mmi help

  1. Cracking Med Admissions

    Medical NEW: 250 MMI Practice Questions!

    Hi Current Med School Applicants! How can you improve your Multiple Mini Interview skills so that you will receive a better interview score? Do lots of practice MMI questions! Applicants found our original 50 MMI practice questions extremely helpful. So, we added 200 more MMI questions on our...
  2. justafluff

    MMI prep coaching?

    Does anyone have experience with coaching for MMI interviews for vet school specifically? I have found some information online and am currently reading Desai's MMI strategy book, but it focuses on medical school interviews, not vet school... I wonder how the scenarios might be different, so I...
  3. ArdentMed

    MMI Interview Guide - Part 3: Advice for the Interview

    Part 3: General Advice for the Interview What should you always avoid during the interview? 1. Vague answers: When standing behind the door and waiting for the interviewer to call your name, you have approximately two minutes to prepare an answer. In that time, you should be thinking of...