***2024-2025 MD/PhD Interview Invites***

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No tricks, only treats today from UTMB!! (Officially suffering from success in that I have two interviews on the same day. I hope either program lets me reschedule.)


1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)

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1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
Mayo Clinic AZ!

1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
Members don't see this ad :)

1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
Also Kaiser-Caltech! 🙂

1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
UC San Diego!!!

1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)

1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4), Glycobio3612 (C:8/25, II:11/4)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)

1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4), Glycobio3612 (C:8/25, II:11/4)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
Congrats! Was this for the Kaiser or Caltech side?
South Dakota yesterday

1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
U Kentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
Last edited:
1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
These updates are really late but I got an interview for Texas A&M on 9/24 and UTMB on 11/11.
1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
Members don't see this ad :)
Medical College of Wisconsin 🙂
1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Medical College of Wisconsin: okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech!

1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Medical College of Wisconsin: okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech: anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 11/13)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
McGovern (UT Houston) today!

1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Medical College of Wisconsin: okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech: anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 11/13)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26), anonR24 (C: 11/1, II: 11/18)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
Stanford, Columbia, NYU, Hopkins, & Cornell

1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14), narutooo17 (C: 7/10 II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24), narutooo17 (C: 8/1 II: 9/26)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Medical College of Wisconsin: okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2), narutooo17 (C: 7/29 II: 10/19)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8), narutooo17 (C: 7/27 II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech: anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 11/13)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30), narutooo17 (C: 7/8 II: 9/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26), anonR24 (C: 11/1, II: 11/18)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)

1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14), narutooo17 (C: 7/10 II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24), narutooo17 (C: 8/1 II: 9/26)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Medical College of Wisconsin: okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2), narutooo17 (C: 7/29 II: 10/19)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8), narutooo17 (C: 7/27 II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech: anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 11/13)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30), narutooo17 (C: 7/8 II: 9/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UCSF: okdamage (C: 8/09, II: 11/21)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26), anonR24 (C: 11/1, II: 11/18)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)

1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14), narutooo17 (C: 7/10 II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24), narutooo17 (C: 8/1 II: 9/26)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Medical College of Wisconsin: okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2), narutooo17 (C: 7/29 II: 10/19)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8), narutooo17 (C: 7/27 II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech: anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 11/13)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30), narutooo17 (C: 7/8 II: 9/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UCSF: okdamage (C: 8/09, II: 11/21)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26), anonR24 (C: 11/1, II: 11/18)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
Congrats! What day are they currently scheduling? (Trying to know if this is for the last II date).
Congrats! What day are they currently scheduling? (Trying to know if this is for the last II date).
the dates are on their website. I believe there are a couple more (one may be for medanthro applicants only however).
LSU New Orleans

1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14), narutooo17 (C: 7/10 II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24), narutooo17 (C: 8/1 II: 9/26)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
LSU New Orleans: effervescent-nerd (C: 8/10; II: 11/22)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Medical College of Wisconsin: okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2), narutooo17 (C: 7/29 II: 10/19)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8), narutooo17 (C: 7/27 II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech: anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 11/13)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30), narutooo17 (C: 7/8 II: 9/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UCSF: okdamage (C: 8/09, II: 11/21)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26), anonR24 (C: 11/1, II: 11/18)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)

1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14), narutooo17 (C: 7/10 II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24), narutooo17 (C: 8/1 II: 9/26)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Medical College of Wisconsin: okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2), narutooo17 (C: 7/29 II: 10/19)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8), narutooo17 (C: 7/27 II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech: anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 11/13)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30), narutooo17 (C: 7/8 II: 9/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UCSF: okdamage (C: 8/09, II: 11/21)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26), anonR24 (C: 11/1, II: 11/18)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
Congrats! Did you apply for and receive MD-only II as well at earlier time? Just curious, how many faculty are now listed in faculty selection in your secondary?
Rochester this week

