DAT Destroyer ochem is getting rough

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7+ Year Member
Jun 16, 2015
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Hey guys, so my test is in two weeks and i have saved the Ochem section of the destroyer to do last. So i realized i am in huge trouble. the first portion of the ochem section i was getting a bit over 50% right. The moment i passed question 100 i am getting only 30-40 percent right. I know the real thing is going to be slightly easier so i don't know if i should be too worried.

As far as my other scores go i am getting


Test is in two weeks, i am not sure what to do? :(

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you're fine. its not about how many you're getting right. Just pay attention to the solutions and make note of your mistakes. I only did the first couple of ochem tests and i got a 21. Its not a stellar score, but getting annihilated on the ochem destroyer isn't the end of the world.
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It ain't called the Destroyer for nothing.
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thanks guys! i will be buying top score this weekend after i finish destroyer. y'all think thats a good idea? i don't want to use all my bootcamp tests just yet.
I don't think you need top score honestly.

All i studied with for chem was Chads video's, destroyer, and bootcamp. Save your money! but if money isn't an issue for you then i guess it doesn't hurt to have more resources.
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I think you need to go through it a few more times. By the time my DAT came along, I was able to finish the whole Orgo section in 2 hours getting 98-99% right. Went through it maybe 20 times, and still get tricked.