MD 3rd year troubles

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Jun 13, 2017
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For 3rd year rotation grades, our school policy is that if you fail the shelf exam, the overall grade for the rotation is pending until you retake the exam and receive passing grade.
I have done three core rotations so far during 3rd year. I have failed the shelf exams for two of them, which led me to get pending grades for the rotation. Because of my history of not doing so well academically throughout medical school, the school asked me to do LOA and repeat 3rd year. The two rotations that currently have pending grades will get W grades. The rotations that are repeated when I start 3rd year over will get two grades on my transcript in the end.

I am wondering how much this will affect my residency matching chances? During preclinical years, I got Bs and Cs and 1F during 2nd year. Am I pretty much just completely done at this point? What can I do at this point?

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For 3rd year rotation grades, our school policy is that if you fail the shelf exam, the overall grade for the rotation is pending until you retake the exam and receive passing grade.
I have done three core rotations so far during 3rd year. I have failed the shelf exams for two of them, which led me to get pending grades for the rotation. Because of my history of not doing so well academically throughout medical school, the school asked me to do LOA and repeat 3rd year. The two rotations that currently have pending grades will get W grades. The rotations that are repeated when I start 3rd year over will get two grades on my transcript in the end.

I am wondering how much this will affect my residency matching chances? During preclinical years, I got Bs and Cs and 1F during 2nd year. Am I pretty much just completely done at this point? What can I do at this point?
Not done, but you have a lot to think about and work on during your LOA. Identify why you have struggled so much preclinically. A bad knowledge base is obvious as you failed two shelf exams. Talk with advisors at school and senior students to see what you should focus on until you restart in the spring/summer
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For 3rd year rotation grades, our school policy is that if you fail the shelf exam, the overall grade for the rotation is pending until you retake the exam and receive passing grade.
I have done three core rotations so far during 3rd year. I have failed the shelf exams for two of them, which led me to get pending grades for the rotation. Because of my history of not doing so well academically throughout medical school, the school asked me to do LOA and repeat 3rd year. The two rotations that currently have pending grades will get W grades. The rotations that are repeated when I start 3rd year over will get two grades on my transcript in the end.

I am wondering how much this will affect my residency matching chances? During preclinical years, I got Bs and Cs and 1F during 2nd year. Am I pretty much just completely done at this point? What can I do at this point?

if youre at an US MD school you can likely still match depending on where you want to go/what you want to do. People look for patterns though- if you have a pattern of these failures it may be a good idea to do some serious self reflection and see whats going on. Where are you going wrong? Most people in medical school are capable, when there are failures repeatedly its often due to bad habits, life stressor, or other external factors. A W seems like a lot better than a failure so at least theyre trying to work with you which is good. People still match with red flags, but really work on these now.
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This will significantly affect your residency matching chances, but you aren't done. You still have a shot at some specialties.

The definition of a "failing" grade on the shelf exam varies between programs, but regardless, failing multiple shelfs suggests a major issue in knowledge base. You likely need to substantially change how you are preparing for exams, and how you are learning/retaining information on wards.
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May I ask how you're preparing for your shelf exams and what resources you've been using?
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probably can still match community IM, FM, neuro, pathology, maybe psych, EM, radiation oncology
probably can still match community IM, FM, neuro, pathology, maybe psych, EM, radiation oncology
Please don’t suggest pathology to anyone who has difficulty passing exams. Pathology is a very knowledge-based specialty and requires an extremely retentive memory!
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I am wondering how much this will affect my residency matching chances? During preclinical years, I got Bs and Cs and 1F during 2nd year. Am I pretty much just completely done at this point? What can I do at this point?
I think you need to start by asking yourself if you even like medicine. It's one thing to struggle in pursuit of a cherished goal. It's another to struggle because your heart just isn't in it.

If you do want to move forward with residency, my standard advice to people in your situation is to target IM. Of all the specialties, IM is on the lower end of competitiveness, gives you the greatest deal of flexibility later on, and there are a ton of programs all over the country.
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probably can still match community IM, FM, neuro, pathology, maybe psych, EM, radiation oncology
You can't just look at USMD match rates. There is significant self-selection in some specialties, and no offense to OP, but I'm assuming someone who is struggling academically isn't going to want to go into a highly-academic field like neuro or rad onc (and probably including pathology in that).

There is a network of FM programs out there which primarily fill from people with multiple red flags who would otherwise not match anywhere else. But OP isn't there yet. I would recommend regrouping during LOA and seeing what happens. I had a number of friends in medical school who struggled, recovered, and went on to (lower-tier) academic IM and have gone on to match fellowships.
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True for neuro and psych maybe but pretty sure no USMDs went unmatched in radonc this past cycle
If that is your only criterion then your advice makes sense. But you're suggesting that someone who has trouble passing M3 shelf exams should consider a field that relies on understanding radiation physics.
Yeah radiation physics is pretty much the worst choice for anyone struggling with med school because learning those concepts is far harder than memorizing info and critically applying to shelf/board exams.

Really the OP needs to do a careful introspection and understand why they’re struggling badly before worrying about residencies.
Please don’t suggest pathology to anyone who has difficulty passing exams. Pathology is a very knowledge-based specialty and requires an extremely retentive memory!
What specialty do you think isn't knowledge based and requires no retentive memory?
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That’s good, because that kind of puts to bed the question “can taeyeonlover pass boards?”

So how have you been studying for shelf exams?
I have been using OME and Uworld mostly. I used a little bit of anking too but I didn't find it super helpful. I always have trouble finishing uworld during each rotation because it takes me ages to review the questions. I find OME to be kinda superficial compared to shelf exams but I think I like video based lectures. Compared to preclinical years, there isn't really a good comprehensive study resource and I always have anxiety issues about whether I am studying well or not.

I also have mild depression issues which prevents me from being driven so that's another problem.
There is a network of FM programs out there which primarily fill from people with multiple red flags who would otherwise not match anywhere else.

Where might I look for these programs? I'm concerned about going unmatched.
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