iPhone Apps...

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Mar 17, 2006
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Anyone out there buy any good dentistry related iphone apps? I'm taking Part I soon and was looking at the First Aid app and one other one that I can't remember right now....opinions either way? First Aid looks ok to me, but $45 is a lot of money and I already have the big First Aid book, but not the test booklet (it seems as if the app is the test booklet in app form...800 questions). I'll buy it if it'll help, cuz I can use all the help i can get! :) Thanks!!


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Netter's Apps: Histology, Nero, Head and Neck anatomy, all cost around 50 bucks each, but I got mine for free, jailbreak your iphone, put installous and cydia and all your apps are free! Including your First Aid app!

1st. Jail break,
2nd Put cydia,
3rd Put Installous

Free Apps!
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Netter's Apps: Histology, Nero, Head and Neck anatomy, all cost around 50 bucks each, but I got mine for free, jailbreak your iphone, put installous and cydia and all your apps are free! Including your First Aid app!

1st. Jail break,
2nd Put cydia,
3rd Put Installous

Free Apps!

:thumbup: Recently downloaded the entire lexicomp series. It's an awesome app!
Netter's Apps: Histology, Nero, Head and Neck anatomy, all cost around 50 bucks each, but I got mine for free, jailbreak your iphone, put installous and cydia and all your apps are free! Including your First Aid app!

1st. Jail break,
2nd Put cydia,
3rd Put Installous

Free Apps!
I can only speak for the Netter's head/neck anatomy app, but it's such a joke of an app it isn't even worth having it for free. Seriously, an image that'll have 50 labels in the book has maybe 10 labels in the app. Unless they've made some serious changes since I bought it, but I didn't hang onto it long enough to find out.
I can't answer the OPs question; but I think I can answer the opposite question.
Lexi-comp has some ridiculously expensive ones ... like in the $300-400 range. I was curious and bought one of their cheap ones the Little Dental Drug Booklet for $10. And it was ... pretty damned useless to me. It lists a ridiculously few number of drugs and you can't even search by drug name. (The database is by condition only.) It doesn't even list all the ways a particular drug is supplied. As a pedo, I need mostly liquids for antibiotics and analgesics ... no liquids.
(Epocrates is 1000 times more useful as a drug app and is the one I actually use.)
The one good thing about buying Little Dental Drug Booklet was Lexi-comp provided a free password for a 30 day trial period for the web site version of their $300+ app. I was then able to completely satisfy my curiosity that yes, this ridiculously expensive app IS totally useless.
The one good thing about buying Little Dental Drug Booklet was Lexi-comp provided a free password for a 30 day trial period for the web site version of their $300+ app. I was then able to completely satisfy my curiosity that yes, this ridiculously expensive app IS totally useless.

We had to use Lexicomp to research some drugs for Perio this year. I'm not familiar with other drug databases...is Lexicomp really that bad? We get it free thru school, but if there's something much better, I'd look into it. Thanks!
