In Memory Of...

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10+ Year Member
Jul 15, 2009
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My hamster Chubbs (one in avatar) died last night. :(

I decided to start a thread where everyone can remember their furry, feathery, or scaly friends who have gone on to the "rainbow bridge".

R.I.P Chubbs
Adopted on 12/28/2008-02/13/2010.

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RIP Hershey
April 1996- June 2002

The best black lab ever. I'm sorry I couldnt fix you, baby girl. You're the reason I want to go vet school. <3
I am so sorry to hear about Chubbs. My condolences go out to you.

Here's to Sable Anne, my best girl.

November '99 - August '08
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In memory of my St. Bernard Gracey. The greatest dog in the world.

July 4, 1999-September 14, 2008
In memory of my cat Mingala,

August 1990 - October 2009
DVMDream, I'm sorry to hear about Chubbs, such a cutie!

To my Penny (1994-2004), you never wanted to see me sad so you hid your illness from me until it was too late. Thanks for all the great memories!
<--------------In memory of my boy Turner (1995-2008), the best cat-dog ever. We miss you every day.
In September of 2008, a scrawny kitten with VSD causing a heart murmur audible from across the room wandered into our lives. Lebowski spent 3 short months with us before going into acute heart failure and I decided to let him go the weekend before Thanksgiving.
Lebowski, 6/09-11/09

Nearly 7 years ago I bought my first horse, Giny, who taught me more than I could ever has asked for about horses, myself, and of course veterinary emergencies. She was donated to New Bolton in the fall of 08, and euthanized in January 2009.

Dr Virginia B, 2/14/1990-1/09
RIP Mitzi The Wonder Dog
5/12/1992 - 3/8/2008

Mitzi is the dog in my avatar, and she was the best dog ever. I know there are a lot of "best dog ever"'s out there, but mine really was! ;) Hah!

So many amazing things I remember about her, so many good times over her almost 17 years with us.

Here's another picture of her...this one always makes me smile. :D


And here she is with me eating corn on the cob. She was better at getting the corn off than anyone. :)

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My avatar name is in memory of my only sibling, Sylvester :love: Thanks for always being there for me while I grew up. 1996-2004
Miss Kitty the inexorable
March 1991-March 2008

I always wanted a dog, but my mom said I could only have a cat, and only after we moved from the city into a more rural area. So when I was 10, we went to the animal shelter to pick out a kitten. While the other kittens purred and played, you hissed and bit my little sister. Therefore, it was love at first sight. :smuggrin:

I sucked at picking out a name. I was as indecisive then as I am now! So my dad said you were Miss Kitty, and that was that. Given my first meeting with you, it shouldn't have come as any surprise that you weren't ever the friendliest cat in the world. You bit and scratched my friends when they tried to pet you, and never cared much for my family. But you and I had a mutual understanding. You always stayed where you could watch me, though you rarely solicited attention, and you slept in my bed every night.

When I left for my first try at college, my mom said that you meowed at my bedroom door every night. Every time I came home, you ignored me for a day and then it was back to normal. Sometimes my mom would complain about you, saying that you were urinating outside of the litterbox. I told her you needed to go to a vet, but she wasn't interested. When I had to transfer to a school closer to home, I took you in, though I wasn't supposed to have pets in my apartment. I took you to the vet, who treated you for the UTI that you had probably had for quite some time, and everything was great.

During this time, I had decided that I wanted to go to vet school, and after graduation with my first BS I moved down to Florida. I couldn't take you with me at first as I was moving in with a relative, but I said that as soon as I got my own place I would. It took me about a year, wherein my mom began complaining about you peeing in the house again. I was working as a tech at a clinic, so when my sister finally brought you down from Pittsburgh to Orlando for me, I brought you in right away and we ran a CBC/chem and UA. Of course you had another UTI, but your BUN was mildly elevated as well. You were 14, so I can't say that I was particularly surprised. I started feeding you k/d and NF, and we kept an eye on your blood and urine chemistries.

