AAMC 4r, 5r, 6r explanations - help !

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Apr 18, 2004
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hey everyone,

does anyone know where I could get the answers and explanations for the aamc 4r, 5r and 6r ? or if you have them, could you post them ? thanks a bunch !!!!! (sorry if it's been posted, I looked for hours for the threads to these and didn't see them *blushes). Thanks. :cool:

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I'd try getting the answers from whomever you got the tests from.

I've seen folks asking for the answers before, and I've never seen them posted either. AAMC will give you the answers, but for a fee.

hey thanks for replying - yeah I bought the tests off aamc and I know it tells you that after you take them you have to put your answers in the computer and it tells you the right answers - but do those have explanations ? that's what I was asking about, if anyone has the explanations, or maybe they give them to you online after you put all the answers in ? :confused: thanks!
thinkpositive said:
hey thanks for replying - yeah I bought the tests off aamc and I know it tells you that after you take them you have to put your answers in the computer and it tells you the right answers - but do those have explanations ? that's what I was asking about, if anyone has the explanations, or maybe they give them to you online after you put all the answers in ? :confused: thanks!

TPR has explanations for 5R and 6R, but you'd have to take their course to get them.
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thinkpositive said:
hey thanks for replying - yeah I bought the tests off aamc and I know it tells you that after you take them you have to put your answers in the computer and it tells you the right answers - but do those have explanations ? that's what I was asking about, if anyone has the explanations, or maybe they give them to you online after you put all the answers in ? :confused: thanks!

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thanks so much for the answers ! :D so does anybody have the explanations, do you slackerjock, or do you just have the answers ? thanks for your input everyone who replied :)
thinkpositive said:
thanks so much for the answers ! :D so does anybody have the explanations, do you slackerjock, or do you just have the answers ? thanks for your input everyone who replied :)

Where are you going to get the explanations? Does AAMC put any out, is that what you're looking for?

The only source I know is TPR and unless you take their class, it's intellectual property you haven't paid for.
yeah true, well I thought that they might give you explanations after you took the tests on the aamc website, cause I paid the $80 for the tests and I was hoping they have explanations too, but I guess not. I just saw that they are on ebay though :cool: