do grade replacement

  1. S

    AACOMAS Policy change, should I still retake these classes??

    Stats: URM cGPA 2.79 sGPA 2.71 >400 hours volunteering/working in healthcare as an ER Tech >300 hours non-clinical community service ~50 shadowing hours D1 student athlete I graduated and returned to my college this semester to start retaking Biochem (F), Thermodynamics (F) and Differential...
  2. N

    No More Grade Replacement for DO schools? What Alternatives Does One Have?

    Basically, the year that I apply I receive these news. Great. However, I am trying to be realistic now and with no grade replacement I do not think I am competitive. What other realistic alternative pathways can I pursue towards the field of medicine in order to attend an MD/DO school. Are SMPs...
  3. G

    Non-trad without BS/BA degree, has PharmD -> MD goals

    Hello there, I graduated from pharmacy school five years ago. I do not have a BS/BA, the PharmD counts against me because it's considered a professional degree. I cannot apply for post-bacc or DO programs. I can apply to MD programs, but they will factor in all of my grades. I have not...
  4. P

    Grade Replacement.. Principles of Chemistry 1 vs General Inorganic Chemistry at a CC...

    Hey all, So I asked a very similar question recently about grade replacement that prompted this one. I got a c in gen Chen 1, called "Principles of Chemistry 1" at my undergrad four years ago as a freshmen. Now I'm taking "General Inorganic Chemistry 1" with the lab at a CC. I have like 100%...