Anesthesia Capital Equipment

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7+ Year Member
Jan 15, 2018
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I'm thinking about possible capital equipment for next year which begged the question: Any cool anesthesia equipment that is on your wish list? Or any anesthesia equipment that you have and couldn't do without?

Personally, I enjoy our Glidescope core/tower with FOB capability. It just seems easy and better than other VL's. My wish list would include sonosite ST. Anyone have other thoughts or ideas that aren't on my radar but should be considered?

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That chair looks legit (albeit a tad expensive)!!! I am afraid I would have to fight my kids for it and it wouldn't look good in the middle of the living room.
mother-in-law gifted us that Bartesian thing for Christmas about 5 years back…used it once…made the grossest drink ever…has taken up an entire cabinet collecting dust ever since.
mother-in-law gifted us that Bartesian thing for Christmas about 5 years back…used it once…made the grossest drink ever…has taken up an entire cabinet collecting dust ever since.

Regift it to the doctors lounge and take a tax deduction 😉. Hospital happy hour!
If tertiary hospital your cap budget should have anes machine turnover built in. I love Mindray but I'm sure others have their favorites - just be sure your hospital has that on their radar since it's prob biggest line item.

Other than that, sure, McGraths for the code packs (or your personal use). Travel cart monitor/PACU upgrades (EtCO2). Whatever ultrasounds float your boat. Better break room stuff (massage chair, coffee machine, computers, WiFi, cell tower). CHAIRS!