1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14), narutooo17 (C: 7/10 II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24), narutooo17 (C: 8/1 II: 9/26)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
LSU New Orleans: effervescent-nerd (C: 8/10; II: 11/22)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Medical College of Wisconsin: okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2), narutooo17 (C: 7/29 II: 10/19)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11), ankaraMessi (C: 8/05, II: 11/2x)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8), narutooo17 (C: 7/27 II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech: anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 11/13)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30), narutooo17 (C: 7/8 II: 9/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UCSF: okdamage (C: 8/09, II: 11/21)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26), anonR24 (C: 11/1, II: 11/18)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)

1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14), narutooo17 (C: 7/10 II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24), narutooo17 (C: 8/1 II: 9/26)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
LSU New Orleans: effervescent-nerd (C: 8/10; II: 11/22)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Medical College of Wisconsin: okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2), narutooo17 (C: 7/29 II: 10/19)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11), ankaraMessi (C: 8/05, II: 11/2x)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8), narutooo17 (C: 7/27 II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech: anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 11/13)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30), narutooo17 (C: 7/8 II: 9/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UCSF: okdamage (C: 8/09, II: 11/21)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26), anonR24 (C: 11/1, II: 11/18)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09), anonR24 (C: 11/14, II: 11/22)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14), narutooo17 (C: 7/10 II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Georgetown: Cats222 (C: 7/1, II: 11/25)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24), narutooo17 (C: 8/1 II: 9/26)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
LSU New Orleans: effervescent-nerd (C: 8/10; II: 11/22)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Medical College of Wisconsin: okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2), narutooo17 (C: 7/29 II: 10/19)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11), ankaraMessi (C: 8/05, II: 11/2x)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8), narutooo17 (C: 7/27 II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech: anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 11/13)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30), narutooo17 (C: 7/8 II: 9/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UCSF: okdamage (C: 8/09, II: 11/21)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26), anonR24 (C: 11/1, II: 11/18)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09), anonR24 (C: 11/14, II: 11/22)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
Getting around to updating all of mine: Case Western, Kaiser Permanente, UTMB, UTSW, UMass
1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20), infurno (C: 7/28, II: 826)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14), narutooo17 (C: 7/10 II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Georgetown: Cats222 (C: 7/1, II: 11/25)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24), narutooo17 (C: 8/1 II: 9/26)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4), infurno (C: 8/13, II: 10/3)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
LSU New Orleans: effervescent-nerd (C: 8/10; II: 11/22)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Medical College of Wisconsin: okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2), narutooo17 (C: 7/29 II: 10/19)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11), ankaraMessi (C: 8/05, II: 11/2x)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8), narutooo17 (C: 7/27 II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech: anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 11/13)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30), narutooo17 (C: 7/8 II: 9/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UCSF: okdamage (C: 8/09, II: 11/21)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), infurno (C: 8/2, II: 11/4)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26), anonR24 (C: 11/1, II: 11/18)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11), infurno (C: 9/15, II: 11/4)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09), anonR24 (C: 11/14, II: 11/22), infurno (C: 7/31, Ii: 9/5)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
Updating -- Stony Brook, Miami, Vanderbilt

1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20), infurno (C: 7/28, II: 826)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14), narutooo17 (C: 7/10 II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Georgetown: Cats222 (C: 7/1, II: 11/25)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24), narutooo17 (C: 8/1 II: 9/26)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4), infurno (C: 8/13, II: 10/3)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
LSU New Orleans: effervescent-nerd (C: 8/10; II: 11/22)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Medical College of Wisconsin: okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2), narutooo17 (C: 7/29 II: 10/19)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11), ankaraMessi (C: 8/05, II: 11/2x)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8), narutooo17 (C: 7/27 II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9), bravemountain (C: 7/4, II: 11/20)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech: anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 11/13)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30), narutooo17 (C: 7/8 II: 9/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UCSF: okdamage (C: 8/09, II: 11/21)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), infurno (C: 8/2, II: 11/4)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8), bravemountain (C: 10/14, II: 11/26)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26), anonR24 (C: 11/1, II: 11/18)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11), infurno (C: 9/15, II: 11/4)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09), anonR24 (C: 11/14, II: 11/22), infurno (C: 7/31, Ii: 9/5)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
Vanderbilt: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 11/26)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
USC-Caltech and UC Irvine last week!

