MD 3.0 GPA, acceptance in a Caribbean medical school

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Nov 7, 2018
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I completed my undergrad in a health science major with a 3.0 GPA and applied for medicine at my university as well as several others in the area, and across Canada, without success. This was 8 years ago; since then, things have been very difficult, to put it shortly, and I found myself struggling with a secondary. There was an ad on a channel about a medical school in the Caribbean, All Saints University School of Medicine. I spoke to them and they were understanding of my situation. The MCAT isn't necessary for admission, which I found convenient since I've never done it. Being a Canadian, I am eligible for a considerable tuition scholarship, which is also really beneficial to me.

I did read up about the Big 4, but I'm afraid I lack several of the admission requirements, which I don't foresee myself satisfying in the next year or so. All Saints did offer admission to me, which has me in circles in my mind. I applied for the Dominica campus. They're also in St Vincent.

Could this be something that's too good to be true, though? The web site states to require letters of reference, which they never followed up on (and it's worth mentioning, because I don't have anyone I can refer for the past few years). They also said they'd be doing a phone interview, but the call never came for it.

At 32 years old, I can't think of what else to do, as medicine was what I originally was hoping to get into. I haven't moved forward with this yet, just wanted to get some thoughts toward this. Is it worth it? Does anyone know anything more about this school, as it's hard to find some good information about them. Sorry if this was asked so much before. I'm really in the dark, so to speak, hard to think clearly.

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All I can say is I wouldn't consider going to the Caribbean if it's not at least one of the big 4, and SGU being the best option of the 4. Going to the Caribbean is already a gamble, why make it more so by going to a no name medical school that doesn't even require an MCAT. Sounds sketchy bro.

Edit: why not take the MCAT, get a 500+, and try DO in the U.S. that would be better than going to the Caribbean. People start medical school in their mid and late 30s all the time that shouldn't be a problem at all.

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I completed my undergrad in a health science major with a 3.0 GPA and applied for medicine at my university as well as several others in the area, and across Canada, without success. This was 8 years ago; since then, things have been very difficult, to put it shortly, and I found myself struggling with a secondary. There was an ad on a channel about a medical school in the Caribbean, All Saints University School of Medicine. I spoke to them and they were understanding of my situation. The MCAT isn't necessary for admission, which I found convenient since I've never done it. Being a Canadian, I am eligible for a considerable tuition scholarship, which is also really beneficial to me.

I did read up about the Big 4, but I'm afraid I lack several of the admission requirements, which I don't foresee myself satisfying in the next year or so. All Saints did offer admission to me, which has me in circles in my mind. I applied for the Dominica campus. They're also in St Vincent.

Could this be something that's too good to be true, though? The web site states to require letters of reference, which they never followed up on (and it's worth mentioning, because I don't have anyone I can refer for the past few years). They also said they'd be doing a phone interview, but the call never came for it.

At 32 years old, I can't think of what else to do, as medicine was what I originally was hoping to get into. I haven't moved forward with this yet, just wanted to get some thoughts toward this. Is it worth it? Does anyone know anything more about this school, as it's hard to find some good information about them. Sorry if this was asked so much before. I'm really in the dark, so to speak, hard to think clearly.
Caribbean schools are a total crapshoot. Half of grads don't match into residencies. It's a very risky thing. American DO >>> Caribbean Crapshoot.
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Thanks for the responses. I agree with you guys, thinking about it. I regret the decision (to pay the application fee), but that's hindsight. I've been very confused and lost, I guess I wasn't thinking it through properly; I should have taken more time. I can't do anything about that payment now; I just need to fix that mistake by figuring out what to do going forward and not letting that happen again.
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Thanks for the responses. I agree with you guys, thinking about it. I regret the decision, but that's hindsight. I've been very confused and lost, I guess I wasn't thinking it through properly; I should have taken more time. I can't do anything about that payment now; I just need to fix that mistake by figuring out what to do going forward and not letting that happen again.
Agreed, unless you really are willing to go for the Caribbean Crapshoot.
Thanks. I mean, I already feel much better about it. One of the things that interested me from the TV ad is because it is featured on an international channel, from my nationality. So I got curious and decided I'll bite. One of its founders, turns out, was also from where I'm from and he speaks the same language. I guess that gave kind of a reassurance. But it doesn't matter if he's the same ethnicity, a friend, family friend, family member, or a god. If something's not right, it's not right.

I don't know why this place isn't more widely known, there's some really good information from you guys' posts over the years (and I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a chuckle or few out of the hot threads related to this from the past). They should recommend this forum, some subreddits and other sites to people with questions and doubts about the field.