2012-2013 Rejection Thread

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guys no offense, but if your rejected from med school then this maybe is a way of admissions telling you that your not cut out for this. If you were rejected, i wouldn't waste my time re-applying and wasting your time and money, instead start looking for alternative careers. Every year that passes is precious.

With all due respect, dudestheman90, I feel this is terrible advice.

Getting rejected from medical school is not a way for admissions committees to tell you that you "aren't good enough for medical school" or that you are somehow unworthy of acceptance at all. It means, "Sorry, we only have a limited amount of seats for our entering class and you are not the right fit for our class at this point in time."

Qualified applicants, with 35 MCATs and 3.6 GPAs are turned away each year for various reasons - not having adequate ECs, not applying broadly enough, not the right fit for the schools mission, etc. Telling someone to not reapply because they were rejected from medical school is absolutely ridiculous, and if people followed this advice, we would have qualified applicants going elsewhere when all they had to do was fix a particular part of their application. If you want to be a physician, then you fix the problem with your application and move forward. It's an extra year -- peanuts compared to how long you'll actually be in the profession.
With all due respect, dudestheman90, I feel this is terrible advice.

Getting rejected from medical school is not a way for admissions committees to tell you that you "aren't good enough for medical school" or that you are somehow unworthy of acceptance at all. It means, "Sorry, we only have a limited amount of seats for our entering class and you are not the right fit for our class at this point in time."

Qualified applicants, with 35 MCATs and 3.6 GPAs are turned away each year for various reasons - not having adequate ECs, not applying broadly enough, not the right fit for the schools mission, etc. Telling someone to not reapply because they were rejected from medical school is absolutely ridiculous, and if people followed this advice, we would have qualified applicants going elsewhere when all they had to do was fix a particular part of their application. If you want to be a physician, then you fix the problem with your application and move forward. It's an extra year -- peanuts compared to how long you'll actually be in the profession.

you're right on, musicjunkie.
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