15, scared, intrested, and excited.


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Sep 24, 2009
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Hello all. My name is Cody. Im new here to these forums, but it looks like the right place. Well, its 1am and I have been thinking of this all night.

First, some backround info:
Im 15, went to HS in upstate NY, now live in Las Vegas, I am a junior and attending HS here.
I wrestle, play football, and work out.

Ever since I was a little kid, I have always wanted to be a chef. But I have done some research, and decided that is not what I want fully anymore. I have found that I wish to be a pharmacist. I am drawn by the ability to help people, the hours, and ofcourse the paycheck. Also, on many websites it is stated that careers dealing with pharmacy will grow faster than normal from now until 2016.

I have done some research, and concluded that:
1. I need 2 years of pre-req pharmacy classes(IE: human studies, calc, chem,ect.)
2. Then I take a test
3. If I pass, I then take 4 years of pharmacy school
4. Then, I take another test
5. Then I get my licence?
This is how the college part goes, correct?

Now, some more about me.
I am good at History classes, good at Bio and chem, bad at math, and good at english/writing/reading. I am a very social person, and have good people skills, and can get a point across well. I am very polite, hard worker, and have a extensive knowledge of the world. I have somewhat good problem solving skills, and I understand body language well. My grades have always been mediocre, Elementary was B's and A's, middleschool A's, B's, and a C or two... Freshmen/Soph year of HS was mostly B's and C's. My junior year is currently going well.

Is this pharmacy school material? It seems that you must be very good at chemestry and mathematics to get into a pharmaceutical school. Is this true?

Now, more questions.
1. You probably get this all the time, but on a scale of 1-100, how hard is the whole 6 year process of becoming a pharmacist?

2. I would like to go to http://www.acphs.edu/ . Does anyone know how hard it is to get in? (sorry if you cannot post links on this website, it is Albany college of Pharmacy and Health Sciences)

3. Reccomend any other good 0-6 pharmacy schools?

4. In your opinion, based on how I have described myself, do you believe that I could possibly make it though the 0-6 to one day be a pharmacist? Please, dont be nice, say the truth.

If anyone is so kind to respond, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this, and would like to thank you even more if you answered a question, or help me in some way.

Thanks again!
P.S.: If these are not the right forums, please just send this thread to the right forums.

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Hey Cody,

Yes you will be able to do pharmacy school. I'm not sure about 0+6 program, but the traditional way for sure if you are hard working all the way throughout. There are many 0+6 programs. I recommend MCPHS, USP, St. John's, St. Louis, and many more. MCPHS and USP are pretty easy schools to get into (need around a 3.3 or more).

According to your research, you have got it right except that it will probably be 4 years of pre-req (to get Bachelors) if you want to get into any pharmacy school lol. Then you take the PCAT, then apply to pharmacy school. And 4 yeras of pharmacy(or 3 depending on what program you choose).
However, in the 0+6 program, you don't have to take the PCAT or apply to pharmacy school since you are already guaranteed a seat.
Hi Cody! Welcome to hSDN!

It's really way too soon to tell you if you're pharmacy school material, but it's good that you're thinking ahead! The average ACT scores of early admitted students at Ole Miss (I think at this school they mean the 2+4 program) was a 29, and those with bachelors had an average of a 25. The average college GPAs for the regularly admitted students (4+4) was a 3.21. That might give you a better idea of where you need to be intellectually to get in.

Local colleges and state colleges that have pharmacy schools are probably your best bet, they tend to favor their own UGs over transfers - especially when considering students for 2+4 programs. Many students now are going ahead and getting their bachelors before Pharmacy School though, which might be a good idea if you're still not sure what you want to do when you're in your freshman or sophomore year in college.

Right now just stay focused and have fun!
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Hey Titans - I guess I chimed in to late here, everyone gave you excellent advice. I will only add that you should be patient with yourself, and give yourself time to figure out what you want in life before making any life changing decisions.

Best of luck to you on your path!



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