I brought you with me to Davis, and continued to monitor your bloodwork and urine. Gradually you started eating less and less, and sleeping more and more. The vomiting became more frequent. You were never an overweight cat, but I started to be able to feel more bones through your skin. Your creatinine and BUN were creeping up there, and we couldn't get the UTIs to stop recurring. We ramped up the treatment to include subQ fluids and famotidine to control vomiting. You hated this, but you tolerated it, and still seemed as "happy" as you had ever really been (not particularly so!), until one weekend in March of 2008.

It was spring break, my boyfriend at the time (whom I lived with) was a first year graduate student and his mother was visiting from Orlando. I was anxiously waiting to hear back from UC Davis after my first DVM application and interview - the first acceptances had gone out on Friday. On Saturday, you wouldn't eat anything. You slept all day, and I could barely wake you. At night, you got out of bed, ostensibly to use the litterbox, and I was awoken by you yowling in the hallway, acting disoriented and confused. All day Sunday I stayed near you as you slept most of the day, and I woke up a lot of times Sunday night to check whether you were still alive. First thing on Monday I brought you to the vet. Your most recent urine culture and sensitivity results had come back, and the UTI was raging despite the antibiotics - the bacteria were resistant. You could barely walk; your hind legs gave out when you tried, and you looked scared. I knew that it was time. I restrained you while the vet inserted the needle into your saphenous vein, and she had barely depressed the plunger before your heart stopped.

Three days later I got rejected. That week sucked. :laugh:

Sometimes I miss you, you surly little brat!

RIP Tater (of Tater and Tot), the silliest guinea pig I've ever known, 12/2008

Tot misses you!
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Wallace Died at 4.5 of pancratic cancer. He was also motivation for me to go after my dream.


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RIP Rascal...she was the first dog I ever had an attachment to, even though she wasn't mine. I cried for 2 days when she passed away. It's been a long time since then, but my bond with her definitely pointed me in the direction of a career with animals.
nyan...very heartfelt post! loved it. RIP Jessie: 1993-2009 (my first dog ever) and RIP Chase 1995-2009 (made me realize why Golden Retreivers are among the most popular dogs in the US). We lost two dogs within 2 months of each other, but that figures because they were BFF. They absolutely pointed me in the direction of vet med. They were literally my sisters. Chase had a lot of problems. It is estimated that with all of her vet bills/ prescription diets/ etc etc she was a $35,000 dog...worth every damn penny. Jessie was a hearty Shih Tzu. Very antisocial, but loveable when she wanted to be. Under bite and all, she was amazing. After both passed, my parents went and got 2 sisters (named Clancy and Lucy) from the same breeder that gave us Chase (I couldn't have designed a better dog). It's kind of like when Hootch died at the end of Turner and Hootch and at the end Tom Hanks got another French Mastiff that looked just like Hootch(that movie kills me btw). They will be missed, but they have had such an amazing effect on every member of our family. And of course, I have my dog Polly which is my avatar...most stuck up dog in the world, but I love her to death.
To Lady: 1990-1999.

Another one of those "best dogs ever". She was my first dog and my first memory of life. The first thing I ever remember is my mom showing me a box filled with German Shepherd puppies and letting me pick one. I was three years old. I named her that night and for the next nine years she was with me at all times. I remember she used to walk me the six blocks to the bus stop, wait for me to get on, and be there when I got back from school. Love you, old girl!
Okay, now I feel bad for doing a poopy job with mine, so here.

There were many cats, but there was only one dog. Her name was Josie, and she was a slightly obese Malamute and German Shepherd Dog mix. She liked to chase rabbits in the field. She was always too fat to catch them, but Josie would always come back panting and happy to have given a good pursuit. Of our many activities we shared as girl and best friend, having picnics in the pasture was my favorite. I would plod along, my backpack stuffed with books and food, and she would trot along behind, playing well the part of a trusty sidekick going on an epic adventure. After fighting off some foes and perhaps saving the day, we would find a shady spot to sit. After I shared a few of my snacks, she would lay down contentedly in the grass. I would use her as a pillow, propping myself against her and reading my books until the sun set. Then we would walk slowly back to the house, my hand on her head and a day well spent.

