Who on SDN influenced you most?

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10+ Year Member
Jan 28, 2013
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So I decided to make a positive thread here :p

Tell us what member (or members) of SDN have made the biggest influence on you.

Perhaps you wouldn't get into med school without their advice/ or they saved you from making a terrible decision/ or whatever.

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@Goro without a doubt! He keeps things real without being discouraging. I really owe him a lot! Goro you are the best!! Anddddd @DokterMom she is awesome!!
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Goro blushes.

Jeeze, I so wish I could out myself to my Dean and show him this.

Many thanks, Cat, it's my pleasure to help you and all other here on their path.

@Goro without a doubt! He keeps things real without being discouraging. I really owe him a lot! Goro you are the best!!
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I'm on SDN. I've definitely influenced myself more than anyone else has. #loophole :)
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It takes a village to raise a child.

Or, you know, in my case, an upper-20s non-trad.

That is to say, I owe the whole SDN community and its diversity of perspectives and experiences so much! Particularly the adcoms, of course. If I wind up getting an acceptance, it will have been a team effort getting me there... and a substantial part of that team was SDN. Seriously, I've received some horrible advice IRL. So thank you, each and every one of y'all!
Yes, even the trolls. They make me smile. :love:

Edit: Received an acceptance 39.5 hours after posting this. :) Thank you again, and go team SDN!
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Definitely the admissions faculty like Goro, LizzyM, catalyst, and gyn gyn for straightening me out during my early posts years ago ( I cringe every time I read em) and giving me sound advice making the cycle the best it could be.

Also the med students from different schools who went out of their way to give us up to date info regarding the schools!

Seriously grateful for this site, it's been so helpful.
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Goro inspired me to get a cat avatar today. Would probably still look like an SDN noob if it weren't for him. *internet fist bump for Goro*

Goro also has a lot of experience with research, and that's one thing I enjoy, so I always like his insights on anything lab related.
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Goro inspired me to get a cat avatar today. Would probably still look like an SDN noob if it weren't for him. *internet fist bump for Goro*

Goro also has a lot of experience with research, and that's one of my passions, so I always like his insights on anything lab related.

HAHAHA. So in his honor. I have also changed my avatar!
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What an amazing contribution to MCAT preparation.
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Like the other user said, Goro is fantastic in that he'll offer you real advice and isn't afraid to tell the truth. He also won't shy away from saying things like "you have no chance" or "you'll be a shoo-in" if the circumstance merits such strong responses.
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Cabinbuilder, atlasmd, goro, rel, dermviser, whitecoatinvestor, birdstrike
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Shoot, thanks Boolean

I'd probably say Goro and cabinbuilder. And of course jaboomday but she doesn't come on anymore
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Gosh, what a wonderful thread idea to recognize some truly remarkable members and their wonderful contributions to the SDN community :) I love it!!

On a professional level: the advice that I have gotten from @LizzyM, @Goro, @Catalystik, and @gyngyn has been utterly invaluable. Additionally, I have gained so much from reading the wonderful insights posted by @Ismet, @NickNaylor, @mimelim, and @mmmcdowe (among others). I come from a background that included virtually no science or math, and my college has a very sparse pre-health advising program. I truly would not be in a position to enter medical school next year or maybe ever if it hadn't been for this site and these posters, and I am so beyond grateful for their selflessness and wisdom.

On a personal level: I've made a lot of friends on SDN, a few of which I've been lucky enough to meet on the interview trail. These people inspire me, humble me, and challenge me to be the best future physician I can be. Truly, I feel so proud and lucky to know that they will one day be my colleagues.
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@gyngyn @Goro helped me big times on WAMC and on several other issues. Without them I would not have chosen some of the schools and would not have come to know a few schools that turned out so much to my liking. Of course, we should not forget those critical informations they two provided to us.
@LizzyM Her influence can be seen in the form of me using LizzyM score when talking with other applicants on my interview trail. You'd be surprised how many people just nod instead of asking what is LizzyM score.
A few others really went out of their ways to help me @hushcom @darkjedi @breakintheroof @bweild.

I have a whooping tons more to thank for for having SDN as the single most effective procrastination tool in the past half a year of my life. I just realize that I'm more eager to write thank you post here on SDN than to write my thank you letters
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@TheBuffOP @neusu even though it takes him ages to reply back :pand @Goro seems like a dude I would like to get interview by. :thumbup:
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Also, I recommend reading threads with @DermViser and @fancymylotus So much flirting going on hehe :p

Really? That'd be exactly what I would like to see more on SDN: some intra-forum gossip. :heckyeah:
Seriously, how many people meet through SDN and become couples? we need a new thread...
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Goro blushes.

Jeeze, I so wish I could out myself to my Dean and show him this.

Many thanks, Cat, it's my pleasure to help you and all other here on their path.
Goro would you please pet your darn scary cat for us? I'm sure I'm not the only one who likes your avatar.
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Besides the usuals who have been mentioned a billion times already (the ADCOM members), my personal favorites who have helped me a ton would be @ChemEngMD @winterchill and @SixStringPsych to name a few.

...and basically all of the great people who have encouraged me and offered me advice on my personal improvement thread over the years! many people hate on SDN, but it's been invaluable to me along my journey.
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No real inspiration but DermViser is everywhere so they seem pretty interesting.
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dermviser birdstrike ildestriero southernim neusu

but i appreciate all the input from the residents and attendings on here
No shout-outs to MedPR?

Even though he got banned quite some time ago...
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Also, the other ones who inspire me are those who, every time I get butt-hurt from someone trolling me on here causing me to contemplate going off SDN for good, private message me and say, "I really appreciate your posts. Don't go." I'd name names, but they know who they are, as only a few souls are brave enough to admit they value my posts on the open forums. I can't say I blame them. Lol.
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I first started reading SDN during his application cycle, and his contributions have continued to be super insightful and informative. Thanks for always keepin it real @NickNaylor!
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