canadian wwilds

  1. SARdoghandler

    WW in the Canadian WWilds - Game Thread

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to Canada! Bienvenue au Canada! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our first day brings us to a beautiful early spring day in Washington state with all of our great players hopping onto the bus. Screw Corona, they paid good money for this! Oh, and it was non-refundable. So...
  2. SARdoghandler

    WW in the Canadian WWilds (Sign-ups) - a KARdubZ production

    WELCOME TO THE CANADIAN WWILDS (for those of you not on night mode, your'e missing my canadian flag pun and I'm sorry for you) A SAR, KDUBS, and DUBZ (i.e. KARDUBZ) PRODUCTION Hey ya hosers! I know the border's closed or something but we heard you'd really like to take a trip to Canada, eh...