am i hopeless?

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Aug 29, 2007
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I havent heard anything from Tufts, BU, Uop, and buffalo..
nothing, and no interview invite
am i hopeless by now?

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I wouldn't give up as of yet, people keep posting that they are getting interview invites now
I'm in the same situation! Still waiting on NYU, USC, UB, Tufts, UOP, and VCU.
I have No interviews....just bunch of rejections. I applied in July and my application was completed in Oct.

I hate to say it, but I guess that's it. ...:( There is a very small chance of getting interviews now :(:scared:
what are your stats like, if you dont mind me asking. I guess it depends on stats and when you submitted
ye ai havent heard from 6 of my other schools either. no interviews or rejections. i completed my apps by august and they were sent out to schools by august 27th. i wouldve had my dat scores ready but had a free retake due to fire alarms chopping time off our clocks. so i retook in october so i assume schools waited for it...

anyway here are my stats to give you an idea.
gpa: 3.16
sci gpa. 3.2
dat: 19aa/19ts/21pat

pre-dental scholarship

pre-dental club - president
biol ta - 300hrs.
red cross - 40hrs.
b.r.a.g. (volunteer work in retirement homes) - 20hrs
english conversation pair (aiding foreign exchange students on campus) - semester

shadowed - 48 hours

i applied to bu, ub, nyu, maryland, uconn, nj, colombia, stony, tufts

rejected from nyu, maryland, and uconn during the first round...not sure whats going to happen but im thinking its going to be rejections from here. studying for dat's again for a retake sometime april, reapply early may and cross my fingers.
Everything is fine but your GPA could use a little boosting. Try to get more As to bump up your GPA if you have to apply for the next cycle. There is no shame in not getting in the first time. It won't stop you from becoming a great dentist.
You might want to shadow a little more. I dont think 48 hours is enough, but that is just my opinion.
I don't think it has anything to do with your shadowing hours...48 is plenty for a predental club president. The problem likely lies in your below average DAT and your average DAT. You need to raise your GPA, that DAT will be fine with a respectable GPA...