you failed to disclose that information, and you want to make amends. I probably wouldn't mention that you were just too lazy or that Obama does pot, as those arguments carry less weight than you think they do.

Here's another free piece of advice from my high horse, which I mounted after completing med school, residency, and multiple years in the military as an officer and which absolutely puts me in a position to comment on your posts:
you had better change your attitude fairly rapidly, or you're going to end up in a bad place really quickly. Grow some thicker skin, stop pretending like you're held to a different standard than everyone else, and that includes disclosing your medical history to the military. That is the best piece of advice you're going to get with a question like the one you asked. If you want coddling for the mistake you made in lying to the Navy, talk to your mommy.
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They don't test medical students for amphetamines. We get a special exemption for abuse around finals. Just write "finals" in the Rx disclosure box and you'll be fine.
Yeah, if I have a super-hard surgical case, I just write a letter to the state medical board and tell them I'm gonna do just a little something. You know? To calm my nerves so I don't get too stressed about the surgery. Usually, as long as the president was cool with it, they're cool too. Everybody's cool.
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I hate cheaters. Went to med school with lots of them. Had to compete on an uneven playing field with them. But I'm good because I believe in karma. Perhaps a positive drug screen will serve as justice one day.
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I got drug and alcohol tested in OIS. One of my cohorts went to military prison for failing.
So, the idea that Obama used to smoke pot, Bush did coke, or Teddy Roosevelt snorted black tar heroin off a transvestite hooker's can is not relevant.
Wow, Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders just took on a whole new meaning...
SalCal- I think the reason you're getting fewer warm fuzzier here than you'd hoped is that we all went through medical school and we all had finals and we all would have done better had we used Adderall, meth, or any other amphetamine. But we didn't indulge because it goes against the rules. And just because "all the other kids do it," doesn't make it right. That's important not just as an officer but as a doctor civilian-side.

You are in one of four circumstances right now:

1. You were diagnosed with ADHD prior to joining and got it waivered. For some reason neglected to notify the Navy that you are prescribed stimulants. Contact the Navy PRIOR to the drug test. Likely all will be fine.

2. You were diagnosed with ADHD prior to joining and didn't disclose it. Contact the Navy PRIOR to the drug test. Hiding a diagnosed psychiatric condition may be problematic, but disclosing it beats pissing hot on a drug test. I'd personally much rather explain to future employers, the DEA, and the state medical board that I hid my ADHD to join the Navy instead of saying that I was tossed out for a positive drug test.

3. You were NOT diagnosed with ADHD prior to joining but were diagnosed during medical school. Contact the Navy PRIOR to the drug test. Shore up your defenses for the fact that the evaluating physician may find your suddenly diagnosed ADHD in medical school dubiously.

4. You were NOT diagnosed with ADHD prior to joining and were never diagnosed and just palmed some Adderall to get buzzed to help you study.

Common theme: Contact the Navy PRIOR to the drug test. Realize the error of your ways and throw yourself on the mercy of the Navy. That's never a pleasant experience but it will hurt a lot less than if you go in with entitlement. The military eats that stuff like sloppy joe.
I don't know Tony. Adderall doesn't remain in your tissues like cannabis.
I don't know Tony. Adderall doesn't remain in your tissues like cannabis.
It's a Scarface reference.

And yes, different substances remain in your system for different periods of time. Some people do get away with using because of it. That doesn't make it right, it just makes them better @$$holes.
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Tony didn't need any stinking drug test.
Oh man!

In case anyone was wondering, I never got off the waitlist. I guess the good news is I can apparently do crazy drugs until I get the chance to reapply during 4th year some time.
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