AADSAS Question on Transcripts

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7+ Year Member
Apr 5, 2015
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I have a question regarding transcripts. I would greatly appreciate anyone's help or advice!!

I understand that we have to send transcripts from all colleges listed in the "Colleges Attended" section. For planned courses, I will be taking microbiology in the Fall at a community college (the lecture+lab courses are already full at my 4-year university and because I am a non-degree student, I choose courses last and will not likely get a spot). It is my first time taking courses at the CC and their policy is that they only release official transcripts after you have completed at least one course there. Thus, could I send the official transcript during the Academic Update period only and not with my current application?

Thank you!:happy:

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Yes, once you submit, the only chance you have to send anything more officially to AADSAS is during the academic update.

Thank you very much for your help!! I have not submitted yet, but just wanted to be sure that they won't withhold my application without an official transcript from the CC where I plan to take the course in the Fall. I will be sure to send the official transcript during the AU period.
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Sorry for side questions..
I am currently also taking one chemistry course at another university.
But it is unlikely for that university to release the transcripts.
In this case, should I till add in the school and add this chem course as expected/planned course?
(I am just worried about it since it is one of my pre-req courses. so I really do want to indicate that I am going to complete the pre-req)
Sorry for side questions..
I am currently also taking one chemistry course at another university.
But it is unlikely for that university to release the transcripts.
In this case, should I till add in the school and add this chem course as expected/planned course?
(I am just worried about it since it is one of my pre-req courses. so I really do want to indicate that I am going to complete the pre-req)

Similar situation to me (need to complete pre-req)! If I understand correctly, you should definitely mark that course as planned and in order to do so, you must add the university under "Colleges Attended." Then during the Academic Update period, you send in the official transcript with your grades.
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Similar situation to me (need to complete pre-req)! If I understand correctly, you should definitely mark that course as planned and in order to do so, you must add the university under "Colleges Attended." Then during the Academic Update period, you send in the official transcript with your grades.
Thanks !!!!