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Lover- not a fighter
15+ Year Member
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Do they ask about withdrawls(i.e 8) at your interviews?

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In my experience, no. I had one W on my transcript and was never asked about it (had multiple interviews). If you have withdrawn from multiple courses, that could raise a red flag, unless you have a good reason (personal or family illness, etc).
Do they ask about withdrawl at your interviews?

Do you mean course withdrawls? If so, then it may come up(atleast with open files).

Just tell them why you withdrew, explain that it bothers you that you did it, but try not to dwell on the past. That got a favorable response from my interviewers.
I had 10 Ws on my transcript and was not asked about it in my interviews. I brought the subject up at the end of the day when asked if there were any comments that I would like to make about my application. Two of my interviews were open file.

I don't regret withdrawing from classes. I explained why I dropped groups of classes - changed majors, extended jury duty, over extending myself on two occassions. Hopefully, you didn't drop a lot of classes just because your grades were low. If you only dropped one or two classes, then I doubt it will even be brought up.