1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20), infurno (C: 7/28, II: 826)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14), narutooo17 (C: 7/10 II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Georgetown: Cats222 (C: 7/1, II: 11/25)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24), narutooo17 (C: 8/1 II: 9/26)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4), infurno (C: 8/13, II: 10/3), Glycobio3612 (C: 8/25, II: 11/04)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
LSU New Orleans: effervescent-nerd (C: 8/10; II: 11/22)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Medical College of Wisconsin: okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2), narutooo17 (C: 7/29 II: 10/19)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11), ankaraMessi (C: 8/05, II: 11/2x)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8), narutooo17 (C: 7/27 II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9), bravemountain (C: 7/4, II: 11/20)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech: anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 11/13)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30), narutooo17 (C: 7/8 II: 9/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16), Glycobio3612 (C: 8/26, II: 11/27)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UCSF: okdamage (C: 8/09, II: 11/21)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), infurno (C: 8/2, II: 11/4)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8), bravemountain (C: 10/14, II: 11/26)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USC-Caltech: Glycobio3612 (C: 8/22, II: 11/27)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26), anonR24 (C: 11/1, II: 11/18)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11), infurno (C: 9/15, II: 11/4)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09), anonR24 (C: 11/14, II: 11/22), infurno (C: 7/31, Ii: 9/5)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
Vanderbilt: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 11/26)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20), infurno (C: 7/28, II: 826)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14), narutooo17 (C: 7/10 II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Georgetown: Cats222 (C: 7/1, II: 11/25)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24), narutooo17 (C: 8/1 II: 9/26)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4), infurno (C: 8/13, II: 10/3), Glycobio3612 (C: 8/25, II: 11/04)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
LSU New Orleans: effervescent-nerd (C: 8/10; II: 11/22)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
Medical College of Wisconsin: okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2), narutooo17 (C: 7/29 II: 10/19)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11), ankaraMessi (C: 8/05, II: 11/2x)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8), narutooo17 (C: 7/27 II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9), bravemountain (C: 7/4, II: 11/20)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech: anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 11/13)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30), narutooo17 (C: 7/8 II: 9/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16), Glycobio3612 (C: 8/26, II: 11/27)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UCSF: okdamage (C: 8/09, II: 11/21)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), infurno (C: 8/2, II: 11/4)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8), bravemountain (C: 10/14, II: 11/26)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USC-Caltech: Glycobio3612 (C: 8/22, II: 11/27)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26), anonR24 (C: 11/1, II: 11/18)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11), infurno (C: 9/15, II: 11/4)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24), infurno (C: 07/30, II: 12/04)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09), anonR24 (C: 11/14, II: 11/22), infurno (C: 7/31, Ii: 9/5)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
Vanderbilt: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 11/26)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
Medical College of Wisconsin (First II, Yay!)
1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20), infurno (C: 7/28, II: 826)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14), narutooo17 (C: 7/10 II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Georgetown: Cats222 (C: 7/1, II: 11/25)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24), narutooo17 (C: 8/1 II: 9/26)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4), infurno (C: 8/13, II: 10/3), Glycobio3612 (C: 8/25, II: 11/04)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
LSU New Orleans: effervescent-nerd (C: 8/10; II: 11/22)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
MCW (Medical College of Wisconsin): okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12), ChanticleerRoost129 (C: 9/15, II: 12/20)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2), narutooo17 (C: 7/29 II: 10/19)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11), ankaraMessi (C: 8/05, II: 11/2x)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8), narutooo17 (C: 7/27 II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9), bravemountain (C: 7/4, II: 11/20)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech: anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 11/13)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30), narutooo17 (C: 7/8 II: 9/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16), Glycobio3612 (C: 8/26, II: 11/27)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UCSF: okdamage (C: 8/09, II: 11/21)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), infurno (C: 8/2, II: 11/4)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8), bravemountain (C: 10/14, II: 11/26)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USC-Caltech: Glycobio3612 (C: 8/22, II: 11/27)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26), anonR24 (C: 11/1, II: 11/18)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11), infurno (C: 9/15, II: 11/4)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24), infurno (C: 07/30, II: 12/04)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09), anonR24 (C: 11/14, II: 11/22), infurno (C: 7/31, Ii: 9/5)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
Vanderbilt: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 11/26)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
Last edited:
1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20), infurno (C: 7/28, II: 826)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14), narutooo17 (C: 7/10 II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Georgetown: Cats222 (C: 7/1, II: 11/25)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24), narutooo17 (C: 8/1 II: 9/26)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4), infurno (C: 8/13, II: 10/3), Glycobio3612 (C: 8/25, II: 11/04)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
LSU New Orleans: effervescent-nerd (C: 8/10; II: 11/22)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
MCW (Medical College of Wisconsin): okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12), ChanticleerRoost129 (C: 9/15, II: 12/20)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2), narutooo17 (C: 7/29 II: 10/19)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11), ankaraMessi (C: 8/05, II: 11/2x)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8), narutooo17 (C: 7/27 II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9), bravemountain (C: 7/4, II: 11/20)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech: anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 11/13)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30), narutooo17 (C: 7/8 II: 9/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16), Glycobio3612 (C: 8/26, II: 11/27)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UCSF: okdamage (C: 8/09, II: 11/21)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), infurno (C: 8/2, II: 11/4)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8), bravemountain (C: 10/14, II: 11/26)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USC-Caltech: Glycobio3612 (C: 8/22, II: 11/27)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26), anonR24 (C: 11/1, II: 11/18)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11), infurno (C: 9/15, II: 11/4)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24), infurno (C: 07/30, II: 12/04), chemarked (C: 7/20, II: 12/23)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09), anonR24 (C: 11/14, II: 11/22), infurno (C: 7/31, Ii: 9/5)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
Vanderbilt: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 11/26)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
I'd literally given up hope, but a New Year's gift from Vanderbilt came in today!!!

