Advice for Ortho Summer Research program

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7+ Year Member
Jul 15, 2017
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Hi all,

I am an M1, and I have an upcoming interview with ortho faculty at an outside institution for summer research. I was wondering if anyone had any advice for success. I was thinking about preparing answers for things such as why ortho, brushing up on some research that was on my CV, possibly why this institution, and looking up my interviewers recent research. Any advice would be super helpful, thank you in advance

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Read some books on ortho or at least watch some videos. I had an interview recently for research for a surgical subspecialty as an M1 and the interviewer expected me to have a deep knowledge of that field and have read multiple books, so I did not get it.
Read some books on ortho or at least watch some videos. I had an interview recently for research for a surgical subspecialty as an M1 and the interviewer expected me to have a deep knowledge of that field and have read multiple books, so I did not get it.
Are you referring to like surgical techniques?
That's silly. I did a summer ortho research gig and was not expected to know anything aside from how to do research. People in ortho are not so into themselves as to expect you to know much about our field as an M1.

When I got mine, I just told them that I've been doing research in other fields but became interested in learning more about orthopaedics. I got in for my research background, not my ortho background.