
  1. samiam1007

    Starting a practice / working together with your classmate?

    Do you know of any cases or scenarios in which a dentist and his/her classmate of the same year had started a clinic together? That is, after building up a good chunk of experiences for some years as associates. Say they've been a really close friends for the whole 4 years of dental school and...
  2. davethebarbarian

    Study MCAT and do research?

    I landed a summership program this summer working at a lab and I'd like to pursue a MD/PhD program but MD works as well. My PI is an MD/PhD and wants me to come back next summer and dive further and train me in research because his work is a long process and doesn't submit papers often and likes...
  3. davethebarbarian

    Organic Chemistry 2 and Biochem combined in a semester?

    Forecasting for next semester, and I'm having a hard decision deciding what to do for my 2nd semester of my sophomore year. I am acing organic chemistry 1 right now, but I put a lot of effort into the course. Majority of my time this semester has been used for studying and I'm pulling As in my...