Advice from other moms regarding job offer

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7+ Year Member
Aug 1, 2015
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Hi, looking for advice from physician moms with school age kids:

I work in hospice/palliative care, have a 1 year old with plans for a second child in the next 2 years. Also wanting to settle down/buy a house in the next 2 years.

Current job: working part time 0.6, may need to increase it to 1.0 or 0.8 because of the groups need. Call is shared equally 1:5 with overnight home call and weekend rounding. Daycare is on hospital site which is great. Job itself is mostly hospice and is fairly light and lots of flexibility to work from home covering hospice if needed. Cons: commute is about 45 mins to an hour, so its a 12 hour day for both me and baby on days that I do work. On days that I am off, I cant really make use of the daycare bc of distance. Hospital network is expanding, so potential for longer commute when new sites are added and we need to cover those areas.
My husbands job makes it difficult for us to move and reduce my commute (he works on a contract basis with several hospitals in the opposite direction). The hospital is going through a lot of change, and I think some key people who really support my specialty may be leaving for other offers.

-i worry about what I will do when my child is school age with my job location vs our current school district - i will need hired help before and after and will not see much of my kid ☹️

I currently live in a great school district. I dont have family nearby, and i prefer not to have nannys in the house as much as possible.

Other option:
A smaller hospital near me has an interesting job offer where I would be creating a new program from scratch. 20 mins from where i live. Also with daycare onsite. Because new program - no call requirements. Potentially could do 0.8 fte, but regardless the day will be busy and wont be able to work from home. Since its just me, when i take pto there will be no coverage for the service that day.

Third option
A hospital system 30 mins from where I live has an opening in an established group, but must be 1.0 fte. Call is 1:5 but telephonic only. May need to work at two or three different sites, the main one also has a daycare on site. Hours would be 8:30-5. The hospital is affiliated with a big name network.

What would you pick?

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Dad here....

I would tell my current group to shop for another doc wanting .4-.5 and split a full time job with them including splitting the call with that split full time job. You can afford a house half time, not using day care when you aren’t working isn’t a big deal because you can watch the kid
Dad here....

I would tell my current group to shop for another doc wanting .4-.5 and split a full time job with them including splitting the call with that split full time job. You can afford a house half time, not using day care when you aren’t working isn’t a big deal because you can watch the kid

Thank you for your response. My job is currently sustainable while my child is in daycare. The issue i face is 5 years down the road - i currently leave home around 6:20-6:40 am, return around 6 depending on traffic (worse in the winter). When its time for school drop offs and pickups my current commute becomes a huge issue, hence the thought about changing jobs to a closer hospital.

As for getting the group to hire another part timer, in my area there are more jobs than people to fill them (hence the three different options near me)... so i dont think that it would be proactive planning on my part to bank on another part timer being available.
Thank you for your response. My job is currently sustainable while my child is in daycare. The issue i face is 5 years down the road - i currently leave home around 6:20-6:40 am, return around 6 depending on traffic (worse in the winter). When its time for school drop offs and pickups my current commute becomes a huge issue, hence the thought about changing jobs to a closer hospital.

As for getting the group to hire another part timer, in my area there are more jobs than people to fill them (hence the three different options near me)... so i dont think that it would be proactive planning on my part to bank on another part timer being available.
I’d offer a few other thoughts.....if there really are more jobs than people in that area, then you current group can’t really bank on replacing you and you might be able to just call their bluff. If they do replace you, you have 2 other full time options in town with less drive

The other thing is unless the group forces the issue, you have 5 yrs till it matters