AADSAS won't let me esubmit

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7+ Year Member
May 26, 2016
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So I tried to submit my application... And for some reason my School Designations is still listed as Incomplete. I chose a bunch of schools. But it still says incomplete.
I tried to hit e-submit, but it won't let because I have this area incomplete!

Anyone else run into this issue?

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Click e-submit first, then a screen will pop up for you to pay! Can't believe many people still haven't figure this out...
Click e-submit first, then a screen will pop up for you to pay! Can't believe many people still haven't figure this out...

It actually wasn't that simple... It ended up just being an issue with my Financial Aid Package. I had to deselect all but 3 schools first and only then was my Designated Schools section marked as complete. That was the way I had to pay.
It actually wasn't that simple... It ended up just being an issue with my Financial Aid Package. I had to deselect all but 3 schools first and only then was my Designated Schools section marked as complete. That was the way I had to pay.
When did you receive your FAP?