Aapmr convention

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10+ Year Member
Jun 30, 2009
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I was wondering if any of you will be attending or have been to the convention before? I will be attending as a medical student and was wondering is a suit better or a shirt tie and dress pants? Heard there will be a lot of program directors there

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dont wear a suit.

you probably will meet very few, if any, program directors. go for the educational experience.
If I were a student, I would plan on at business casual at the very least. If you are planning on going to the medical student symposium and residency fair, I can tell you that the dress ranges from collar shirt (no tie) to suits (for men.) You will be meeting program directors, attendings, and residents so dress accordingly IMO.
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Docs already in practice will wear anything from hawaiian shirts and jeans to suits to lectures. As a student who plans to be visible and meet people, you should go business casual to the lectures and any evening events. Job fair you could throw on a jacket, but I think a suit is overkill. The residents setting up interviews will be wearing suits at the job fair. If you plan on just hanging around with friends at lectures you could wear anything you want.
Is any medical student going from here?

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