Redemption?: 2.65 uGPA, 2.49 sGPA, 4.0 gGPA, 39 MCAT

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10+ Year Member
Feb 27, 2012
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I've got a bit of an odd-duck case. Oftentimes, when someone posts with their abysmal uGPA, it's accompanied by, "well, what if I go to get an SMP? What if I do well on the MCAT?" Well, I'm two months away from 4.0'ing my SMP-type M.S., just received a great MCAT, and am saddled with a catastrophically low uGPA. What are my chances for redemption? I'm mostly interested in a list of schools that will not screen me out.

Here's a summary of my stats:
uGPA: 2.65
sGPA: 2.49
aoGPA: 2.94
gGPA: 4.0 (M.S. in Pharmacology; 1 med school class with 2nd year students, balance of courseload is graduate school work)
WA state resident, strongly considering changing domicile to LA (current state).

In terms of relevant ECs:
- 4 year rower in undergrad
- 6 mo. research, no publications
- 50 hr. ER Volunteering + 40 hr. shadowing (primary care)
- 100+ hr. 'other' volunteering, of various types, mostly in a school focused on low-income kids. Will be 200+ hr by application time.
- (future activity) 1 year Americorps term, starting in August

I also have some odds-and-ends work experience (lab intern at biotech company, window washer, seedhouse tech...) that isn't super relevant.

Here's the story, if anyone's interested: I graduated in 2012, after 5 years of undergrad at a state school, with a B.S. in Biochemistry and a B.S. in Genetics/Cell Biology. My grades? For the first 4 years, awful. My 5th year (entirely upper-division or graduate courses) I brought up my grades to ~3.6. Most of my early pre-reqs were very poor, I had to retake several classes, and I generally did not achieve at all. A few things led to my awful performance: firstly, I have relatively severe ADHD that was undiagnosed until my 5th year in school, and treatment (chemical and otherwise) has helped me tremendously. You can see that in the turnaround in my 5th year and graduate school. Secondly, I had a very poor work ethic. I was lazy, unmotivated, and didn't apply myself to my studies. This was partially due to the ADHD and partially due to immaturity: I turned it around by gritting my teeth and putting my nose to the grindstone. Finally, as a rower, I didn't manage my time well. I was more concerned with being fast than being a good student.

I am an ORM, but am a first generation American who lived in South Africa as a child. I've passionate about social justice issues and see a lot of parallels between where I live now, in terms of the gentrification and systemic prejudice and inequality, and what I saw as a youth in South Africa, and the main reason I'm doing Americorps is so I can begin to fix some of these root issues, particularly in the educational gap.

If anyone has any questions, let me know. I'm hopeful that I can get some good pointers and a solid school list. I having nothing against DO, but would rather do MD (my dad is an MD/PhD and parents are not as well versed with what a DO is, being South African), but if I end up at DO I won't be disappointed, and have to be realistic given my stats.

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Tulane M.S. Pharm program?

Bottom line, unless you do a full SMP (all M1 classes) w linkage to a medical school, you'll be screened out w a sub 3.0 GPA at most MD schools, even w a 39 MCAT.

It would def help to become a LA resident, both IS schools aren't very competitive. But, I would 1st contact the schools to see their policy on grad courses and if they use a cut off for GPA. Otherwise you might be wasting your time.

Apply to Tulane.
I believe Wayne St. replaces uGPA w gGPA after 20 grad credits.
Other schools friendly to SMPers w low GPA/high MCAT: RFU, EVMS, BU, Cincinnati, GWU, USF select, UCF, Drexel.
Maybe Dartmouth as well.
(basically other schools w SMPs w the exception of Gtown- they screen for 3.0 uGPA)

You'll have to do your homework and research all the schools before you apply. Search SDN as well.

Absolutely apply to DO as well. You have a solid shot and AACOMAS includes gGPA w uGPA so your app will be a lot stronger for DO schools. Unfortunately, your sGPA might be too low for MD even w the 4.0 Masters.

PCOM, KCUMB, DMU, and Western-CA are 4 of the best private DO schools.

let me know if you have anymore questions.

Good Luck and congrats on the M.S.
what is your grad gpa collapsed onto your undergrad?

I think MSUCHM and Albany are also friendly to grad work.

UMDNJ-SOM also replaces with 30 credits of grad courses.
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Tulane M.S. Pharm program?

Bottom line, unless you do a full SMP (all M1 classes) w linkage to a medical school, you'll be screened out w a sub 3.0 GPA at most MD schools, even w a 39 MCAT.

It would def help to become a LA resident, both IS schools aren't very competitive. But, I would 1st contact the schools to see their policy on grad courses and if they use a cut off for GPA. Otherwise you might be wasting your time.