She was around since before I was born, and I was by her side the day she died.
That's an excerpt from a discarded version of my PS.
Josie 1985-1995, BFFE.
To Idgie: After three separate victories over hepatic lipidosis, she lost the final fight this past December. She came into my life when a client caught a tiny kitten in a live trap. My father was in the end stages of cancer and we had just lost my grandmother to the same disease. Against my parents’
better judgment, I was allowed to keep her as my 21st birthday gift. She helped me get through some very tough times and continued to be a source of laughter and cuddles for the next 11 years. Hopefully wherever she is she’s getting all the smushy food and ear scratchies she deserves.
Heres to Cheyenne my first horse, and the best one I have ever had 1973-October 7 2003 (I only had him the last 13 years of his life, he was a abused and neglected horse when we adopted him for 300 bucks. I owe so much to him, and really made me fall in love with horses and ultimately want to become a vet:) I also got a tattoo of him:)

and of course Momma March 25, 1982-December 23, 2008. My mother had her since she was 2. This horse taught me so much and I have decided to write my PS about her, she taught me how to be gentle and respect horses. My mom was not there when we decided she needed to be euthanized(I live in Mass, and my parents moved to South Carolina a couple of months earlier) so I was the one holding her when I put her down. It was one of the saddest days I have ever had (next to Cheyenne's death). I just remember having my phone on speaker and my mom saying her goodbyes while trying not to cry:( Hands down the hardest thing I ever had to go through.

I still cry from time to time about them. They gave me so much and I owe so much to them. RIP My Old Man and Momma:)
RIP Maggie 1-19-2007 to 1-14-2010
and others

She was my best friend and pretty much the reason why I love goats so much:love:.

Maggie was the first kid that I raised from one of my own goats, and I instantly felt attached to her when she was born.

This year, she was going to have a kid, and I was so excited for that kid. However, the kid was too big and Maggie didn't dilate (she had trouble before, but the vets said she should be okay to have another). She ended up having a C-section (pretty much the worst experience of my life), but the kid was already dead. The vet said Maggie should be okay though, but she stopped eating, walking around, and was having trouble breathing. She also got mastitis. We called the vet, but he said that she couldn't have any more medicine. She died five days later.

It's really quiet without her because she would "talk" back if somebody was talking which bugged some people, but not me. She also loved to follow people and do all kinds of goofy things like locking me and the other goats in the barn while she ran around and screamed outside the barn. She also would help me walk the 4-h goats although she would lay down and play dead after she got tired, but I let her get away with it because it was funny and she was always so well behaved other than that. The whole barn seems empty without her because we only had three full time goats and won't be getting 4-h goats for about a month and a half.

It really sucks because she died right before her third birthday and I always thought I would have at least through undergrad and hopefully would be able to visit her during breaks from vet school. I'm going to see about maybe buying a girl out of her daughter, but that won't be for another year or two.
The only two pets I've lost (i.e. not adopted to someone else for various reasons) were ferrets.

Farley followed a neighbor's dog into their house, and we eventually took him in. We weren't sure how old he was, but we found out he was hypoglycemic. Apparently it got really bad while I was at my dad's (Farley was at my mom's) and he had to be put down. He was a really sweet little guy though, and I couldn't have asked for a better first pet.

We got Mabel as a companion for Farley. Not long after, she began losing her hair, and weight. Eventually she was almost hairless and nothing but skin and bones and not doing so hot, so we decided as a family to end it. She was super sweet, and loved to give kisses.

I really miss these two and plan to adopt another ferret someday, sticking with the "old-people" name tradition (we had three other ferrets that we adopted to someone else before we moved into an apartment, whose names were Charley, Clyde, and Otis).
RIP Callie Jo 03/1995 - 11/2008

My first cat that I received for my 8th birthday. She was a tortie with an attitude but I loved her. She died in a house fire.
Wiggles William, September 1993 - March 20, 2007

We got Wiggles when I was 5 years old, and I subsequently wrote every single school paper about him (whenever elementary school gave me the opportunity). He grew to love my mom more than he loved me, but we shared those secret special moments when he'd sneak into my bedroom at night or curl up next to me while I was reading. He was definitely more of a younger brother than a pet and we haven't been able to get any animal since letting him go three years ago. He passed away due to renal failure after we switched his food to Iams-- when the foods were recalled. I didn't know much about veterinary medicine at the time, but the Iams food was the best explanation we could come up with for his sudden and severe deterioration. We had a few days with him before we knew we had to let him go.

