[AJPE] Pharmacy students get anxiety

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Oct 14, 2011
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Conduct a multisite, survey-based study assessing rates of self-reported anxiety symptoms among student pharmacists enrolled in the first three professional years (PY1-PY3) of a four-year Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) curricula.

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For most people that I've talked to, working in a pharmacy is far more anxiety provoking than the school. Don't get me wrong, I've walked into a ton of exams feeling anxious and expecting to fail.

I never wanted to attend a school that had 90% requirement on exams, I believe like Nevada. I think that's very high bar to set.
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"Come enroll at our pharmacy school and we'll pay for your SSRI"

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I'm a bit old-fashioned, but there's pretty good external reasons to be anxious in professional school. Same like having a little bit of an OCD tendency doesn't hurt practicing pharmacists. If it needs to be treated, fine, there's nothing wrong with it, but this is a water is wet study.

I just hope it isn't so scarring that I die screaming about failing my organic chemistry exams on my deathbed like that Spanish pathologist painter.
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For most people that I've talked to, working in a pharmacy is far more anxiety provoking than the school. Don't get me wrong, I've walked into a ton of exams feeling anxious and expecting to fail.

I never wanted to attend a school that had 90% requirement on exams, I believe like Nevada. I think that's very high bar to set.

For me, the thought of failing a class and getting held back a year, losing 40k+ in additional tuition costs was far more anxiety provoking than the time I spent in retail.
For me, the thought of failing a class and getting held back a year, losing 40k+ in additional tuition costs was far more anxiety provoking than the time I spent in retail.
Ditto that. I still have nightmares about discovering I haven't gone to a class until the end of the semester or forgetting a test. I have never once had a bad dream about work.