1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20), infurno (C: 7/28, II: 826)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14), narutooo17 (C: 7/10 II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Georgetown: Cats222 (C: 7/1, II: 11/25)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24), narutooo17 (C: 8/1 II: 9/26)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4), infurno (C: 8/13, II: 10/3), Glycobio3612 (C: 8/25, II: 11/04)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
LSU New Orleans: effervescent-nerd (C: 8/10; II: 11/22)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
MCW (Medical College of Wisconsin): okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12), ChanticleerRoost129 (C: 9/15, II: 12/20)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2), narutooo17 (C: 7/29 II: 10/19)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11), ankaraMessi (C: 8/05, II: 11/2x)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8), narutooo17 (C: 7/27 II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9), bravemountain (C: 7/4, II: 11/20)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech: anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 11/13)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30), narutooo17 (C: 7/8 II: 9/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16), Glycobio3612 (C: 8/26, II: 11/27)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UCSF: okdamage (C: 8/09, II: 11/21)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), infurno (C: 8/2, II: 11/4)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8), bravemountain (C: 10/14, II: 11/26)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USC-Caltech: Glycobio3612 (C: 8/22, II: 11/27)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26), anonR24 (C: 11/1, II: 11/18)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11), infurno (C: 9/15, II: 11/4)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24), infurno (C: 07/30, II: 12/04), chemarked (C: 7/20, II: 12/23)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09), anonR24 (C: 11/14, II: 11/22), infurno (C: 7/31, Ii: 9/5)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
Vanderbilt: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 11/26), popmuzikstan (C: 8/18, II: 1/3)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
UT San Antonio!