It really hurts because he passed away almost three years ago, and since then my job has had me come into contact with so many cats that I almost forget some of his quirks. It's really hard not to let my current experiences with cats overwrite my memories of Wiggles.
In Memory of Norton... (1991 - 2004)

We got Norton when I was 3 and my little sister was born. My parents got him to keep me company since until my little sister I was an only child. He was a lhaso-apso and seriously "the best dog ever".

When I was young and didn't know better I would pull on his tail and he never snipped or growled, he just let it go. He loved chasing bubbles and loved running through the snow. Because of his long hair he always got huge clumps of snow on his feet and they were adorable.

I remember when he started getting old and tired and began to urinate everywhere uncontrollably. The day we had to put him to sleep I remember I had to go to school, but the reality knowing that as soon as I got in my car I'd never see him again was heartbreaking. It took me forever to close the backdoor on him and I think he knew it was goodbye.

anyway now I'm a mess by writing this all down :oops:

Here's to you Norton, the first animal I ever loved
Wallace Died at 4.5 of pancratic cancer. He was also motivation for me to go after my dream.

losing my first dog was my motivation as well.

i don't have a picture on this computer but Sebastian was my blue merle aussie mix. just like firelily, this was my "best dog ever!!!" :D last may, my lab had to be put down while i was in hawaii. it was difficult, but these two dogs essentially raised me and i couldn't have asked for better childhood companions.
For Skitz, our wonderful sweetheart of a bunny.


You came into my life able to fit in the palm of my hand. A little furball of happiness and love. Never a wire chewer, always a lady and perfectly litter box trained. You would constantly want to be with us, sitting on our laps, nudging us to keep petting you when we got distracted. I'll never forget the time you climbed, vertically up two baby gates we had used, stacked on on top of the other to keep you in the living room in order to get to us on the other side, nor the times you would curl up with me at night. You were like a dog, but you were a rabbit.

When your eye started to run within the first 2 weeks we had you we brought you to the vet. He didn't even pick you up. Just gave us some antibiotics and told us to feed it to you on some bread to get you to eat it. I wish I had known better. When the antibiotics didn't work and you got sicker I turned to the phone book for help and found you the best rabbit veterinarian I've ever met. He actually looked at you, told us you were a girl, and also told us that your molars were maloccluded and you had an infection in your sinuses. We tried everything. Nebulization, teeth extractions, injections. You were always sick but you always loved us and forgave us for injecting you. :(

The last two months of your life you lived with friends of ours...we were moving and our new apt didn't allow pets although we were determined to smuggle you in. We came to visit you as much as possible...not as much as you deserved...not as much as I would have if I had known the end was so damn close.

When you finally came home you were sooo happy and we were so happy to have you back, you toothless little baby. I shredded lettuce so you could eat it and also carrots and apples (your favorite!) as a treat for you being home. Little did I know that the change in diet would have such a devastating effect. ...A week later I found you cold and limp in your cage. All you wanted to do was stay with me on my lap. I took you to the rabbit vet for an emergency gastrotomy on Valentines Day, a year to the day you came to me. You survived the surgery and I was certain that you would live. The next morning the doctor called me at 8am to let me know you had died during the night.

There have been other bunnies but you are still the ONE.
YOU are the reason I will be a veterinarian because you brought so much to my life in the short period of time you were here. I love you skitz.
Oh how could I forget Lee!! He was my beautiful red betta who I got on a whim the day before going to college and he lived all the way through junior year, however died while I was on vacation and my mother changed his water. I'm not sure if she did something wrong or what could have happened, but he was a really great guy.
RIP Malynn!

