low ochem

  1. H

    Mediocre DAT...Low organic score..advice?

    I took the DAT recently and I was disappointed. Long story short, I lost track of time in organic. OGPA: 3.67 SGPA: 3.55 BCP: 3.50 In college I took 16-19 hours every semester, had research experience, took a rigorous curriculum with lots of upper level courses at once (histology...
  2. H

    Mediocre DAT...Low organic score..advice?

    I took the DAT recently and I was disappointed. Long story short, I lost track of time in organic. OGPA: 3.67 SGPA: 3.55 BCP: 3.50 In college I took 16-19 hours every semester, had research experience, took a rigorous curriculum with lots of upper level courses at once (histology...