AAMC vs TBR/Kaplan FLs

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10+ Year Member
Sep 6, 2010
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just wondering why the majority on here recommend taking AAMCs as a primary source of full length practice even though the mcat seems ridiculously hard (such as the BR or Kaplan passages)

(I average about ~13 on the sciences in AAMC but maybe like a 9-10 on kaplan)

any thoughts?

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i think everyone likes aamc better because its from the actual test maker so theyre much more representative. the other tests are good for practice and content review, but just because theyre harder, doesnt mean theyre completely representative. alot of the aamc mcat questions are critical thinking and extracting/applying/manipulating info from the passage while kaplan tests are just "lets see how much solid content youve managed to memorize". just my opinion but i could be wrong. :)
just wondering why the majority on here recommend taking AAMCs as a primary source of full length practice even though the mcat seems ridiculously hard (such as the BR or Kaplan passages)

(I average about ~13 on the sciences in AAMC but maybe like a 9-10 on kaplan)

any thoughts?

That's pretty crazy because to get a 9 or a 10 on Kaplan exams all you need is like barely a 60 % if even that some KP full lengths will give you a 10 on the PS with just a 55 % !! something I personally think you can get just by guessing. I tend to get 70-75 % on both AAMC and Kaplan full length exams. So I'm the other way around I get 12-14s on the Kapn.lan full lengths (due to lenient grading scales) but only 10s on the AAMC because of such a harsh grading scale (get screwed over by a minor mistake). Plus I think AAMC exams require a lot more critical thinking. Kaplan exams are just too straight forward I don't find them requiring much critical thinking. KP exams are nice but just a very different style in my opinion.