
  1. S

    MD/MPH is it worth it?

    Hello all, I am matriculating into medical school this summer and I'm interested in the public health, urban bioethics type spectrum of MD dual degrees. However, I'm curious to see what the benefits are other then supplementing your medical school education? Does having a dual degree make your...
  2. AsILayFaulkner_8

    Looking to reinvent, but not sure where to start? I have taken nearly every science class in the book.

    Hello! I'm hoping my situation isn't super unheard of because I'm really needing some insight. I am a MD/DO hopeful looking to reinvent with a DIY postbacc. However, I have a million undergrad credits and have taken Zoology, Ecology, both sections of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Histology...
  3. N

    Tips on Applying to MD/MPH Programs?

    I am interested in pursuing an MD/MPH program. I was wondering if anyone knows what it takes for admission or how the evaluation process/what schools are looking for is different than just applying as an MD. I am seeing very little about what it takes/ what qualities are desired/ what...