1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20), infurno (C: 7/28, II: 826)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14), narutooo17 (C: 7/10 II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Georgetown: Cats222 (C: 7/1, II: 11/25)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24), narutooo17 (C: 8/1 II: 9/26)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4), infurno (C: 8/13, II: 10/3), Glycobio3612 (C: 8/25, II: 11/04)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
LSU New Orleans: effervescent-nerd (C: 8/10; II: 11/22)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
MCW (Medical College of Wisconsin): okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12), ChanticleerRoost129 (C: 9/15, II: 12/20)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2), narutooo17 (C: 7/29 II: 10/19)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11), ankaraMessi (C: 8/05, II: 11/2x)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8), narutooo17 (C: 7/27 II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9), bravemountain (C: 7/4, II: 11/20)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech: anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 11/13)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30), narutooo17 (C: 7/8 II: 9/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16), Glycobio3612 (C: 8/26, II: 11/27)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UCSF: okdamage (C: 8/09, II: 11/21)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), infurno (C: 8/2, II: 11/4)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8), bravemountain (C: 10/14, II: 11/26)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USC-Caltech: Glycobio3612 (C: 8/22, II: 11/27)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26), anonR24 (C: 11/1, II: 11/18)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11), infurno (C: 9/15, II: 11/4)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24), infurno (C: 07/30, II: 12/04), chemarked (C: 7/20, II: 12/23), sandydog10 (C: 6/29, II: 1/6)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09), anonR24 (C: 11/14, II: 11/22), infurno (C: 7/31, Ii: 9/5)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
Vanderbilt: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 11/26), popmuzikstan (C: 8/18, II: 1/3)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)[/QUOTE]
Georgetown yesterday!

