about GRE scores

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10+ Year Member
Sep 9, 2009
Reaction score
ok, so I sent in my GRE score to every school that I am applying to. Now I'm checking my application status, some schools say that they received it, but some schools tell me they didn't......(by the way, SOPHAS has my scores up)

My question is : for schools that are using the SOPHAS system, is it necessary for me to send in GRE scores again if they claim that they did not receive it? or will they just check SOPHAS?

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My question is : for schools that are using the SOPHAS system, is it necessary for me to send in GRE scores again if they claim that they did not receive it? or will they just check SOPHAS?

They should check SOPHAS. Call the admissons dept and ask them about it - at a couple schools, my GRE scores "fell through the cracks" and they needed to relocate it.