Aegd / Gpr

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Oct 9, 2006
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In reading the thread "is dental school hard for you"..someone made an interesting point saying that d-school isn't too hard if you want to just pass and become a GP. However, if you want to better be in the top 10 (and nail your boards as we all know). But what about getting into an AEGD or GPR program...where do you have to finish (in your class and on you boards roughly) to get into one of these? I can't imagine they require as much as a specialty I wrong?

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In reading the thread "is dental school hard for you"..someone made an interesting point saying that d-school isn't too hard if you want to just pass and become a GP. However, if you want to better be in the top 10 (and nail your boards as we all know). But what about getting into an AEGD or GPR program...where do you have to finish (in your class and on you boards roughly) to get into one of these? I can't imagine they require as much as a specialty I wrong?

Getting into GPR/AEGD is easy! Even for a guy like me got in both! DP for my next question. Is doing either of these programs worth it? I ask b/c i'm going on the 4 yr military scholarship..and they offer an AEGD..which would make service 5 yrs. Do you, or anyone else, think that going through as much CE as possible for those 4 yrs would suffice? or does doing an AEGD or a GPR really up your skills beyond anything you could ever learn through CE? thanks!...also, do they teach you cosmetic stuff in those programs? like invisalign, more tedious implant training, veneers, etc??
Members don't see this ad :) for my next question. Is doing either of these programs worth it? I ask b/c i'm going on the 4 yr military scholarship..and they offer an AEGD..which would make service 5 yrs. Do you, or anyone else, think that going through as much CE as possible for those 4 yrs would suffice? or does doing an AEGD or a GPR really up your skills beyond anything you could ever learn through CE? thanks!...also, do they teach you cosmetic stuff in those programs? like invisalign, more tedious implant training, veneers, etc??

I begin my AEGD residency this July. The particular program I chose to attend places emphasis on the placement and restoration of implants, VDO cases, etc. It is kind of like a mini pros residency. I can't comment on other programs, but I think they would be of a similar nature. Is it worth it? I believe so. You will be be able to perform more complex procedures that would otherwise be referred out. Keeping more thing in house= more money.
whats an aegd and gpr? I'm guessing its a residency after dental school right?
In reading the thread "is dental school hard for you"..someone made an interesting point saying that d-school isn't too hard if you want to just pass and become a GP. However, if you want to better be in the top 10 (and nail your boards as we all know). But what about getting into an AEGD or GPR program...where do you have to finish (in your class and on you boards roughly) to get into one of these? I can't imagine they require as much as a specialty I wrong?

Every year there is around 200 unfilled spots in GPRs even after everyone has been placed! So there is always a residency available. I have heard that some are indeed competitive (location, what they offer, they only have a few spots....whatever.) I'm not as familiar with AEGDs, but you don't have to worry about a GPR. If you're super picky or have specific family/clinical requirements, than that would be a reason to try for good numbers.