1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20), infurno (C: 7/28, II: 826)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14), narutooo17 (C: 7/10 II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Georgetown: Cats222 (C: 7/1, II: 11/25), anonR24 (C: 11/15, II: 1/6)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24), narutooo17 (C: 8/1 II: 9/26)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4), infurno (C: 8/13, II: 10/3), Glycobio3612 (C: 8/25, II: 11/04)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
LSU New Orleans: effervescent-nerd (C: 8/10; II: 11/22)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
MCW (Medical College of Wisconsin): okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12), ChanticleerRoost129 (C: 9/15, II: 12/20)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2), narutooo17 (C: 7/29 II: 10/19)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11), ankaraMessi (C: 8/05, II: 11/2x)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8), narutooo17 (C: 7/27 II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9), bravemountain (C: 7/4, II: 11/20)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech: anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 11/13)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30), narutooo17 (C: 7/8 II: 9/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16), Glycobio3612 (C: 8/26, II: 11/27)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UCSF: okdamage (C: 8/09, II: 11/21)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), infurno (C: 8/2, II: 11/4)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8), bravemountain (C: 10/14, II: 11/26)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USC-Caltech: Glycobio3612 (C: 8/22, II: 11/27)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26), anonR24 (C: 11/1, II: 11/18)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11), infurno (C: 9/15, II: 11/4)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24), infurno (C: 07/30, II: 12/04), chemarked (C: 7/20, II: 12/23), sandydog10 (C: 6/29, II: 1/6)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09), anonR24 (C: 11/14, II: 11/22), infurno (C: 7/31, Ii: 9/5)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
Vanderbilt: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 11/26), popmuzikstan (C: 8/18, II: 1/3)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20), infurno (C: 7/28, II: 826)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14), narutooo17 (C: 7/10 II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Georgetown: Cats222 (C: 7/1, II: 11/25), anonR24 (C: 11/15, II: 1/6)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24), narutooo17 (C: 8/1 II: 9/26)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4), infurno (C: 8/13, II: 10/3), Glycobio3612 (C: 8/25, II: 11/04)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
LSU New Orleans: effervescent-nerd (C: 8/10; II: 11/22)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
MCW (Medical College of Wisconsin): okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12), ChanticleerRoost129 (C: 9/15, II: 12/20)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2), narutooo17 (C: 7/29 II: 10/19)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11), ankaraMessi (C: 8/05, II: 11/2x)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8), narutooo17 (C: 7/27 II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9), bravemountain (C: 7/4, II: 11/20)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech: anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 11/13)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30), narutooo17 (C: 7/8 II: 9/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16), Glycobio3612 (C: 8/26, II: 11/27)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UCSF: okdamage (C: 8/09, II: 11/21)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), infurno (C: 8/2, II: 11/4)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8), bravemountain (C: 10/14, II: 11/26), cats222 (C: 8/2, II: 1/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USC-Caltech: Glycobio3612 (C: 8/22, II: 11/27)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26), anonR24 (C: 11/1, II: 11/18)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11), infurno (C: 9/15, II: 11/4)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24), infurno (C: 07/30, II: 12/04), chemarked (C: 7/20, II: 12/23), sandydog10 (C: 6/29, II: 1/6)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09), anonR24 (C: 11/14, II: 11/22), infurno (C: 7/31, Ii: 9/5)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
Vanderbilt: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 11/26), popmuzikstan (C: 8/18, II: 1/3)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
Medical College of Wisconsin
1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20), infurno (C: 7/28, II: 826)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14), narutooo17 (C: 7/10 II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Georgetown: Cats222 (C: 7/1, II: 11/25), anonR24 (C: 11/15, II: 1/6)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24), narutooo17 (C: 8/1 II: 9/26)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4), infurno (C: 8/13, II: 10/3), Glycobio3612 (C: 8/25, II: 11/04)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
LSU New Orleans: effervescent-nerd (C: 8/10; II: 11/22)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
MCW (Medical College of Wisconsin): okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12), ChanticleerRoost129 (C: 9/15, II: 12/20), oligeek (C: 7/18, II: 1/14)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2), narutooo17 (C: 7/29 II: 10/19)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11), ankaraMessi (C: 8/05, II: 11/2x)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8), narutooo17 (C: 7/27 II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9), bravemountain (C: 7/4, II: 11/20)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech: anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 11/13)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30), narutooo17 (C: 7/8 II: 9/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16), Glycobio3612 (C: 8/26, II: 11/27)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UCSF: okdamage (C: 8/09, II: 11/21)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), infurno (C: 8/2, II: 11/4)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8), bravemountain (C: 10/14, II: 11/26), cats222 (C: 8/2, II: 1/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USC-Caltech: Glycobio3612 (C: 8/22, II: 11/27)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26), anonR24 (C: 11/1, II: 11/18)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11), infurno (C: 9/15, II: 11/4)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24), infurno (C: 07/30, II: 12/04), chemarked (C: 7/20, II: 12/23), sandydog10 (C: 6/29, II: 1/6)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09), anonR24 (C: 11/14, II: 11/22), infurno (C: 7/31, Ii: 9/5)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
Vanderbilt: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 11/26), popmuzikstan (C: 8/18, II: 1/3)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)
UC Davis!!
1) Click quote on the most recent list
2) Delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) Add your user name, (complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located. Alphabetical order please.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

School: premed1 (C: 7/1 II: 7/2), premed2 (C: 7/2 II: 7/5), ...

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
(Optional) IA: Interview Attendance date