Yep, exactly. Do you know of other schools that are familiar with and weight the program well? I know that the far-below standard sGPA is my biggest hurdle. I just need to get past the screens - I think the rest of my application tells a compelling story.

what is your grad gpa collapsed onto your undergrad?

I think MSUCHM and Albany are also friendly to grad work.

UMDNJ-SOM also replaces with 30 credits of grad courses.

If I calculated my AACOMAS GPA correctly (and assuming I 4.0 this semester as I am on track to do):

cGPA: 3.056
sGPA: 3.079
uGPA: 2.827

If DO schools do indeed combine uGPA and gGPA, then both my overall and science GPA just barely cross that 3.0 screening barrier. I know UMDNJ replaces your uGPA with your gGPA if you take a sufficient courseload (someone from my program last year did exactly that and is attending there now) - are there other DO schools that do so?

The only DO programs I want to avoid are the very new ones and ones with reputations for poor or variable rotations. AZCOM, in particular, has numerous students who have complained about the efforts they needed to go through to get a clerkship that was little more than shadowing.

Thanks for the help so far, guys!
Concur strongly. The key is finding those schools that give love to people like you who have improved so much past undergrad. I'd stay away from OOS public schools, though.

Suggest calling some Admissions deans and asking if you're competitive.

Tulane M.S. Pharm program?

Bottom line, unless you do a full SMP (all M1 classes) w linkage to a medical school, you'll be screened out w a sub 3.0 GPA at most MD schools, even w a 39 MCAT.

It would def help to become a LA resident, both IS schools aren't very competitive. But, I would 1st contact the schools to see their policy on grad courses and if they use a cut off for GPA. Otherwise you might be wasting your time.

Apply to Tulane.
I believe Wayne St. replaces uGPA w gGPA after 20 grad credits.
Other schools friendly to SMPers w low GPA/high MCAT: RFU, EVMS, BU, Cincinnati, GWU, USF select, UCF, Drexel.
Maybe Dartmouth as well.
(basically other schools w SMPs w the exception of Gtown- they screen for 3.0 uGPA)

You'll have to do your homework and research all the schools before you apply. Search SDN as well.

Absolutely apply to DO as well. You have a solid shot and AACOMAS includes gGPA w uGPA so your app will be a lot stronger for DO schools. Unfortunately, your sGPA might be too low for MD even w the 4.0 Masters.

PCOM, KCUMB, DMU, and Western-CA are 4 of the best private DO schools.

let me know if you have anymore questions.

Good Luck and congrats on the M.S.
Agree with Goro. If you can just get an ad com to take a look at you, I think you'll be fine; getting that first look will be tricky though. Start calling schools and explaining your situation; there will almost certainly be some schools out there who are willing to overlook your uGPA with that gGPA and MCAT.
Agree with Goro. If you can just get an ad com to take a look at you, I think you'll be fine; getting that first look will be tricky though. Start calling schools and explaining your situation; there will almost certainly be some schools out there who are willing to overlook your uGPA with that gGPA and MCAT.

I had been under the impression that calling the staff was mostly futile, is this sort of situation (evading the auto-screen/having my application reviewed) an exception?

Also, I've put together a tentative school list:

USF Select
Virginia Commonwealth U
Boston U
Wayne State
LSU-S (if LA resident)
UWashington (if WA resident)
Rosalind Franklin U
George Washington U
UCentral Florida
OHSU (if WA resident)


I'm still looking for 10-15 more MD schools to add to my list. When the 2013-2014 MSAR comes out, I'll try and find lower-tier private schools and relatively OOS-friendly public schools to apply to. In the meantime, does anyone else have recommendations for low uGPA/high gGPA friendly schools?

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The list looks good. I don't know of any other schools besides those.

Check each school's admissions website. Most say if there is a cut-off or not. For the ones that don't or you're not sure, just email them and explain your situation.

You might also want to look into Vermont and Toledo (more OOS friendly public schools).
Hi all,

Finalizing my school list. Let me know if there are any schools I should definitely prune (i.e., state schools that are notoriously OOS-unfriendly) or add (OOS-friendly publics or low-tier/receptive higher-tier privates).

MD (Private):
Virginia Commonwealth U
Boston U
Wayne State
Rosalind Franklin U
George Washington U
The Commonwealth MC
Med Col Wisconsin
Wake Forest

MD (State)
USF Select
UCentral Florida
OHSU (if WA resident)
West Virginia U
Umissouri KC
UC Denver
Indiana University

MD (Reach):
Mayo (just because)
Mt. Sinai (has a pre-med MS program)
Dartmouth (has a pre-med MS program)
UC-SF (friendly to non-trads, can make case for familial CA residency)