I'll never forgive my 8th grade teacher for telling me that dogs don't have souls when I said that I talked to her sometimes even though she's gone :(
People who haven't had a bond with an animal at some point in their lives can be very mean-spirited. When our Italian Greyhound, Twinkie, was killed my wife and I felt lost. This dog had helped my wife recover from a very difficult time in her life. Looking for guidance we ended up at a church that we knew nothing about looking for help and the minister said to us "dogs have no souls and don't go to heaven and that is the way of the world."
I don't care what his beliefs were but if he couldn't think of something better to say he should have just said nothing. I wonder why he became a minister at all. At least it gave us something to get mad about besides the loss of our love!
I feel badly for the people who don't think they are allowed/supposed to mourn for the loss of a pet. Every memory expressed here is precious. Thank you all.
RIP Molly, my sweet Lady Tortie, 1997ish - March 17, 2010. While we couldn't have the medical miracle we'd hoped for, you still gave me the opportunity to rediscover why I love medicine. And while I was prepared for the difficulties of hospice care, the joy I found and the ways our relationship strengthened were blessings I never expected. I'm so glad I was chosen to make this journey with you. Love, Mom
RIP Bitey, my corn snake.

And my beloved Penny, the cutest and sweetest kitty I have ever met. She was brought to the vet clinic as a stray to be put down for no good reason. So, we quoted a huge price and convinced her to surrender the cat to us, she looked to be less than a year old...and pregnant! Two days later she had a litter of five. Once the kittens were old enough to be adopted I took her in to give her a break from nursing. After less than 2 cuddly months with her, she became very sick and the doctors were never able to say exactly why. We fought for her for three long days until she passed on her own. Luckily for me, one lonely kitten of hers was still waiting to be adopted. Gregarious little Winnie, she's the one checkin' her internetz in my avatar.
RIP Holly girl (my avatar) 11/15/96-2/1/10. Best little yorkie I ever knew. You were a tough cookie, getting through multiple bouts of pancreatitis, a bowel obstruction, broken leg, diabetes, chronic ear and kidney infections, and bladder stones the size of marbles. I got you when I was 11 and you helped me grow up and through all your probelms helped me realize why I still want to be a vet. I'll miss you forever, best 14 years of my life are when you were a part of them.
:) Hershey's are the best! 1998 birthday present from the pound, died 7-2009, Wish I could have fixed the epilepsy girl! She went blind at one point (after a bout of seizures) and the vet said she would never see again...about 2 weeks later she just got up and followed me to the ball park...and chased the balls. RIP to the dog that never left my side.
To my loves....

Sparky 1989-2007 Handsome tuxedo cat

Hawk 1994-2004 Pit Bull/Boxer mix wonderful guard dog

Grayson 2001-2009 the MEANEST cat ever

Vin 2002-2004 Betta fish

Ubli 2007-2009 Betta fish

Roxie 1996-2002 Rotten Rottie

Pinky 2006-2009 Hairless rat

And to you, Rocky, Shadow, Gizmo, Krizia, Snowflake, Beau, Charleston, Bob, and all the other animals that have touched my life at Mountain Home Veterinary Hospital. I miss your furry faces!
In memory of Missy, who I lost yesterday. She was truly a best friend.
To Kury (golden hamster 1988-1991):
You were my first pet ever...and the smartest hamster ever. You managed to escape from your cage several times but always managed to find your way back. You loved fresh-cut apples and rolling around in your ball. You loved to be held and kissed. One day, your fur began to fall off on your tummy so we took you to the vet, who ran some tests but couldn't tell us what was wrong. You became scabby on your tummy and became weak. I knew you were going to die and prepared a small box with flowers in it. You died in there peacefully. I'm sorry you had to suffer... I will always love you.

