Advice for summer study schedule

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Apr 24, 2024
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Hello all, I am taking my mcat in late August and have already started content review. I am currently planning on taking 11 FL practice exams including BP, Kaplan, and all 6 aamc. I will take one exam a week with a couple of off weeks. If exam scores are going better than expected I will cut out some third party exams. Based off personal experiences, is this too much? Any feedback is appreciated!

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That's similar to how I approached it. I personally would wait to take the practice exams starting end of May and try to build a solid content foundation now. Then take one exam every other week and gradually ramp up to once a week, even twice a week (mimicking real test day conditions). Then take a week/a few days off of studying/testing right before the real MCAT so you don't feel so drained/burnt out. I was able to score 517 on test day despite my average being 513!