mmi prep

  1. ApplyPoint

    The Med School’s MMI Interview: Critical Thinking (and it's all critical thinking!)

    Critical thinking. Every question you’re asked in an MMI is going to require critical thinking and explaining your thought process. We’re simply adding this short selection of questions that obviously require critical thinking so that you can more consciously practice meeting those goals. A...
  2. ApplyPoint

    The Med School’s MMI Interview: Writing and Picture Stations

    The Picture Station. It’s possible that your MMI will include a picture station, where you are presented with an image and asked to describe it. The image could show something emotionally evocative or medicine-related or look like a vacation photo. Like most MMI stations, this one tests your...
  3. ApplyPoint

    The Med School’s MMI Interview: Teamwork Activities

    Medicine is a team sport. To gauge your collaboration skills, some schools will assess you in teamwork activities that you complete with another applicant. The pair of you might be asked to create an action plan together or one of you may act as an instructor and the other as a doer. (And then...
  4. ApplyPoint

    Application Tips with Apply Point: Moral & Ethical Situation Practice Prompts

    You've now reviewed our last two posts on how to answer Moral & Ethical Situation Prompts. Here are some prompts to put what you've read into practice. Don't forget to verbalize: What information is missing? What assumptions are you making? How do you work through the situation? You’re a...
  5. ApplyPoint

    Application Tips with Apply Point: Moral & Ethical Situations

    There are times when your personal beliefs may conflict with your ability to provide a legal medical procedure, such as abortion or physician-assisted death. So, what then? You can be a conscientious objector. But that doesn’t preclude you from providing your patient with information on a doctor...
  6. justafluff

    MMI prep coaching?

    Does anyone have experience with coaching for MMI interviews for vet school specifically? I have found some information online and am currently reading Desai's MMI strategy book, but it focuses on medical school interviews, not vet school... I wonder how the scenarios might be different, so I...