Albert Einstein: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/8)
Baylor: theMechanic23 (C: 7/24, II: 9/24)
Boston University: chemarked (C: 9/5, II: 10/17)
Buffalo: gengar117 (C: 7/18, II: 10/17), bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 10/17)
Case Western: Ms. miRNA (C: 7/25, II: 8/26), okdamage (C: 8/01, II: 9/20), infurno (C: 7/28, II: 826)
Cincinnati: okdamage (C: 7/18, II: 8/7), bravemountain (C: 7/10, II: 9/3)
Colorado: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 9/18), bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 9/18), bruhmomento (C: 7/23. II: 9/18), okdamage (C: 8/1, II: 10/18)
Columbia: superkipz (C: 7/8, II: 8/14), findingdorymed (C:7/8, II: 8/14), narutooo17 (C: 7/10 II: 8/14)
Dartmouth: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 9/20), okdamage (C: 7/10, II: 9/20)
Duke: bruhmomento (C:7/18, II 9/6)
Emory: bigyikes7 (C: 7/22, II: 9/13)
Florida: Cats222 (C: 7/17, II: 9/4), bravemountain (C: 7/20, II: 9/5)
Georgetown: Cats222 (C: 7/1, II: 11/25), anonR24 (C: 11/15, II: 1/6)
Harvard/MIT: theMechanic23 (C: 8/1, II: 9/16)
Hofstra: ankaraMessi (C: 8/7, II: 8/25)
Indiana: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 8/19), okdamage (C: 7/22, II: 8/29)
Iowa: bigyikes7 (C: 7/12, II: 10/24) CRISPR-Cas-yourmom (C: 9/30, II: 10/24)
JHU: Adam1018 (C: 8/25, II: 10/24), narutooo17 (C: 8/1 II: 9/26)
Kaiser Permanente: bravemountain (C: 7/7, II: 10/11), chemarked (C: 10/3, II: 11/4), scrappydoop (C: 8/6, II: 11/4), infurno (C: 8/13, II: 10/3), Glycobio3612 (C: 8/25, II: 11/04)
Louisville: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 10/8)
Loyola Stritch: oligeek (C: 8/11, II: 9/30), bigyikes7 (C: 8/2, II: 9/30)
LSU New Orleans: effervescent-nerd (C: 8/10; II: 11/22)
Mayo Clinic AZ: cats222 (C: 7/15, II: 11/4)
MCW (Medical College of Wisconsin): okdamage (C: 7/11, II: 11/12), ChanticleerRoost129 (C: 9/15, II: 12/20), oligeek (C: 7/18, II: 1/14)
Mt. Sinai (Icahn): pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/5), scrappydoop (C: 8/19, II: 10/8)
Northwestern: waterlizard1 (C: 7/25, II: 8/19), scrappydoop (C: 8/14, II: 10/18), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/21, II: 10/18)
NYU: polka128 (C: 7/16 II: 8/2), narutooo17 (C: 7/29 II: 10/19)
OHSU: bigyikes7 (C: 8/6, II: 9/18)
Ohio State: okdamage (C: 7/14, II: 8/8), catloverrr (C:8/5, II: 8/27), scrappydoop (C: 8/22, II: 9/24)
Oklahoma: gengar117 (C: 7/8. II: 8/12), bravemountain (C: 8/15, II: 9/18)
Pittsburgh: okdamage (C: 7/19, II: 9/3)
Rochester: okdamage (C: 7/05, II: 9/23), Ms. miRNA (C: 7/4, II: 11/11), ankaraMessi (C: 8/05, II: 11/2x)
South Dakota: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/7, II: 11/6)
Stanford: findingdorymed (C:7/14, II: 8/27), cats222 (C: 7/10, II: 9/8), narutooo17 (C: 7/27 II: 9/8)
Stony Brook: gengar117 (C: 7/10 II: 7/26), catloverrr (C: 8/4, II: 8/9), effervescent-nerd (C: 8/8, II: 8/9), bravemountain (C: 7/4, II: 11/20)
