study mcat

  1. MCAT Self Prep

    MCAT 3 Ways to Study for the MCAT During the Semester

    With winter break coming to a close, it is a great time to start thinking about the upcoming semester of school. And if you are preparing to take the MCAT sometime this year, you will need to think about how you are going to balance MCAT studying with your coursework. It may seem cumbersome to...
  2. FirstOrder55

    2017 83-Day MCAT Study Plan (using Berkeley Review, Kaplan and Khan Academy Cross-References)

    Hey Everyone! I mainly developed this plan for myself, but I thought I would post it here! I have updated all the references from the @mcatjelly, @SN2ed, and @_Nymeria_ study guides for a 2017 Study Plan. Credit to them for the inspiration! I'm simply uploading it in hopes it might help someone...