Why Tufts University?!?

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Apr 10, 2001
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I need to send in a deposit for Tufts tomorrow. UPENN is my first choice. I don't know if I should go to Tufts or just reapply next year again.

I need to hear from people who are attending Tufts or will be in the fall....why did you chose Tufts?

I had some more questions....I hope someone can answer them....

1. How safe is the school? Do you feel comfortable walking around at night? Do you need an escort?
2. How is the Posner dorm on campus? Do you live on or off campus? If you live off campus how do you get to school? Would you recommend it?
3. Are you happy there? Is it a social group of people? Is it cut-throat competition or more layed back? Do you study there all the time? Are there things to do there besides school work?
4. I want to specialize. How hard is it to do that coming from Tufts? I want to do pediatric dentistry. How many people apply each year for this specialty at Tufts? How many actually make it?

My main concern is safety. When I visited I hated the location of the school. There is no real campus. Is it truly safe?!?!


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