SUNY Upstate: bigyikes7 (C: 7/20, II: 9/27), Adam1018 (C: 08/29, II: 10/04)
Texas A&M: bigyikes7 (C: 8/4, II: 8/23), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/23), anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 9/24)
Texas Tech: anonR24 (C: 9/8, II: 11/13)
Toledo: bigyikes7 (C: 7/28, II: 8/22)
Tri-I: findingdorymed (C:7/5, II: 8/30), narutooo17 (C: 7/8 II: 9/30)
Tulane: cats222 (C: 7/2 II: 8/2), oligeek (C: 7/16, II: 8/24)
UAB: bigyikes7 (C: 7/23, II: 8/8), bravemountain (C: 7/17, II: 8/6)
UA-phoenix: cats222 (C: 6/28, II: 9/30), sandydog10 (C: 6/28, II: 10/16)
UA-Tucson: bigyikes7 (C: 7/11, II: 10/25), sandydog10 (C: 7/4, II: 10/29)
UC Davis: (C: 7/11, II: 1/17)
UC Irvine: pumpernickel55 (C: 8/2, II: 9/3), bruhmomento (C: 7/23, II: 10/16), Glycobio3612 (C: 8/26, II: 11/27)
UCLA-Caltech: findingdorymed (C:7/19, II: 9/5)
UChicago: theMechanic23 (C: 6/29, II: 8/19)
UCSD: oligeek (C: 7/15, II: 10/17), okdamage (C: 7/8, II: 10/17), cuse42 (C: 8/1, II: 11/4)
UCSF: okdamage (C: 8/09, II: 11/21)
UIC: bruhmomento (C: 7/22, II: 9/24), bigyikes7 (C: 7/27, II: 9/24)
UIllinois: oligeek (C: 8/10, II: 11/6)
UKentucky: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 9/5)
UMaryland: bigyikes7 (C: 7/16, II: 10/10)
UMass: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/16), ger1atric (C: 8/6, II 8/16), bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), infurno (C: 8/2, II: 11/4)
UMiami: madiekey (C: 8/12, II: 9/11), bruhmomento (C:8/5, II: 10/1), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II: 10/8), bravemountain (C: 10/14, II: 11/26), cats222 (C: 8/2, II: 1/8)
UMichigan: polka128 (C: 7/5, II: 8/8), okdamage (C: 7/5, II: 9/16), Name123456 (C:8/21, II:9/16)
UMinnesota: madiekey (C: 9/6, II:9/3)
UNC: okdamage (C: 7/29, II: 9/25)
UNMC: scrappydoop (C: 8/17, II: 9/13), gengar117 (C: 7/29, II: 9/13), bigyikes7 (C: 8/13, II, 9/13)
UWisconsin-Madison: bigyikes7 (C: 7/18, II: 9/5), okdamage (C: 7/26, II: 9/16)
USC-Caltech: Glycobio3612 (C: 8/22, II: 11/27)
USF: bravemountain (C: 7/1, II: 8/20)
Utah: bigyikes7 (C: 7/9, II: 8/30), bravemountain (C: 7/23, II: 8/30)
UT Houston: effervescent-nerd (C: 7/25, II: 9/26), anonR24 (C: 11/1, II: 11/18)
UTMB: effervescent-nerd (C: 9/5, II: 10/31), anonR24 (C: 11/4, II: 11/11), infurno (C: 9/15, II: 11/4)
UT San Antonio: catloverrr (C: 06/29, II: 08/12), effervescent-nerd (C: 7/29, II: 8/26), cuse42 (C: 6/29, II: 10/24), infurno (C: 07/30, II: 12/04), chemarked (C: 7/20, II: 12/23), sandydog10 (C: 6/29, II: 1/6)
UTSW: adam1018 (C: 07/13, II: 10/09), anonR24 (C: 11/14, II: 11/22), infurno (C: 7/31, Ii: 9/5)
UVA: bravemountain (C: 7/9, II: 9/23), adam1018 (C:7/20, II: 11/11)
Vanderbilt: bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 11/26), popmuzikstan (C: 8/18, II: 1/3)
VCU: bigyikes7 (C: 7/13, II: 8/20)
Wayne State: madiekey (C: 7/25, II: 8/15), bravemountain (C: 7/15, II: 8/15), gengar117 (C:8/9, II: 10/11)
WashU St. Louis: theMechanic23 (C: 7/6, II: 9/9)
West Virginia: bigyikes7 (C: 7/7, II: 9/24)