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Federal government will pay dental school loans off plus pay you a salary while you provide dental services to patients. Health insurance and benefits included. Much better offer than military and risking deployments. No commands to follow, No P T.. No on call, No moves from one base to another etc.... No abuse!!!!!
Check it out!!

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OK, so why not request the admin of this website to start a page for other GS/IHS/PHS? I don't see anything wrong with them. I've met numerous dentists from IHS/PHS that have have a vast array of opinions regarding whether it was good or bad or worth it. To be honest most were negative and directed at the populations they served. Are you a better dentist when doing one filling, one extraction, and flippers on a population that for the most part doesn't give a **** about their care? It's all perspective. I want and choose to be positive about experiences, but I think these new dentists need to know their options and that the military is not for all. Obviously, military GS wasn't for you.
OK, so why not request the admin of this website to start a page for other GS/IHS/PHS? I don't see anything wrong with them. I've met numerous dentists from IHS/PHS that have have a vast array of opinions regarding whether it was good or bad or worth it. To be honest most were negative and directed at the populations they served. Are you a better dentist when doing one filling, one extraction, and flippers on a population that for the most part doesn't give a **** about their care? It's all perspective. I want and choose to be positive about experiences, but I think these new dentists need to know their options and that the military is not for all. Obviously, military GS wasn't for you.

I agree concerning options ... Not sure how anyone could maintain a positive attitude or perspective when they are abused everyday or taken advantage of. Not sure where you are coming from on perspective. I am sure there are some good military dental organizations out there. However, I do know for a fact that most army dental sites are rampant with abuse toward their contract and GS employees. Commissioned officers are treated totally different and some better in most cases. I think everyone should know these facts before committing to a government job and uprooting their lives , moving their family , relocating, expenses involved, children's school change etc... And then be treated like shi* ..... How would your perspective be in that situation? I am simply trying to save someone the heartache I ( and many many others )went through concerning this. Hopefully, it will also bring about some change for the better with army dental and their mentality toward civilian dentists.

Thanks for your comments!
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I agree concerning options ... Not sure how anyone could maintain a positive attitude or perspective when they are abused everyday or taken advantage of. Not sure where you are coming from on perspective. I am sure there are some good military dental organizations out there. However, I do know for a fact that most army dental sites are rampant with abuse toward their contract and GS employees. Commissioned officers are treated totally different and some better in most cases. I think everyone should know these facts before committing to a government job and uprooting their lives , moving their family , relocating, expenses involved, children's school change etc... And then be treated like shi* ..... How would your perspective be in that situation? I am simply trying to save someone the heartache I ( and many many others )went through concerning this. Hopefully, it will also bring about some change for the better with army dental and their mentality toward civilian dentists.

Thanks for your comments!
Ok we get it. You had a bad experience. Now let's move on.
No. Gonna keep posting. Just ignore if you do not approve or it rubs you the wrong way.

I agree with @tbond5 we all get it. Sorry you had a bad experience and sharing that on here is fine, but you have way too many posts and it's getting annoying. I still want to serve my country by being a dentist in the Navy and you crying and complaining because you got your feelings hurt is not going to change that.
I agree with @tbond5 we all get it. Sorry you had a bad experience and sharing that on here is fine, but you have way too many posts and it's getting annoying. I still want to serve my country by being a dentist in the Navy and you crying and complaining because you got your feelings hurt is not going to change that.

I find it interesting that you are military and would make such statements. What does my posting here have to do with you wanting to serve your country? Ignore my posts if you do not like them. Truth is painful for you I see!!!
No. Gonna keep posting. Just ignore if you do not approve or it rubs you the wrong way.

I have no problem with you sharing your opinion but you're beating a dead horse. Its like my team, the broncos, on Sunday. Everyone just wanted it to be over. Most of those applying to be in the military know what they are signing up for and for the most part have a thick skin and realize its not going to be a cake walk. But heck, if they pay for the 500,000k worth of debt not including interest, to me a little hazing is no problem.
Not gonna get in a pissing match with you. I never thought the GS workers got much respect at Great Lakes, but they never had any duties other than showing up and doing amalgams all day. If I had to do fillings all day, every day, I think I'd go nuts. I loath days when I see only fillings on the schedule.

I had no problem "uprooting" my family, never had the "expenses", and never felt "treated like ****". Yes, it's the military and you have to do things that you have no say and all days are not happy days. Welcome to the military, if you can't take an order, don't join. It's obvious that it was painful for you to be a civilian GS worker, which I am still questioning as it seems you are just anti-government and not even a dentist. But your experience has NOTHING to do with these men and women who are choosing to make a sacrifice to serve and put others and country before self. You haven't served in the military, so why do you think you qualify to give advice on serving in the military? You already admitted you don't know how they treat dental officers in the service. Most of the posters are asking what it's like to be in the service, how things work, and want to know how to transition into the military as smoothly as possible. They don't want to listen to an old bitter man who has been pouting for the last 26 years because he didn't get the respect he thought he deserved as a GS worker (not even military).
Not gonna get in a pissing match with you. I never thought the GS workers got much respect at Great Lakes, but they never had any duties other than showing up and doing amalgams all day. If I had to do fillings all day, every day, I think I'd go nuts. I loath days when I see only fillings on the schedule.

I had no problem "uprooting" my family, never had the "expenses", and never felt "treated like ****". Yes, it's the military and you have to do things that you have no say and all days are not happy days. Welcome to the military, if you can't take an order, don't join. It's obvious that it was painful for you to be a civilian GS worker, which I am still questioning as it seems you are just anti-government and not even a dentist. But your experience has NOTHING to do with these men and women who are choosing to make a sacrifice to serve and put others and country before self. You haven't served in the military, so why do you think you qualify to give advice on serving in the military? You already admitted you don't know how they treat dental officers in the service. Most of the posters are asking what it's like to be in the service, how things work, and want to know how to transition into the military as smoothly as possible. They don't want to listen to an old bitter man who has been pouting for the last 26 years because he didn't get the respect he thought he deserved as a GS worker (not even military).
thanks for confirming what I have been stating all along! Gs civilians are not treated well... As for the rest of your comments, I accept them for whatever it is worth..!? Just letting people know the truth ... Thats all ! Nothing personal toward you or anyone else.

thanks for confirming what I have been stating all along! Gs civilians are not treated well... As for the rest of your comments, I accept them for whatever it is worth..!? Just letting people know the truth ... Thats all ! Nothing personal toward you or anyone else.

The point is we understand you thought you were treated poorly but you do not have to make 5 or 6 threads stating it. I am not in the military yet and may not get accepted for the HPSP but from a pure forum perspective keep your ranting to one thread so we can use this space to ask questions and get answers.
OP is one of those individuals that would (moist likely) not fit into any organization, or work situation, well. OP is not alone as this type of person exists in every industry and in every work setting; the common M.O. is that they're a victim, their bad experience is everyone else's fault, and they drive everyone they're associated with crazy.


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I feel it is important to post about this. It is not like you or anyone else will run out of space to post something. Just ignore it if you do not like it.

The point is we understand you thought you were treated poorly but you do not have to make 5 or 6 threads stating it. I am not in the military yet and may not get accepted for the HPSP but from a pure forum perspective keep your ranting to one thread so we can use this space to ask questions and get answers.
OP is one of those individuals that would (moist likely) not fit into any organization, or work situation, well. OP is not alone as this type of person exists in every industry and in every work setting; the common M.O. is that they're a victim, their bad experience is everyone else's fault, and they drive everyone they're associated with crazy.


A dentist psychiatrist ... :). Thats hilarious! Seriously ! Thanks for the laugh!