To Lucky (golden retriever 1991-2005):
You were my first dog ever... and the sweetest dog ever. We picked you up from a breeder when you were two months old. The first thing you did when you came home was relieve yourself in my room. You grew up to be a strong dog that enjoyed pulling me everywhere we went. You were always sweet, happy, innocent, and your heart was gentle. I know you loved me because you always trusted me. One early morning, out of nowhere, you had a seizure and died in my arms. I'm sorry that I couldn't help you... I will always love you. I still miss you very much.
Kris came to be in my family after being stolen from an accidental litter out of which we had already taken our first dog Rocky. A neighbor saw him running across the golf course and thought he was Rocky. We took him in immediately. He already had parvo so we saved him in the nick of time. After missing just one month of heartworm prevention, he got heartworms but survived that, too. Next, he decided that falling through a pool cover in the middle of winter would be a good idea, it wasn't but he survived that too. Next, he was shot in the face after breaking through the fence in the middle of the night. Then last summer he contracted Rocky Mountain Tick Fever (don't even get me started on Frontline and how it sucks). Finally, after almost 15 years of life, mostly deaf and blind, he got out of the yard in a storm and tried to cross a busy street. He was hit by a car and killed. He was one of my best friends and will be missed dearly. He had 9 lives and survived the longest out of all his siblings. He was such a great dog and will always have a spot in my heart.
In memory of Vincent, the betta fish who was with me through all of my undergraduate courses. He passed away this afternoon in his favorite shark-tunnel.
The only animals I've lost so far are my fish. I've kept bettas since junior high... all of my guys but 3 I had for at least a year and a half.

Donatello - My purple and white betta. He was pretty mellow. I named him after the ninja turtle.

Rocky - My reddish-yellow betta, died of columnaris after a few short weeks. I called him Rocky because he flared at me whenever I came into the room.

Spaz - My bright blue betta... supposedly a half-moon. He came to the pet store with his fins super short. They never quite grew back the same so I guess I never knew!

Flick - My reddish green betta. He was mellow like Don.

Oliver - My blue, brown and red guy. He was the last purchase I made at Pets Unlimited. An employee had placed him in a tank full of 50 or so female bettas. His fins were torn and he was lying on his side, pale. I took him home, he developed a fungal infection and then he became pretty spunky. I had him for a year and a half.

Anakin - My dwarf gourami.

Thor - My blue and red crowntail betta. I had him in residence last year. He kept me sane.

Stroumboulopoulos - My red betta. You left me too soon and you didn't tell me why!

I want to give a special shoutout to all the cats I took care of at the shelter that never got to leave. Simon especially... he was the most unique looking cat!!! Light brown and white, very short hair and a very pointy face. He'd just sit on my lab and purrr. He came into the shelter looking all scraggly. Bloodwork revealed problems with his liver. He would have had to be on medication the rest of his life. I wish I could have taken him home.
In memory of Stubbs--the coolest kid on the block. You had to leave us too early...but, you pushed me to pursue my dreams...

I loved my Mom. I was a good listener, even if mom had to break out a "mister" on me every once in awhile. I spent my days lounging around in the backyard with my girlfriend, Lucy. I loved to smell things--and, I could tell if the neighbor at the end of the block was cooking out within a minute of the grill being lit. I loved making crocodile noises and cruising around the backyard like a shark. I was, afterall, the best guard dog within at least 100 miles--it was a job I took seriously. I fervently enjoyed hogging all the toys (even though I really didn't like to play with them--I liked to hoard them on my bed and gloat in my superiority daring the other kids to "just try it"). I'll always remember the great camping trips with mom and dad, especially my trip to the caverns.

The Jack Russel Terrier who set out one day to go kill the horse in the pasture.

P.S. Both came out of it unscathed and were buds from then on.
RIP Chili - March 1993- 5/14 2010

She was a conversational kitty who purred constantly. She loved to sleep between my feet at night or any time I would lay down. She even learned to climb a ladder when I switched to a lofted bed.

She would always announce her presence when she entered a room. And shoeboxes were her thing. You could put one down 20 feet away and she'd run into it and expect to be petted.

She died today after a very short fight with rapidly progressing cancer. We elected to euthanize instead of having her in pain. I wish I could have been there for her like she'd been there for me.
RIP Cleo - April 1992 - 6/14/2010. My parents let my siblings and I pick out her and her brother when I was 4 years old from a farm down our street after just having moved to England. She traveled with us to 4 different countries as my dad's job moved us across the Atlantic.

She was a fiesty cat who loved nothing more than being the "queen of the house". She kept on climbing her 6 foot cat climber and maintained her agility (she recently caught 2 mice!) at the ripe old age of 18.

