feralis biology

  1. A

    Feralis vs. Bootcamp for bio???

    My test is on August 3rd and so far I have been studying bio using the pre made bootcamp anki decks. However, I've heard so many good things about the Feralis deck that it has made me consider using those instead. I'm a bio major so I feel like I have a good chance at scoring highly on that...
  2. NewtonStar

    Feralis Biology Notes

    Where can I find the latest version of Feralis Biology notes?
  3. In Easy We Trust

    OAT experience Aug 2018

    Hello all, At first I wasn't going to post a "Complete OAT experience" but I figured I would since the ones I read helped me a lot. There are so many great ones so I will try to make this one as brief, yet useful, as possible. (Nonetheless don't judge my scores, I spent a total of $50 to study...
  4. F

    DAT Study HELP

    i recently pushed my exam back 3 weeks and am struggling to figure out what to do: I originally went through all of Kaplan and then bought Bootcamp just before the exam. After taking the first five Bootcamp full lengths, my TS was averaging to about a 19-19.5, so I decided to push my exam back...
  5. K

    DAT Retake 24 AA, 27 TS

    hi all I just retook my DAT for the third time. here is my breakdown for all my attempts. (first-->second-->third) 2017-->2017-->2018 BIO 18 --> 21 --> 28 (+8) CHEM 19 --> 25 --> 24 (-1) OCHEM 15 --> 24 -->30 (+6) :soexcited: QR 15 --> 21 --> 22 (+1) PAT 17 --> 21--> 22 (+1) RC 17 -->...
  6. I

    Feralis Bio Notes

    Hi everyone! I am starting my DAT studies, but I can't seem to find the complete Feralis notes? Can someone pretty please send them to me?
  7. pookatooth

    Feralis Biology Notes

    Hello all, I have a biology MFT coming up and I was wondering if anyone had a pdf of feralis's excellent notes or some other adequate alternative. Thanks in advance.