Medical When should I send an update?

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Member Question
Volunteer Staff
Mar 22, 2021
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I'm fortunate to have 3 II, and one of which turned into an A. I'm still waiting to hear from my top 3 choices. I am an author on a paper that they are planning on submitting by the end of the year. My part of the research is done, and I did not mention it in my primary or secondaries. I am also applying for some internships, and I should hear back from those in December. Should I wait to send an update letter until the end of the year when I should have more information? Or is that too late? I was complete late July-early August. Thanks in advance!

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Can you clarify the details: you interviewed at all 3, and you got 1 A. So are the other 2 interviews among your "top 3"? Are you still waiting to hear back from one of them?

To answer your question: I'm not sure you have anything substantial to update. If you got an internship, is this for summer? Won't this affect when you would be able to start medical school? I'm saying this because if you update schools about this, 1) they won't care, 2) they may think you may already be making plans and aren't really interested in going to medical school when the M1's start. (The more than likely answer is #1, but don't give #2 any chance by telling schools that you got a summer internship that could prevent you from starting med school on time.)
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Submission of a manuscript is not worthy of an update.
Let alone "planning to submit," or "applying to something."

OP, I know you want to feel like you've "done everything possible" to get an acceptance, but update letters are rarely of any value. If you're going to do it, make sure you save it for when you have something actually worthy of an update--you don't want to send an update now, only to then feel obligated to send another in February/March when the paper is accepted, or something else comes up.
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