AMCAS: Class-standing, low-science GPA for JR year questions

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Jun 16, 2022
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I've been lucky enough to get mostly As for all of my college, except this past semester, where I got a B- (2.67 GPA) on a pure math course. I'm an engineering major, so none of my other classes this year count towards my science GPA. I've noticed that on the AMCAS it divides up your science GPA by year so that I would have a low science GPA for my junior year.

A few questions:

  1. Does the year-by-year science GPA matter if your overall science GPA is good?
  2. How do I decide on class standing precisely? I'm at a traditional four-year university, but in order to fit all my classes (i.e., getting premed reqs w all my engineering classes), I've had to extra hours my first two years and take non-premed reqs at community college. Would classes I took last semester (i.e., second sem sophomore year by time, but after 65 hours have been hit) count as part of my junior year status?
Here is the total credit hours I took by semester (by time):

Sem 1: 14 hrs

Sem 2: 16 hrs

Summer 1: 6 hrs

Sem 3: 21 hrs

Sem 4: 22 hrs

Sem 5: 14 hrs --> where the bad grade is

Sem 6 (upcoming): 14 hrs

Where exactly does this grade go class standing-wise? What other semester's classes combine w it for "class-standing's" GPA?

3) If it is by timeline (i.e., my junior year of college), then should I try to take some random science classes to balance out the GPA?

4) How does reclassifying courses work? Some of my engineering course-work is probably better labeled as either Math or Physics... can I make this reclassification myself based on the content? Is it difficult to do/get approved?

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With just one B-minus in a sea of A's, that puts your GPA at... 3.89 and an engineering curriculum?

You do not reclassify your coursework. AMCAS will do that, but make sure they are consistent with the AMCAS Course Subject List. (You can look that up.)

With just one B-minus in a sea of A's, that puts your GPA at... 3.89 and an engineering curriculum?

You do not reclassify your coursework. AMCAS will do that, but make sure they are consistent with the AMCAS Course Subject List. (You can look that up.)
I was more worried about my junior year science GPA being 2.67 since I wouldn't be taking more science classes. Overall, I should have an okay science and total GPA.

I misworded that. I meant classifying my coursework, not reclassifying.
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I presume when you say pure math, it's higher level than calculus 1. Any other courses below an A?
Yes. One other A- in an another upper-division math class as well. My second major is math.

If my engineering classes that are physics/math heavy are not classified as BCPM, I would have a 3.92 cumulative sGPA and a 2.67 for my JR year specifically.

I've been lucky enough to get mostly As for all of my college, except this past semester, where I got a B- (2.67 GPA) on a pure math course. I'm an engineering major, so none of my other classes this year count towards my science GPA. I've noticed that on the AMCAS it divides up your science GPA by year so that I would have a low science GPA for my junior year.

A few questions:

  1. Does the year-by-year science GPA matter if your overall science GPA is good?
  2. How do I decide on class standing precisely? I'm at a traditional four-year university, but in order to fit all my classes (i.e., getting premed reqs w all my engineering classes), I've had to extra hours my first two years and take non-premed reqs at community college. Would classes I took last semester (i.e., second sem sophomore year by time, but after 65 hours have been hit) count as part of my junior year status?
Here is the total credit hours I took by semester (by time):

Sem 1: 14 hrs

Sem 2: 16 hrs

Summer 1: 6 hrs

Sem 3: 21 hrs

Sem 4: 22 hrs

Sem 5: 14 hrs --> where the bad grade is

Sem 6 (upcoming): 14 hrs

Where exactly does this grade go class standing-wise? What other semester's classes combine w it for "class-standing's" GPA?

3) If it is by timeline (i.e., my junior year of college), then should I try to take some random science classes to balance out the GPA?

4) How does reclassifying courses work? Some of my engineering course-work is probably better labeled as either Math or Physics... can I make this reclassification myself based on the content? Is it difficult to do/get approved?
Medical admissions is a holistic process, and most ADCOMs will not look at one semester in isolation. They will ask questions like:

1) Was the courseload challenging?
2) Did this student over extend themselves?
3) Has this term been addressed anywhere in the application?

Medical schools look fondly upon engineers because they understand how difficult the curricula is. Focus on maintaining a high GPA, and crafting your narrative as to why you want to pursue BOTH an undergraduate engineering degree and a career as a physician. This is one of the biggest barriers engineering majors face as they apply to medical school since many have to explicitly say why how they plan to combine these academic pursuits.