I know there are a lot of threads already on this topic, but I was hoping to clarify some things and get the most up-to-date info. For context, I am a pre-med student planning on specializing in EM (also thinking General Surgery or Critical Care). I have always wanted to serve so while I appreciate any info on the benefits, please know I’m not in this for money and I hope to have a long career in the military. So here are the questions I have:
RECRUITERS: Is the AMEDD the Army’s specific recruiters for medical professionals? Does the Air Guard have an equivalent to this?
EARLY COMMISSIONING: I’ve learned from this very helpful article (Joining The Army National Guard For Medical School | White Coat Investor) that with the ARNG you can commission as soon as you have a letter of acceptance for med school. I saw in other threads that the ANG was trying to do something like this. Has anything happened with this? Also, I am in a 3+4 for medical school so I will have a letter of acceptance to med school after junior year but not a bachelor's degree (that will come a year later). Can I commission before med school even though I won’t have a degree? How difficult is it to go to drills during this time (I think the base locations are going to be 3-4 hours from my med school.) Does time during med school and residency count towards retirement with either of the branches?
MED SCHOOL STIPEND: If the ANG does have early commissioning, do they offer any stipends while in med school? More a curiosity question, but any ideas of what this is up to a month in ARNG? (The article above said $2,100 but that’s from 2013.) If I would decide to take this one year, can I change my mind and not take it the next?
RESIDENCY STIPEND: Is the STRAP program only ARNG or does ANG have it too? In your opinions is this stipend worth it/needed in residency?
HPLRP: Do both branches have this program and is the same amount offered? Referencing the article, it says medical loans are repayable up to $240K. I think when I searched for ANG, I was seeing only an $80K cap but the articles were outdated. Does anyone know the current numbers or where I could find them? Do the medical loans have to be government loans, or can they be personal loans from a bank?
"JOBS": As I said above I want to serve and be as useful as I can. I know they don’t risk having doctors on the front lines but what is the closest they have physicians to “point of impact” and how would any of the specialties I’m interested in (EM specifically but also Gen Surgery or Crit Care) fit into that? This may seem silly, but could you explain it in reference to M*A*S*H; like would what you are describing be care that is provided before a patient was brought to a field hospital, care provided at the equivalent of MASHs today, or care provided after they left a field hospital. I’m trying to keep my mind from forming misconceptions about military medicine, so I apologize if I am way off base on this. Also, how do I know what units in my state have specific “jobs” like ANG’s CCATT? Even if you are part of a group like this, what do you do during a weekend drill compared to deployment?
DEPLOYMENTS/LIFESTYLE: How do the length and frequency of deployments compare between the two? Does it vary by specialty? I saw somewhere that ANG deployments are voluntary and ARNG are not; is this true? And lastly, how does the overall lifestyle of the two compare?
Sorry for the book of questions. I appreciate the time you took to read this and any help/advice/info that can be provided. I hope this can be helpful for others in the future.
RECRUITERS: Is the AMEDD the Army’s specific recruiters for medical professionals? Does the Air Guard have an equivalent to this?
EARLY COMMISSIONING: I’ve learned from this very helpful article (Joining The Army National Guard For Medical School | White Coat Investor) that with the ARNG you can commission as soon as you have a letter of acceptance for med school. I saw in other threads that the ANG was trying to do something like this. Has anything happened with this? Also, I am in a 3+4 for medical school so I will have a letter of acceptance to med school after junior year but not a bachelor's degree (that will come a year later). Can I commission before med school even though I won’t have a degree? How difficult is it to go to drills during this time (I think the base locations are going to be 3-4 hours from my med school.) Does time during med school and residency count towards retirement with either of the branches?
MED SCHOOL STIPEND: If the ANG does have early commissioning, do they offer any stipends while in med school? More a curiosity question, but any ideas of what this is up to a month in ARNG? (The article above said $2,100 but that’s from 2013.) If I would decide to take this one year, can I change my mind and not take it the next?
RESIDENCY STIPEND: Is the STRAP program only ARNG or does ANG have it too? In your opinions is this stipend worth it/needed in residency?
HPLRP: Do both branches have this program and is the same amount offered? Referencing the article, it says medical loans are repayable up to $240K. I think when I searched for ANG, I was seeing only an $80K cap but the articles were outdated. Does anyone know the current numbers or where I could find them? Do the medical loans have to be government loans, or can they be personal loans from a bank?
"JOBS": As I said above I want to serve and be as useful as I can. I know they don’t risk having doctors on the front lines but what is the closest they have physicians to “point of impact” and how would any of the specialties I’m interested in (EM specifically but also Gen Surgery or Crit Care) fit into that? This may seem silly, but could you explain it in reference to M*A*S*H; like would what you are describing be care that is provided before a patient was brought to a field hospital, care provided at the equivalent of MASHs today, or care provided after they left a field hospital. I’m trying to keep my mind from forming misconceptions about military medicine, so I apologize if I am way off base on this. Also, how do I know what units in my state have specific “jobs” like ANG’s CCATT? Even if you are part of a group like this, what do you do during a weekend drill compared to deployment?
DEPLOYMENTS/LIFESTYLE: How do the length and frequency of deployments compare between the two? Does it vary by specialty? I saw somewhere that ANG deployments are voluntary and ARNG are not; is this true? And lastly, how does the overall lifestyle of the two compare?
Sorry for the book of questions. I appreciate the time you took to read this and any help/advice/info that can be provided. I hope this can be helpful for others in the future.