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Good skelegg
Oct 3, 2021
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Does anyone have experience with coaching for MMI interviews for vet school specifically? I have found some information online and am currently reading Desai's MMI strategy book, but it focuses on medical school interviews, not vet school... I wonder how the scenarios might be different, so I would like to get professional help.

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Does anyone have experience with coaching for MMI interviews for vet school specifically? I have found some information online and am currently reading Desai's MMI strategy book, but it focuses on medical school interviews, not vet school... I wonder how the scenarios might be different, so I would like to get professional help.
I won't say I have experience with coaching, but I have been through a handful of MMIs and might be able to offer some advice! Due to confidentiality waivers I have to be pretty vague about my experiences, but hopefully some of this will help :)

Because MMIs are still primarily a med school thing it's hard to find anything that's specifically for vet school. That said, I used things from med school websites to help me prepare by getting an idea for the style of questions, and it was still helpful. The most important thing to keep in mind is that they aren't looking for a right or wrong answer, they want to see your personality and critical thinking abilities. Some vet schools will actually tell you ahead of time what specific personality traits they will be assessing, but when you're facing each scenario the day of DO NOT try to figure out what's being judged, just give your honest answers. I can't go into specifics about the types of scenarios I've seen, but I can tell you that none of them were veterinary medical scenarios (ex. what would you do with this patient?). If you can find some generic MMI prompts that aren't directly medical I would highly recommend getting a friend or family member to go through some with you, especially if you know how much time the school will give you, so you can get an idea of what it feels like to talk through something in that timeframe.
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Does anyone have experience with coaching for MMI interviews for vet school specifically? I have found some information online and am currently reading Desai's MMI strategy book, but it focuses on medical school interviews, not vet school... I wonder how the scenarios might be different, so I would like to get professional help.
I definitely agree with petvet. I prepared for my MMI interviews by watching free videos and reading articles about MMIs and what they are testing through the types of questions they ask ie explaining to someone how to build something without a model or being given a scenario/what would you do. I definitely recommend preparing prior to the interview to understand what to expect with MMI interviews since it is strange and can be scary to be asked something you aren’t mentally prepared for.
Hi there! Medical school interviews are not very different from vet school interviews in terms of the strategies you should use. In fact, the scenarios used for MMI stations apply to any real-life situation, not to the medical profession. That being said, the most important thing to remember is that you need to have a strategy to answer each question type (scenario, policy, personal, etc.) and that you always remain non-judgmental. If it’s a scenario, you need to gather information first and then consider possibilities by using an if/then approach. This will allow you to propose potential solutions thereby showcasing your problem-solving skills. If it’s a policy question, you first need to consider pros and cons before stating your opinion. For personal questions, you always want to include a personal example relevant to the question, then mention what you learned from the experience (skills you developed) and how you can apply this learning moving forward. As you can see, these strategies do not depend on a field and actually apply to any MMI style interview. Hope this helps and best of luck!