
  1. Alt-Dimension

    UK Medicine, Oops! I didn't do Biology A-Level.

    As a Year 12 student in the UK, I've been researching all the medical schools and their requirements for a few months already. But when I decided to do further research around January, I found out that some schools required Biology as a compulsory A-Level, as mine were Physics, Maths and...
  2. NeuroendoHolism

    my big D...lemma

    Let’s keep this organized and in advance thank you!!! About me: Marist BA psych n Phil 3.5 Pre med reqs almost done gpa 3.5 Age 26 American and working on dual with EU via dead EU ancestors in Italy. Goal:Become psychiatrist work in UK 1) The dual EU citizenship should help right? Especially...
  3. A

    American high school to UK Med School?

    I am currently a junior in high school in California. My GPA is sadly very average, probably around 3.3 on a 4.0 scale. However, I have always had a very loaded schedule with lots of honors and AP courses, I am an active member of the Medical Science Academy at my school, have over 100 hours of...
  4. P

    BMAT/UKCAT tutors wanted

    Dear fellow medical students, As the time is slowly approaching for students to start preparing for UKCAT and BMAT exams later this year, I have seen that there is a need for private tutors in London and elsewhere. The company is called PhD Tutors and are currently hiring 3rd to 5th year...