Advice on specialty choice

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Jan 30, 2013
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I'm a rising M4 with second thoughts about specialty choice looking to play the "what specialty suits me?" game. My resume is competitive for most things aside from the fields that require specific research (derm, rad onc, etc).

Things I like (roughly in order of importance)
-Diagnosing and managing acutely sick patients. Nothing crushes my soul more than outpatient BP management. I see myself working exclusively in an inpatient setting.
-A reasonable degree of autonomy and decision-making ability. I hate having to defer to specialist consults for every little thing.
-Zebra cases. I live for Wegener's and lymphangioleiomyomatosis.
-I like short procedures-- I find most surgeries are too long and repetitive (I might be limited by med student blinders here).

Thank you for your responses!

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Hospital-based radiology at a tertiary care center would fit a lot of this, especially if you live for zebras. Obv does not fit the "management" side of things.
Sounds like critical care to me
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Second critical care. Patients are always sick and any zebra will come to you and need to be identified. Short procedures are in abundance (lines, intubation, chest tubes).

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I'm a rising M4 with second thoughts about specialty choice looking to play the "what specialty suits me?" game. My resume is competitive for most things aside from the fields that require specific research (derm, rad onc, etc).

Things I like (roughly in order of importance)
-Diagnosing and managing acutely sick patients. Nothing crushes my soul more than outpatient BP management. I see myself working exclusively in an inpatient setting.
-A reasonable degree of autonomy and decision-making ability. I hate having to defer to specialist consults for every little thing.
-Zebra cases. I live for Wegener's and lymphangioleiomyomatosis.
-I like short procedures-- I find most surgeries are too long and repetitive (I might be limited by med student blinders here).

Thank you for your responses!

Neuro Intensivist

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