
  1. doctorsdoctor

    Career Change MD to (???)

    Status: I am a doctor from the Philippines who holds a medical license degree in Philippines. I have tried various residencies in the Philippines but then I got married to a french guy. Now I am here in this foreign country whose Medical System is designed to kill doctors or either die trying. I...
  2. redence

    Difficulty of pre-med compared to high school?

    I was wondering how hard is premed courses compared to high school courses. I took some honors and AP's including AP Biology and AP Psychology (and some other history AP's) but not AP Chem or AP Physics. In high school, I got a 3.5 GPA but sadly a 26/36 on the ACT (tbh I didn't study for it). I...
  3. bellowbruins

    AAMC Question Bank B/BS Number 25

    Hello Can someone explain me why the answer is C for the question 25? AAMC answer do not sound convincing to me Qn: WHICH STATEMENT IS SUPPORTED BY THE DATA SHOWN IN FIGURE 1? A) STRA 5 ACTIVITY IS ASSOCIATED WITH THE CRBP-I INTRACELLULAR PROTEIN, BUT NOT THE LRAT INTRACELLULAR PROTEIN B)...
  4. S

    It's just not clicking

    Hey everyone, I am a first year family medicine resident and I am currently in my third block of the wards. I just feel like nothing is clicking. Like I don't see the big picture. I see my coworkers and they all seem to be getting everything and it seems to be coming so easy to them. All I...
  5. N

    Pre Med or Pre Law?

    Hi! This is my first post and I apologize if I am in the wrong place. I am about to begin my second semester of my first year of college. As of now I am taking traditional pre-med classes. I do well, and I enjoy my science courses a lot, but it takes me so much longer to learn the material than...
  6. Minions2015

    DAT Destroyer ochem is getting rough

    Hey guys, so my test is in two weeks and i have saved the Ochem section of the destroyer to do last. So i realized i am in huge trouble. the first portion of the ochem section i was getting a bit over 50% right. The moment i passed question 100 i am getting only 30-40 percent right. I know the...
  7. T

    Low MCAT Diagnostic score

    On my mcat diagnostic i got a 488. I'm a little overwhelmed because the exam was so difficult and I guessed on a lot of the questions. My overall gpa and science gpa arent good (3.5 and 2.7 respectively) so the mcat is really all i have left to work on (as well as physics2 and biochem to raise...
  8. H

    "Talking too hard"

    Hey everyone! I'm a long-time reader, first-time poster. Hope you can help: OK, so I just came back from my first interview at a med school, and one of my interviewers cuts in midway through, and tells me that "in general, I should speak less hard." I was genuinely thrown for a loop, because...