
  1. P

    How do physicians get involved with public health?

    I would love to be a practicing physician at a clinic ( dermatology, allergy, psychiatry, or what so have you) while being involved in public health ( a lot of my ecs and interests are public health centered) But I want to have an idea on how does a practicing physician fit in the field of...
  2. G

    Spanish Minor vs. Chemistry Minor for UC medical schools?

    Hey guys! I hope you're doing well and staying safe. So lately I've been on a dilemma. I'm a Neuroscience major with a minor in Chemistry. However, I was talking to a friend who claims she knows what Medical Schools in California like to see, and she said that they would rather see a Spanish...
  3. postponemastudentloan

    Taking classes online?

    I’ve been told that taking pre-requisite classes online is a big no no, but I was wondering if it matters that I take a neurology class online over the summer. I know it’s not a prerequisite for medical school but it is a science class so I thought I’d double check if online classes are looked...