My mom had to put her down today after her hyperthyroidism and arthritis were getting too hard on the poor kitty (her legs trembled because she was in so much pain when she would lean over to eat out of her food dish :-( ). She was hurting too much to get to her litter box on time despite usually being a clean cat, and my parents are about to move to a new house which would have added on a bunch more stress to her which would have just been mean at this stage of things.

I'm in an odd state between numb and on/off again crying... she's the last of my childhood family pets to pass away (her brother Zeus in 2005 from kidney failure, and our Westie Nike in 2008 from cancer) and I've just moved out of my parents house, so it all feels a little strange :(
the minister said to us "dogs have no souls and don't go to heaven and that is the way of the world."

I just want to say that there was an article in Guideposts a few months ago (my parents get it delivered to the house) about how pets DO go to heaven. So if that was a christian church that minister was wrong. Plus, if they didn't go heaven, then it wouldn't be a place that I want to be!

Also, I'll ad my own in memory of...

Ivan 1987-2007 (my avatar) The best horse a girl could ask for. A lazy pain in my ass that always had my back when it counted and would exert enormous amounts of energy to keep me on his back. He was the sweetest babysitter ever, letting my boyfriend's 3yo brother ride around thinking he was in control while Ivan just followed me :) When I went to college he retired to a farm and colicked a few months later.

Duckie 1998?-2008 The "free" rabbit that my parents let me adopt since "they only live 3-5 years." 8 years later he was still going strong :) The sweetest rabbit I knew, only nipped my shirt when he had to pee, never bit or scratched me on purpose, and hopped around my yard on a little harness and leash :) He died peacefully in his hutch at age 10.
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RIP Angel - Jan 8th, 1995 - July 14th, 2010

When we were moving overseas to South Africa, my parents told me I could get a dog when we got there. I promptly began saving every single penny, including my Christmas and birthday money for a little labrador puppy. When we arrived in Durban, I woke up every morning and ran to the paper to read the puppy ads. FINALLY, on February 25th, there was a litter of labrador puppy crosses for sale. We only had one car at the time and I stood at the end of the driveway, clutching the newspaper ad until I eventually saw my dad pull up with the car.

We piled a bright yellow blanket in the car, and my parents and 2 other sisters jumped in the car to drive 45 minutes to where she was staying. When we got there, the owner said that there was only one puppy left and she was in the garden because they weren't allowed in the house. With a smirk, she walked over and opened the back door door saying, "..but don't worry, this one loves to do anything she's not supposed to!"

Within about a minute, a little black head peeked around the door frame, locked eyes with me, scampered up into my lap, and threw herself onto her back for a tummy rub. It was love at first sight for both of us!

Over the next 12 years, she held a lot of roles in our house. The first was to be an absolute terror, digging gigantic holes while hunting moles, finding each and every single escape route out of the yard, falling off of a 6-foot wall. However, like so many dogs, she also served as a guard dog, a secret keeper, a counselor, a shoulder to cry on, a sleep over buddy, a dress up doll, and the best friend I had always dreamed of! We were insperable...(except when escaping the yard, of course!)

When she was 12, we flew her 15,000 miles to live out her retirement with me in CA. My dad kept a running tally of how much she was worth a day, by counting how many days she lived in the US vs. how much the plane ticket cost. :)

This last week, she finally lost the battle against degenerative myelopathy. I am not sad for her, she lived an amazing and exciting life. I, however, hope that one day it stops hurting to breathe and that I can walk into the house without collapsing in the grief I've kept in all day. I know it takes time but it doesn't stop it from sucking in the meanwhile!

I miss you, girl! (also known as... weezo, boo, angel pangel, gel bell, ange, angel joy, jelly, and the list goes on! :))
To my very, very first pet ever: Sebastian, I was too young and too obsessed with the Little Mermaid to know that lobsters were different from crabs, but I would have loved you anyway. You were the best Christmas present - I actually think I was never again as delighted as I was that December 25, 1997. I don't remember when you passed, but you were the best lobster ever and my most unusual pet. :)
RIP my sweet girl (Nikko Peeko)
August 22/1996 - November 9/2007
