Advice on choosing a Postbac Program (UPenn vs. NYU)

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Which program should I choose?

  • UPenn PBPH Core Studies

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • NYU Postbac Prehealth

    Votes: 3 60.0%

  • Total voters


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10+ Year Member
Jan 16, 2013
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Thanks in advance for those who read/respond to this! 😀

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In terms of Penn, I and others have addressed each one of your questions in the Penn thread.

The only one that hasn't been fully elaborated on is: Value
cost of living - NYC > Philly.... but if you are currently living in NYC then you know this as NYC is almost > anywhere
MCAT prep/discounts - Penn offers a course through them but its a joke, and should not be considered when deciding between schools. You'll need a prep course

TBH, your whole post is "do my HW for me" - as i mentioned, these have all been answered in the Penn thread. I can't answer for the NYU program as I haven't read all those threads. I also think you should factor HES back into the equation in terms of quality and cost - if you don't want to live in Boston then thats a diff story.
Thanks for the feedback robflanker. Again, sorry if it seems I'm asking redundant questions but I've tried to do as much research and pre-reading before posting anything here.

I've already read the entire UPenn thread (if you're talking about the one here: and browsed all publicly available information on NYU's program in SDN. Short of PMing each individual person who I know went to each program (which I could do, if that's better forum etiquette than posting a "Help Me" thread), I've tried to look up as much stuff as I could on my own.

I don't want this to seem like a "wah, help me - do my homework for me won't you" post and wanted to be as considerate of other people's time as possible while still getting my questions answered, so I hope people out there understand. I'm looking to ideally get a comparative POV, maybe firsthand experience or things heard through the grapevine, or even if there's a difference in how it would be looked at from a medical adcom perspective. Anything that helps me decide relatively if one program is better/more worth it than the others. That said, thanks again for all those who take the time to read and especially respond.
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I'm looking to ideally get a comparative POV, maybe firsthand experience or things heard through the grapevine, or even if there's a difference in how it would be looked at from a medical adcom perspective.
As I went to UPenn for postbac, any of my experiences count as first hand - and i've discussed at length almost everything you asked about. So, I don't understand how you can ask some of the Qs you asked if you read the entire thread. I mean advising and how crappy it is at UPenn post bac has been beaten to death.
Thanks, I'm familiar with your posts about the bad advising/poor MCAT prep (but sweet gym!) you saw at UPenn and how you achieved success, DIY-style (congrats!). I appreciate your first-hand input, and am looking for additional feedback from others like yourself, especially on the NYU side. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find too much about that program here or on OldPremeds/Google, but I've spoken to their advisors and perused their website plenty.